Posts Tagged ‘social media’
“Instead, we gave them a Facebook page …”
The Onion does it again… this time lambasting social media experts…* Using Social Media To Cover For Lack Of Original Thought – Onion Talks Fabulous! via @CateOwen – P * Oh, and TED Talks.
Sure to be copied …
Only a matter of time. via Andrew Sullivan, The Daily Dish today. – P
Bewildered betrayal
Leo Traynor relates his heartbreaking [true] story about the anguish a troll on the Internet can cause, especially if they ‘reach out’ in the real world. Read it. Please. This is why I left Twitter, why I came back and how I met a Troll. (via @ohsarahrose) — I’m aware of a case years ago […]
Thanks @CateOwen, for passing on the encouragement
One of the nice things about Twitter — or better put: one of the nice things about following certain people on Twitter is that they can easily share ‘fings’ they see or come across or think about … and easily pass them on to you. This, from @CateOwen, touched me today… Saw this graffiti on the […]
A good conversation to watch about the changing role and mix of media
Watch this The Daily Show web-only interview with media elder statesman Tom Brokaw and ever-thoughtful-about-these-issues Jon Stewart. Don’t be fooled by the ‘Fake News’ label. (link here) Watch for the discussion about half-way in about how internet media (blogs, twitter etc) have put many people in a position where they already know WHAT happened by […]
Using hyperlinks defensively. A smart idea.
I’ve had [negative] feedback from some of those whom I address here (my ‘targets’ … in the nicest possible way, as Kenny Everett used to say) about my ‘cross-linking’ and ‘interweaving’ examples or evidence of my assessments and assertions. I do it deliberately, as I have pointed out before (see Scoundrels), because it’s my habit/practice […]
Judge David Harvey on ‘judicial blogging’
Here’s an interesting legal foray into some of the issues a Judge faces when considering involvement in social media. The first thing is, as the New Zealand Guidelines point out, that Judges are a part of society and not aloof from it. Judges are an essential part of a functioning society under the Rule of […]
Social media bubble deflates. Pop! or Hisssss …?
The Social Media Bubble has popped 2 June 2012 by Allen Gannett | The Next Web It happened. It’s over. The bubble was popped by Facebook’s IPO belly flop. Some saw it coming, but before May 18, plenty of smart people saw only blue skies. Chris Sacca predicted we’d see a $56 price on opening day. […]
Social media made-up stats (parody)
Hilarious from start to finish* … via @adders * In a wry, cynical, self-knowing way.
Psst! I don’t think ‘Samantha’ is a real person
File this under ‘Trivial, but entertaining’… Hey, let me be clear: People are entitled to their privacy. (And this is No.Big.Deal.) By a quirky coincidence*, I noticed a new Twitter follower of The Paepae, Auckland’s ‘Samantha Seers’ has an image file named ‘woman-spring-cleaning-lg.jpg’ as her profile pic. Apparently Samantha’s photo is actually a trimmed version of […]
Best short article on blogging I’ve read
There is so much tripe written about blogging, and blogging versus journalism, and blogging as ‘weaponised’ internet, and blogging as barbarians at the gate of ‘big media’ and distorted propaganda or embarrassing ‘over-sharing’ disclosures … blah blah blah. If you care, read Jim Dalrymple’s post Blogging is not a thing, it’s an attitude. Yeah. The word ‘authenticity‘ […]
Free access to information … to ‘hate’ it?
In the middle of a worthwhile Guardian article quoting Tim Berners-Lee on the need for web users to be able to get their data out of social media and proprietary ‘silos’ (see: Tim Berners-Lee: demand your data from Google and Facebook), is this interesting sentiment: “Every time somebody puts a magazine on a phone now […]
Tumblr makes us LIARS
I don’t know if you’re aware that this blog has a Tumblr — used infrequently and pretty informally. Today I popped over to have a look and saw this, which made me laugh: Is it cynical of me to suggest there’s no way the majority of tumblr’s teenage clients will have read the approaching ten […]
‘New media’ absorption — another signal
Sorry to bang on about it, but the ‘blogosphere’ is more and more entering and becoming part of what some self-described ‘True Bloggers’ appear to think of as their mortal enemy, the ‘Mainstream Media’ (boo hiss) 🙂 Today’s exhibit: Congratulations to the Huffington Post and Politico — both of which I read (often through their […]
Poisonous Andrew Breitbart – the attack was everything, the details nothing
A fitting obituary of Andrew Breitbart from David Frum includes a reference to ‘culture war‘ and how some protagonists fight it: Attack with an INDIFFERENCE to truth and fairness. … In fact, it’s hard even to use the word “issues” in connection with Andrew Breitbart. He may have used the words “left” and “right,” but […]