Posts Tagged ‘online life’

Distribute comment spam. Get pinged. Ask that YOUR OWN SPAM be removed. Hahahaha!

From Josh Marshall at He calls it ‘chutzpam’. I call it bleurgh! In other words, the estimable businessmen and women at have been paying SEO companies to spam the comment sections of sites around the globe. But now Google’s new search algorithms are making that legacy spam really damaging. So now they’re sending […]

What am is what I am. Are you what you are, or what?

I had this Edie Brickell and the New Bohemians album Shooting Rubberbands at the Stars virtually on permanent rotate in my car’s cassette player (!!) when it came out. Along with Chuck Girard’s Written on the Wind, Paul Clark’s Hand to the Plow and Vangelis’ Chariots of Fire. Good times. Fantastic music. Dedicated to Cally. […]

Comments, classified

I don’t enjoy navel gazing about comments and moderation here at The Paepae. Every now and then I’m forced to think about it again because someone wants to have a crack at me or someone else in low-value terms. Usually anonymously. I tend towards no censorship beyond filtering spam (thank you Akismet) and throwing out […]

The curse of hypervigilance

Recent angst-ridden discussion about comments published on the internet have reminded me of a conclusion I reached when I was myself the subject of scurrilous anonymous comment: It can bloody hurt.  But some of the pain is, sadly, self-inflicted. We’ve seen again and again how anonymity seems to loosen people’s grip on civility. Some of […]

Speaking up for Madeleine Flannagan

The following is an anonymous comment in support of Madeleine Flannagan, who features in my recent post, ‘Implications of recent internet gagging attempt‘. UPDATE: The comment is now in the comment stream of the relevant post.

Some useful cyber citizen guidelines

It’s funny how even from people’s intended blows you can learn something valuable. A couple of years ago when I was blogging about the dubious operations of a gaggle of ‘internet marketing experts’ (cough) somebody, by a remarkable coincidence, set up a number of blogs linking my name to keywords like ‘scam’ and ‘ripoff’ (see […]

Implications of recent internet gagging attempt

UPDATE June 2013 — There have been developments on this. See this post: Is this what we want? Internet ‘take down’ and indefinite gagging orders? The decision in a recent court case involving allegations of harassment by blog post is instructive on all sorts of levels for what it tell us about the state of […]

Default search engines, privacy … and trying alternatives to Google

As I’ve indicated, I’ve been steadily making my web browsing footprint lighter and checking out alternatives to Google search — which, as well as trailing us all, spectacularly broke trust with users by circumnavigating (read: disobeying) explicit instructions in preferences to ‘block third party cookies’ by ‘unfair and deceptive‘ means (see Another Google privacy FAIL […]

Social media made-up stats (parody)

Hilarious from start to finish* … via @adders * In a wry, cynical, self-knowing way.

Psst! I don’t think ‘Samantha’ is a real person

File this under ‘Trivial, but entertaining’… Hey, let me be clear: People are entitled to their privacy. (And this is No.Big.Deal.) By a quirky coincidence*, I noticed a new Twitter follower of The Paepae, Auckland’s ‘Samantha Seers’ has an image file named ‘woman-spring-cleaning-lg.jpg’ as her profile pic. Apparently Samantha’s photo is actually a trimmed version of […]

Best short article on blogging I’ve read

There is so much tripe written about blogging, and blogging versus journalism, and blogging as ‘weaponised’ internet, and blogging as barbarians at the gate of ‘big media’ and distorted propaganda or embarrassing ‘over-sharing’ disclosures … blah blah blah. If you care, read Jim Dalrymple’s post Blogging is not a thing, it’s an attitude. Yeah. The word ‘authenticity‘ […]

I’d double-check if they told me what day it was

More on the negative credibility of bloggers ‘seeding’ controversy in the mainstream media … Following my brief mention of bloggers who make sh*t up (Negative credibility sux, eh @whaleoil? eh @dpfdpf?) I was interested last night to read NZ First leader Winston Peters’ speech notes for a Wintec media lunch yesterday where he pinged the […]

Deliberately cryptic

What about a blogger’s? — What defines the public interest? … It’s an important principle that can be used to defend journalistic activities that go beyond what is normally considered acceptable behaviour – such as the use of subterfuge – to obtain a story, where complex moral and legal arguments are at stake. However, it […]

“Well, he would, wouldn’t he?”

Similarities While giving evidence at the trial of Stephen Ward, charged with living off the immoral earnings of Keeler and Rice-Davies, the latter made a famous riposte. When the prosecuting counsel pointed out that Lord Astor denied an affair or having even met her, former model and showgirl Mandy Rice-Davies (right) replied, “Well, he would, […]

BYOB and self-direction

I don’t always agree with VC Fred Wilson, although I find him worth reading. He’s got this right: It’s one thing to build your business on the infrastructure of someone else. Publishers do that all the time (hopefully adding value). It’s quite another to be their poodle. Dependent. This is not just an ‘attitude’ thing. […]