Posts Tagged ‘smear campaign’

On arrogance and credulity

I’ve had cause to think about privacy issues recently, and situations where people and organisations can fairly be said to have ‘interfered’ with someone’s privacy (well, mine, in fact, but that’s a story for later). Today I stumbled across a 2012 non-apology letter from then Social Development Minister Paula Bennett who faced an adverse finding […]

A message to Cameron Slater’s enablers – please think again

Those who are encouraging and enabling the National Party’s disgraced, now largely abandoned liar and propagandist Cameron Slater in his latest demented hate campaign need to look into the future and see where the road they’re on is leading. It’s not new for me to say Cameron Slater’s worldview is marked by hot resentment, bitterness, dark […]

Strange fixations. What Judith Collins told the Chisholm Inquiry – Part 2

To recap: We’re working our way through a tranche of witness transcripts and other evidence which was part of the proceedings of the Chisholm inquiry. Previous posts on this topic have been: The Judith Collins Chisholm inquiry: Who was actually on trial?   What the Chisholm inquiry revealed about managing the media narrative   ‘Taking […]

The oily old gang is getting together again

Amusing that after this John Palino (a) thought he might stand for Auckland mayor again, (b) thought he would be able to brush off the unanswered questions about the last election, (c) is apparently working with the Dirty Politics gang of smear artists. If there’s some Simon Lusk-esque ‘humiliation’ going on, so far it’s John Palino […]

‘Taking one for the team’ (The tl;dr version of Slater Jnr at the Chisholm inquiry)

This is a photo (right) of Cameron Slater arriving at the Wellington venue for one of the inquiries into his involvement in a conspiracy sparked by the revelations of Nicky Hager’s book Dirty Politics. Over several hours on 24 October 2014, Chisholm inquiry records show, Slater Jnr comprehensively walked back from claims and assertions he […]

What the Chisholm inquiry revealed about managing the media narrative

Photographer Chris Gorman caught this image (above) of two of the Dirty PR conspirators putting on a brave face after the Chisholm inquiry report was published. NZ Herald journalist David Fisher referred to the report’s finding of an “extreme campaign against the former SFO boss Adam Feeley carried out by Slater and Odgers” in “a […]

Slater Jnr – If bullshit were music, he’d have a brass band

Earlier some genius said this: What it’s useful to know about Cameron Slater is that he’s not an original thinker, or a leader, or ‘creative’ in anything but in an aping, derivative way. …History, and his own testimony, shows us that Slater Jnr is a shallow puppet, a ball-boy, a caddie, someone who does other […]

The Judith Collins Chisholm inquiry: Who was actually on trial?

Reinstating Judith Collins to his cabinet this week, NZ Prime Minister John Key deployed a dogs-balls-obvious talking point that the Papakura MP had been “completely cleared” … “through an independent inquiry”. Here’s a clip: Spot the talking point: “completely”. MP3 file Watch a video of him saying it when he announced his cabinet reshuffle in […]

Oh no. Is Michelle Boag ALSO ‘defaming’ Cameron Slater and his commercial attack website?


Is Colin Craig ‘defaming’ Cameron Slater and his commercial attack website?

So, Colin Craig is pushing back against the protracted Dirty Politics-esque smear campaign that Cameron Slater and some of his muppets carried out against him, presumably on behalf of shadowy ‘clients’. Slater Jnr may deny it (he is, after all a proven liar who “talks big up from nothing”),  or he may say his ‘clients’  were, […]

‘Harmful’ online speech. Outlawing castigation? Cactus Kate tries to vanish.

On three occasions during my ‘career’ as an online critic and avenging angel I have deliberately pulled back from castigating a ‘target’. In all three cases, I became concerned at what appeared to me to be the real possibility that the person whose actions and modus operandi I was criticising might do themselves physical harm […]

‘Dirty Politics’ revisited: More evidence of deceit and covering tracks

It’s funny how the brain works. Earlier this week, I passed a copy of Nicky Hager’s book Dirty Politics on to a new workmate after he’d expressed a harshly negative opinion of Hager — but when I asked him if he’d read any of Hager’s books he admitted he had not. Rather than lend him mine, I […]

Carrick Graham, vendettas and miasma

I don’t talk much about PR attack blogger Cameron Slater’s sometime paymaster and ghostwriter Carrick Graham, although I haven’t completely ignored him — (see?). Carrick’s claim to fame was revealed by Nicky Hager’s book Dirty Politics, and in somewhat redacted material leaked to the news media and further afield by the [alleged] hacker Rawshark through […]

The Hollow Man: PM’s “fabricated” smear on Snowden documents

Evoking FUD (Fear Uncertainty and Doubt) is a tactic commonly used by tobacco lobbyists and climate change denialists – attempting to impugn the veracity of evidence. In this case the Prime Minister’s empty smear has been exposed …   The NZ Herald‘s David Fisher reports … The Prime Minister’s office has said it has no factual basis for […]

Govt’s mischievous pet monkey flings own dung at zookeeper. (Matthew Hooton disgraces himself. Again.)

Pro-government spin doctor Matthew Hooton disgraced himself on the radio again yesterday. I didn’t get to hear it until late last night as I’ve been busy. But when I did, once again I genuinely worried for his state of mind. And I wondered what the producers of Kathryn Ryan’s show can be thinking about this […]