Posts Tagged ‘Winston Peters’

Peters: “New Zealand First intends to tip their trough upside down.”

Presented without comment today, Friday, before coalition negotiations to form the next New Zealand government begin in earnest.  (I’ve left it out of blockquote style to aid legibility.) Rt Hon Winston Peters New Zealand First Leader Member of Parliament for Northland 18 November 2016 National Never Out of the Trough It seems as though the National Party […]

Winston Peters — no stars in his eyes about John Key’s GCSB Bill

New Zealand First Party leader Winston Peters is one of the current NZ Parliament’s most experienced MPs, a lawyer, and someone who (whether you agree with him or not) has thought and spoken about NZ’s constitutional issues for decades. Here’s his interview on TVNZ’s Q&A programme this morning about John Key’s controversial proposed expansion of […]

I’d double-check if they told me what day it was

More on the negative credibility of bloggers ‘seeding’ controversy in the mainstream media … Following my brief mention of bloggers who make sh*t up (Negative credibility sux, eh @whaleoil? eh @dpfdpf?) I was interested last night to read NZ First leader Winston Peters’ speech notes for a Wintec media lunch yesterday where he pinged the […]

Peters walks way from constitutional review (RNZ News)

NZ First opts out of constitutional review New Zealand First is refusing to take part in the Government’s constitutional review. The review is looking into matters such as the size of Parliament, Maori representation, the role of the Treaty of Waitangi and whether New Zealand needs a written constitution. But New Zealand First leader Winston […]

@NZHerald puts its anti-Peters bias in plain sight

Can there be any doubt that the NZ Herald is taking an anti-Winston Peters editorial line? Here’s today’s story (by the intrepid Claire Trevett) about a recent dinner — gasp! — involving the NZ First leader and Labour Party leader David Shearer. Look at the photo of Peters. Distinctly unflattering, isn’t it? It’s also not […]

National’s desperados get perfervid about Peters

What a difference a few percentage points in the polls makes. I’ve talked before about the intense, irrational personal hatred and enmity evinced by some in the National Party ‘family’ towards their former star MP Winston Peters. It is breathtaking to observe its vehemence. They bear grudges. Intensely. Scratch some outwardly civilized, even quite-reasonable-on-other-issues Nats […]

Winston Peters Kelston speech

I heard comeback kid Winston Peters complaining today that his ‘clear as daylight’ Kelston speech hasn’t been adequately reported in the media. Here’s a copy of the speech notes that I had at the event (with my scribbled notes on the last few pages). I filed reports from the venue on what I saw as […]

Teflon John Key under pressure over tape

Politics is all about responding to emergencies — and I don’t mean a container ship grounding itself on a reef. From the NZ Herald’s John Armstrong today: John Key insists there is nothing on the secret tape of his “cup of tea” conversation with John Banks to cause him the slightest bother. If so, why […]

Being the medium

Sorry, I’ve been a bit busy to post. Over the weekend, on Saturday I covered the Mana Party campaign launch at Otara — an upbeat, good-humoured event which spouted talk of revolution and smashing/overthrowing the system. Invigorating rap songs and anthems bookended passionate speeches from this country’s radical literati — living treasures of the left-wing […]

Winston Peters – comeback kid? Again?

I said this about Winston Peters in A voice in the wilderness? Or reclaiming the Grey Power mantle? in April: This man has come back from the dead before. (Just sayin’.) Don’t underestimate his political instincts and populism. Since then, Peters has continued to cause a ‘disturbance in the Force’ and ruffled a few feathers […]

A voice in the wilderness? Or reclaiming the Grey Power mantle?

‘Peters launches his comeback with punchlines’ — Dominion Post 16 April 2011 Read  Kay Blundell’s article and tell me one other contemporary Kiwi politician who would talked about this way. This man has come back from the dead before. (Just sayin’.) Don’t underestimate his political instincts and populism. How much traction he gets in the media […]

How to have a FAIR argument

For a number of years I worked as a political reporter at Parliament Buildings in Wellington (New Zealand). During my time in that highly competitive pressure-cooker environment I learned a lot about truth, perception, political ‘reality’, and human nature. I hope I also learned to be careful with what I say. While I was in […]