Posts Tagged ‘property market’

She’s a hard road finding the perfect instrument to manipulate the market, son.

Another post from the Colliding Worlds department, here’s an article I just posted at the Empower Education website … Comments & discussion welcome there. – P

Property market predictions … and damage control

Here’s my latest article on the Empower Education website … Bubble, bubble, toil and trouble (with apologies to Shakespeare)* … any comments welcome there. -P * Because in Macbeth Act 4 Scene 1, the witches actually chant: Double, double toil and trouble; Fire burn, and cauldron bubble.

Success is sometimes just a matter of ‘beating the averages’

From the Colliding Worlds department, here’s an article I just posted at the Empower Education website … Comments & discussion welcome there. – P

So who CAN afford a house?

It can be good to challenge assumptions. Here’s an article by my pal (and fellow investor and author) Andrew King, president of the NZ Property Investors Federation. Andrew examines the subject of the ‘Housing Affordability Crisis’ — a contentious political issue at present — and finds it mislabelled. According to him it’s more a ‘Housing Expectation […]

Guest post: Andrew King responds to Dean Letfus feature

You may recall my post The trajectory of property spruiker Dean Letfus which was the blog equivalent of a sharp intake of breath at the positioning of Dean Letfus‘s smiling face on the cover of the NZ Property Investor magazine. I wasn’t the only one surprised at that placement, or the soft ride he was […]

Big plans

The twisted tale of ‘Wellington sex trade entrepreneurs Michael and John Chow’ who want to locate a brothel across the road from Auckland’s landmark Sky Tower (!!) takes another turn. Developers Michael and John Chow are planning to build a 10-storey super-brothel on the prime inner-city site once occupied by the historic Palace Hotel. The […]

Heady assumptions, a get-rich-quick climate, wishful thinking …

I’ve just read a fantastic article Rethinking the Great Recession by Robert J. Samuelson in the The Wilson Quarterly. Wow. Instead of hand-wringing and wailing about ‘What’s happening to us?’ Samuelson’s plausible analysis points to a widespread forgetting of the boom-bust lessons of history… The great economic and financial crisis that began in 2007 … […]

A little bit of crossover …

Regular readers know isn’t a soapbox for my business pursuits. Even so, every now and then I’ll share something of what I’m doing for those who may have some slight interest. In that spirit, here’s a 12 minute ‘sample’ clip of an audio programme on the outlook for the NZ property market and economy […]

My review of a recent Empower Education event

OK, if you don’t know I run Empower Education, that’s understandable. I don’t make a fuss about it here. (Separation of Church and State?) But if you’re interested, here’s a review of a recent event Post-Budget Special Briefing and Property Q&A where three of my authors — Olly Newland, Mark Withers and Tony Steindle — shared […]

What a good graphic!

I like this graphic from the NZ Herald just now — it puts today’s small Official Cash Rate interest rate rise in perspective nicely. Well done. Here’s the story (if you care) at the NZ Herald. My only point was: This is a good use of graphics to communicate. That graph does remind me of […]

“Analyst” pfah!

John Gruber, talking about something completely different (a rumour Microsoft CEO Steve Balmer was due to speak at an upcoming Apple event) says something I’ve thought myself over the years about the property market: It never ceases to amaze me the sort of crazy speculative bullshit people will take at face value if it’s attributed […]

Dean Letfus: the reputation he deserves?

Someone emailed me a link to an article by property economist Gareth Kiernan of Infometrics in which he sets out to debunk (pull the legs off) arguments proffered by some self-proclaimed ‘property experts’ like spruiker Dean Letfus in defence of the tax treatment of property investment. …So I don’t buy into the whole “social service” […]

Top 10 NZ property investment books – Auckland City Libraries

Auckland City Libraries Readers Services team picks: The top 10 titles on New Zealand Property Investment in 2009. I’m chuffed that four of the top ten are published by Empower Leaders Publishing. (Cool.) Congratulations to all the authors on the list…

Ace communicator or duplicitous spruiker? (VIDEO)

There are certain ‘sales types’ who veer so close to Con artists and scammers that you wonder why the ‘authorities’ don’t shut the lying bastards down. Newly-bankrupt Mark Bryers of Blue Chip seems to fit into that category, judging by some of the material I’ve seen privately and from reports in the media and from […]

Mark Withers on John Key’s ‘Tax Direction’ speech

“3 bullets dodged but there’s still a round in the breech!” I had a chat with specialist property accountant Mark Withers this morning — ‘the morning after’ NZ Prime Minister John Key’s speech at the opening of Parliament. Here’s a free 13 minute audio interview (mp3) hosted by Empower Education. And here’s a link to […]