Posts Tagged ‘privacy’
What is your phone and your internet connection blabbing about you?
Early in the second part of PBS’s (highly recommended) ‘United States of Secrets‘ documentaries, The Guardian‘s reporter Ewan Macaskill recalled Edward Snowden’s reaction in his Hong Kong hotel to a simple question: Do you mind if I record our interview on my iPhone?: Ewan Macaskill — excerpt from PBS ‘United States of Secrets’ part 2 MP3 […]
Edward Snowden TED Talk March 2014
via Robot … well worth watching: Pay attention to what he says about the risks of speaking out versus the risks of ‘exposure’ of the material (PRISM etc). Yet, without the courage to face those, where would we be? Remember, Daring — if there was no risk it wouldn’t take guts. “I did not do […]
What could be behind Apple’s unwillingness to pass the ‘Spy Lockout’ shareholder resolution?
See: Now, I hadn’t upgraded to OSX Mavericks, so the ‘GotoFail’ bug didn’t affect my desktop, but it appears that ‘error’ was a factor in my iPhone and iPad since iOS6 sometime. The awful coincidence of Apple appearing (according to Edward Snowden’s ground-shaking disclosures) to have joined the NSA’s PRISM ‘direct access to user data’ […]
‘Blackphone’ — Dystopian ‘loss of privacy’ memes are not new. But they seem fashionable now. And possibly commercially viable.
Watch this. It makes me want to try one out. (Except for that line about ‘the Android we’re all familiar with’— er, no not me.) Introduction to Blackphone from BLACKPHONE on Vimeo. But in the comments on that Blackphone promo — posted on Vimeo yesterday — there’s a link to this 4-year-old promo for Else […]
Oh. The NSA ‘owns’ iPhones (but only if it can get its hands on them, for now)
It appears the FBI’s assessment (‘assume that [your communication] will be intercepted and retained’) was based on reality … including the remote control of your phone’s microphone & camera. According to leaked documents, the NSA claims a 100 percent success rate when it comes to implanting iOS devices with spyware. The documents suggest that the […]
Ironic. The FBI warns US student travellers their communications may be ‘intercepted and retained’
Haha. I’m researching a project and came across this section in an FBI pamphlet for US students travelling abroad: I love that the FBI warns US students travelling overseas that they should have ‘no expectation of privacy’ and that in the case of ‘all information … sen[t] electronically’ that ‘might be valuable to another government, […]
Equating internet privacy with apartheid
The UN human rights chief, Navi Pillay, has compared the uproar in the international community caused by revelations of mass surveillance with the collective response that helped bring down the apartheid regime in South Africa. Pillay, the first non-white woman to serve as a high-court judge in South Africa, made the comments in an interview […]
Edward Snowden Christmas message
BBC Channel Channel 4 Alternative Christmas message Praxis films. Audio here:
A smartphone Flashlight app that records and reports your location data and phone ID to advertisers? The hell?
Who are these people? And what on earth do they think they were doing? Fast Company reports: Not an iPhone app, at least. – P
I’m guessing the Ports of Auckland company PAID to ‘quietly’ settle their privacy breaches
A whimper, a confidentiality agreement and a bank transfer — that seems the likely end to the Ports of Auckland’s dirty tricks PR campaign against its unionised workers [details here: Of bloggers, dogs and fleas. The Ports of Auckland’s ‘ethical and legal breaches’]. I almost (almost) feel sorry for companies who are ‘sold’ on the […]
Another brick crumbles
Remember Facebook announced they were going to remove the ability to not be ‘found’ on their network by ‘non friends’? (Facebook. le sigh.) Well, it’s rolling out … I just got this email … Note the use of language: ‘old setting’ you’ve ‘used in the past’. (Actually, no, I use it NOW Facebook. You’re taking […]
Oh dear. Is the N.S.A. out of control? (Hint: Yes, I think so.)
In Der Spiegel … The United States’ National Security Agency intelligence-gathering operation is capable of accessing user data from smart phones from all leading manufacturers. Top secret NSA documents that SPIEGEL has seen explicitly note that the NSA can tap into such information on Apple iPhones, BlackBerry devices and Google’s Android mobile operating system. The […]
War on privacy
What a great MAD magazine cover! {insert pointed local reference of your choice here} – P via @iA
Good ol’ fashioned values …
Here’s how ReadWriteWeb promoted the awareness campaigns of StopWatching.Us and Restore The Fourth … Yeah. Nice. Read all about it. – P