Posts Tagged ‘privacy’

TSA – Help you make it to your flight

It’s amazing what can enter popular culture. And how quickly. Now, because of a widely-perceived image as voyeurs (at the very least) and molesters, staff of the US Transport Safety Authority TSA are copping quite a bit of flack. Their heavy-handedness (pun) with ‘pat down’ searches of all sorts of citizens — kids, paraplegics, nuns, […]

Facebook’s tentacles now part of divorce settlements!

Don’t let anybody tell you Facebook doesn’t matter. It seems for a certain type of person, what’s said about them on Facebook really matters. So much so that clauses relating to Facebook are, by the look of things, finding their way into matrimonial settlement agreements, along with who gets the house, the car, the credit […]

Facebook for Business? Erm, not like this!

Apropos my ongoing gripe about Facebook privacy… A friend of mine, Marc, mentioned here now and then, has written a book called ‘Facebook for Business‘ … this story (below) might inspire another chapter in the next edition. What NOT to do…. as Click Orlando Radio reports: ORLANDO, Fla. — A Central Florida woman claims a […]

Feeling uncomfortable about Google, yet?

Oh, life was so much simpler for everyone when Google wasn’t sending its spies out into the world, ‘sniffing’ and STORING our private data, photographing our homes and scanning our books in public libraries without apparent regard for copyright. Now, to make it all better, they’ve appointed a ‘director of privacy’ (sigh) and say they […]

Spooky. Is privacy passé now?

Following up on our discussion about how people can be ‘tracked’ through Facebook, Facebook leaks like a sieve, here’s another twist. Ars Technica reports research which found: “a significant number of popular Android applications transmit private user data to advertising networks without explicitly asking or informing the user.“ Um, by golly. I don’t like the […]

Tweaking your Facebook privacy – video guide

A 2 minute guide from Huffington Post. Also useful (but a little out of date): 10 Privacy Settings Every Facebook User Should Know from FWIW

Backlash, anyone?

Apropos yesterday’s Google’s tentacles post, see the outrage being provoked even in the home of the free: Germany’s data protection authority (DPA) requested Google audit the WiFi data collected by its Street View cars. The audit revealed that contrary to the company’s claims, for at least three years, Google has been collecting payload data (the […]

Google’s tentacles worm closer …

Does anyone else see a problem with this? Please explain: why Google wants your Wi-Fi data LOUISA HEARN | The Age | May 13, 2010 Google Australia will today be sent a “please explain” letter from two local privacy organisations demanding to know why the company has been collecting personal Wi-Fi network data from Australian […]

Facebook Privacy options – NY Times graphical guide

Facebook, as we have discussed, is to privacy what water is to oil — i.e. no relation. You need to know this. The New York Times took the, um, time to examine and graphically portray the ‘options’ and ‘settings’ — their tagline: Facebook Privacy: A Bewildering Tangle of Options To manage your privacy on Facebook, you […]

Do I need to say anything?

Facebook privacy takes another hit | NZ Herald today: Facebook’s ongoing promises of online privacy took another hit overnight, as a software glitch led the social networking giant to reveal users’ online chats. Facebook was forced to deactivate the chat function once it was informed that the problem existed. A bug allowed those who followed […]