I was surprised to see 3News ‘back-announce’ a report from the first day of The Greens annual conference last night with a pure propaganda statement from the Prime Minister.

“The Prime Minister has just contacted us …” What the hell?
Whoever was running the newsroom at the weekend made a really odd decision.
Reading Mr Key’s statement — which had nothing whatsoever to do with Russel Norman’s criticisms of National’s [alleged] cronyism (speech notes here) and their [alleged] anti-democratic actions in government — was so ‘off’, so supine, that it made me question 3News’ credibility.
What piss-poor news judgement. (In my opinion.) Way to look like a government lapdog, 3News.
Watch the report Norman accuses government of cronyism at 3News.co.nz and observe (listen below) the completely irrelevant ‘statement from the gummint’ — spin which wouldn’t be out of place in Vladimir Putin’s Russia.
3News gives Prime Minister John Key the last word in a report on The Greens co-leader’s speech attacking the government.
Mr Key’s statement was regurgitated, near-meaningless positioning (spin). 3News’ Carolyn Robinson read it out respectfully like a good little employee of the Ministry of Truth.
What were they thinking?
– P
I thought that was really weird when i saw it as well. Like Key has a direct line to the 3 news room in order to immediately respond to anything that is said about him while it is being reported?
It was strange!
Hi Jackie,
Yes, weird, as you say. It raised all sorts of questions about ‘access’ and a ‘right of reply’. I don’t mean to whack 3News too hard — they are sometimes (quite rightly) a thorn in the side of various political parties at various times.
It’s just that ‘The Prime Minister has just contacted us …’ followed by pap that was close to a campaign poster slogan (‘focused on the things that matter’) made 3News look a bit craven.
That’s my feedback as a viewer. – P
“Ministry of Truth.” The 90’s called they want their Slogan back.
Sound familiar.
You’re kidding, right?