Posts Tagged ‘religion’
Wedge issue
In what’s showing up as a litmus test in the run up to the US November elections, my hero Senator Al Franken author of Lies – And the Lying Liars Who Tell Them is, as expected, speaking to uphold and defend the US Constitution.* Franken said conservative opposition to the mosque is “one of the […]
Right/wrong vs Can/should
Oh boy. John Stewart (in fine form) revs up on the plan to locate an Islamic community centre (Mosque) two blocks from the site of the World Trade Centre. I like his take, as usual … and his roasting of the Fox News phoneys on their lack of consistency. And then there’s a squirmy/bad taste […]
You’re never too old, bro.
A great little New Zealand short film with a message … This is the extended and enhanced version of FROSTY MAN AND THE BMX KID which was written and directed by Tim McLachlan – one of the five finalists in the international YOUR BIG BREAK film-making competition run by Tourism New Zealand in conjunction with […]
Starting them young
By coincidence I came across this badge given to my 9 year old son for attending the Anzac Day service earlier this year with his Cub pack. Given our recent thoughts about the intertwining of religion, war, the military, it’s interesting that this should come to the surface now. I’ve got to say: It puts […]
“God is on OUR side…”
Here’s what that got me thinking … some new posters for some classic movies including this: During the first and second World Wars, both (all) sides told themselves they had God on their side. The Armed Forces had padrés and priests in place, performing their pastoral duties and administering their religious services and last rites […]
The Golden Rule
The Golden Rule Hinduism ‘Never do to others what would pain you’ Panchatantra 3.104 Buddhism ‘Hurt not others with that which hurts yourself.’ Udana 5.18 Zoroastrianism ‘Do not to others what is not well for oneself.’ Shayast-na-shayast 13.29 Jainism ‘One who neglects existence disregards their own existence’ Mahavira Confucianism ‘Do not impose on others what […]
Of trumpets
In response to Perry’s comment: “Anyone who finds it necessary to self-proclaim their religious virtue should be treated with great caution” Yes Perry, I agree – your litmus test is useful. But context is everything. A “mask” of self proclaimed virtue in business (or, more accurately, SALES, like the spruikers we discuss here occasionally) can […]
Smear the messenger! (Groan)
The New York Times has been singled out as “unfair” (ahem) for its coverage of the Pope’s blame/knowledge/involvement in the cover up of serial sex abuser Father Lawrence C Murphy. Here’s how the NYTimes reports on itself … Vatican Official Defends Pope’s Handling of Case 31 March 2010 VATICAN CITY — A top Vatican official […]
There’s something about a cover-up that offends us …
God told me to cover sin? Remember this guy: I always seek to “cover” another’s sin. I try and focus on the good in others and hide their faults. It is simply trying to obey several specific bible verses. … Well I had one particular situation where I knew things that were not right and […]
“God was telling me the other day …” Oh yes?
Interesting bits of news on the “God was telling me” front today First, an even greedier-than-usual fundraising effort at Destiny Church appears to have sparked an ‘exodus’ — a step too far for their Brisbane pastor and his flock, according to news reports. TV3 News reported it last night, and the NZ Herald chimed in… […]
Ace communicator or duplicitous spruiker? (VIDEO)
There are certain ‘sales types’ who veer so close to Con artists and scammers that you wonder why the ‘authorities’ don’t shut the lying bastards down. Newly-bankrupt Mark Bryers of Blue Chip seems to fit into that category, judging by some of the material I’ve seen privately and from reports in the media and from […]
Doctrinaire aggression vs physical aggression
Wole Soyinka: On origins of religious strife… In Mr. Soyinka’s view, the origins of the current phase of the world’s religious strife—including all of the bloodshed in Nigeria—lie with Ayatollah Khomeini and his fatwa against Salman Rushdie, in 1989. “It all began when he assumed the power of life and death over the life of […]
I post this as a response to some of the wonderful imagery of the cosmos contained in Chowbok’s post on death: Beyond the planets — the blackness is not an empty void — but a sea of trillions and trillions of cosmic particles bouncing and playing their special dance across the expanse of time. Lit […]
Rising ape or fallen angel? – Terry Pratchett on religion
A nice answer to a straight question about his belief in god(s)… ‘I’d rather be a rising ape than a fallen angel’ Watch the 8 minute video at