Some of the most-viewed posts at in January …


  1. Bunfight at Howick Local Board
  2. Spoofing David Fisher
  3. What I didn’t say at the Howick Local Board last night
  4. Farewell Aaron Swartz
  5. Top 10 NZ property investment books – Auckland City Libraries
  6. About The Paepae
  7. Mr Phil Jones: re-heating cold horseshit
  8. Is Android catching up? Maybe.
  9. Shaun Stenning (tag)
  10. This disgusting ad from the NRA is *meant* to offend us
  11. Watchdog issues warning about Sean Wood Property Tutors enterprise
  12. More than one way to screw your own online reputation
  13. Current affairs through partisan filters. David Bain in limbo.
  14. Judith Collins “breaching natural justice” in Bain case
  15. Linking to sources — why it’s vital for credibility (Case study: property spruiker Sean Wood)

I always find this interesting.

– P