Posts Tagged ‘privacy’

Deliberately cryptic

What about a blogger’s? — What defines the public interest? … It’s an important principle that can be used to defend journalistic activities that go beyond what is normally considered acceptable behaviour – such as the use of subterfuge – to obtain a story, where complex moral and legal arguments are at stake. However, it […]

An entertaining discussion of privacy and name suppression

I like Tory MP Louise Mensch. I think she’s bright, articulate and beautiful (as we have discussed.) I’m quoting her in another context elsewhere, but came across this appearance, where she featured on the BBC’s Have I Got News For You, 22 April 2011 adding her bit to the campaign to discredit the UK ‘super-injunctions’ […]

Not QUITE ‘annoyance free’

With all the hullaballoo about internet privacy prompted by Google’s recent actions, I followed a link to Life Hacker’s privacy guide. (Check it out.) … which led me to their first recommendation: Adblock Plus. Oh, good, I thought. Since I already use the very excellent AdBlock extension in Safari … well, ‘Plus’ has to be good, […]

But can we believe anything Google says?

Apropos Another Google privacy FAIL (grrr) wherein we discussed Google defeating Safari’s privacy settings to plant ‘third party cookies’ despite my specific instructions to block them … look at the privacy setting in Google Chrome… Why should we believe them? ‘Unfair and deceptive practices‘ sounds right to me. “Google has clearly engaged in ‘unfair and […]

Another Google privacy FAIL (grrr)

The Wall Street Journal reported that Google engineers had developed — and then rolled out — a ‘workaround’ to defeat MY privacy setting in Safari (oh yeah, I take it personally) where I had overtly intended to block third party cookies, viz: Here’s what WSJ’s Julia Angwin and Jennifer Valentino-DeVries reported: Google’s iPhone Tracking Web […]

Where to post

Priceless. The  question “Are you in a bar?” reminded me instantly of Cactus Kate. WIth thanks to Mathew Ingram. – P

A question of perspective

What you see depends on where you stand. Or, put another way: How you look at pedestrian crossings depends a lot on whether you’re the person wanting to cross the road or the vehicle driver called to wait and let the person cross. A couple of days ago in the context of Martyn Bradbury’s rant, […]

Privacy? Not if you use Gmail

From Read Write Web … Google Hands Wikileaks Volunteer’s Gmail Data to U.S. Government Gmail users got a hefty dose of reality today when it was revealed that Google handed over one user’s private data to the U.S. government, who requested it without a search warrant. The contacts list and IP address data of Jacob […]

Another good graphic

Another in my series of ‘graphics that communicate‘ … this poster design for an upcoming event in Leigh next month really appeals to me: Now the funny things is, I found the poster because this morning Facebook recommended I ‘friend’ Tame Iti (since we have four friends in common) and I wandered over to his […]

Facebook. Brought to you by the letters ‘F’ and ‘O’.

I first ‘made’ and used the graphic to the right (FACEBOOK MEANS NO PRIVACY) for a post called Facebook — leaks like a sieve in April 2010, and we’ve discussed the treacherous descent of the social media behemoth down the slippery slope several more times since. Lesson: treat whatever you put there as PUBLIC. But […]

Murdoch Phone hacking – a visceral jolt

Wow, read this piece after my own heart:  Rupert Murdoch Meets His Ahab by Jack Shafer in Slate. Brilliant. First words: If Rupert Murdoch could be slain by a mere scandal, he would have been embalmed and entombed long ago. The genocidal tyrant has successfully swept away every scandal—major and minor—he has ever faced because of […]

Nothing to hide but NOT nothing to fear

Here’s a good article on privacy by Daniel J Solove, who I last referred to when sharing some thoughts in my post Is it worth dishonestly defending a reputation? No. Solove’s article is called Why Privacy Matters Even if You Have ‘Nothing to Hide’ — it’s a preview of his next book, and it’s a worthwhile […]

A cost of doing business – celebrity as meat

Good to read that Murdoch’s The News of the World has admitted hacking Sienna Miller’s phone message system and repeatedly violating her privacy … and news today that they’ve ‘apologised’ and are paying £100,000 in damages and costs to her. Big deal. Callous so-and-sos. It was purely business to them, the journalists, the editors, the […]

Self-inflicted wounds

Hey. Remember my post Lying, my dear boy, just compounds the crime …? This whole ‘Congressman tweets picture of private parts’ hullaballoo proves the truth of it, huh? Oh boy. A journalist I follow on Twitter, Glenn Greenwald, asked the question: What % of those pushing the view that “any online sexual activity is newsworthy” […]

Who needs CCTV surveillance cameras?

I really hope I don’t blow anyone’s cover or alibi by telling you I spotted this vanity number plate GNUINE on a car at Pakuranga Plaza this afternoon. Given that we occasionally discuss quirky number plates here now and then, and that I’ve been writing an article about some people who I have discovered seem […]