Posts Tagged ‘vast left wing conspiracy’
Matthew Hooton regrets (cough) using ‘that particular word’. Of course he does.
With all due respect to Radio New Zealand, it seems to me they are indulging a notable double standard with respect to Matthew Hooton, and quite possibly being gamed by the National Party spin doctor. Today’s Nine to Noon political segment began with noble Lynn Freeman reading again Radio New Zealand’s “position” on their ‘commentator […]
Romney faces a ‘Vast Left Wing Conspiracy’. OMG!
Highlights from Kevin Liptak’s CNN post: Romney cites ‘vast left wing conspiracy’ Romney was making an appearance on Breitbart TV [Comment: surprise!] and was asked by host Larry O’Connor whether he was ready to take on “the media and these nonprofits groups that are working together.” “There will be an effort by the quote vast […]