Posts Tagged ‘online life’

Social engineering!

It’s GST return time in my empire. Look what fell out of the envelope … This is, of course, just a day or two after NZ Post announced the laying off of hundreds of posties because falling mail volumes means they’ll be dropping urban ‘standard post’ delivery back to three days a week. (See: Hundreds […]

Some people use this as a checklist, some as a menu

I spotted this poster in the student health centre at my son’s new school (for next year). It made me consider the actions of some who seem to cycle their way though these behaviours without any apparent balance or accountability. Worth considering. Then there’s this, from a blog post-combined-with-a-bit-of-self-promotion (no foul) by reputation management company […]

Facebook. le sigh.

Facebook is getting rid of a privacy feature that let users limit who can find them on the social network. Facebook Inc said on Thursday (local time) that it was removing a setting that controlled whether users could be found when people type their name into the website’s search bar. Facebook said only a single-digit […]

What’s wrong with this picture? Nothing.

Twitter was … atwitter today about an [alleged] ‘selfie’ by Bill Clinton (below) which Bill Gates tweeted: A @billclinton selfie from #CGI2013 as we sat down to talk for an upcoming @WIRED story. — Bill Gates (@BillGates) September 24, 2013 Now, I saw it and my first thought was: Gee — why isn’t it […]

iOS7 — no worries

Every now and then one has to ignore the doomsayers. Earlier today I downloaded and installed Apple’s new mobile operating system iOS7 on my iPhone (5) and iPad (2). No issues. Of course, now I’m reading about a worldwide internet traffic spike and terrible delays and Apple’s servers being ‘slammed’ and yada yada … There […]

Free speech does not mean consequence-free speech

From the comments stream following an article by Mathew Ingram Public shaming and free speech: Why the rush to attack Pax Dickinson makes me nervous (worth a read): Um? Pax Dickinson is free to say whatever he likes. And when his free speech potentially exposes his employers to legal ramifications of that speech, they are […]

Greetings, gentle reader

I’m not snooping, I promise… but I love seeing what others are (anonymously) reading on my blog (see the ‘Recently Viewed’ list in the sidebar on the right) … today someone(s) read my post about the uncomfortable-for-both-parties situation where police powers are applied to sickly white liberals (er, like moi) discussed in Put yourself in […]

‘News co.s aren’t in the business they pretend to be in.’

Here’s a quite smart analysis of the challenge ‘traditional’ news companies face vis-à-vis the internet eating their lunch … Certainly the landscape for those working in ‘da media’ has changed (understatement!) and those who look at journalism as a career are increasingly faced with putting their skills and experience to work feeding the machine (or […]

Perhaps Judith Collins’ mysterious Wikipedia chimney sweep is a shy hobbyist #WhoisClarke43?

The question: ‘WHO is trying to clean up Judith Collins’ Wikipedia “reputation”?’ continues to intrigue. (See my earlier post: Suppressing free speech and editing Wikipedia. Is that why we pay taxes, Mrs Collins?) Tonight, investigative reporter Phil Taylor had this to say in the NZ Herald … Is that a drawbridge I hear being pulled up? […]

Try not to make it personal

Note: I wrote this post in March 2012, but it felt just too raw to post it then — too soon, as they say. So it languished, forgotten in my ‘drafts’ until today, when I searched for a reference to Andrew Sullivan at a White House dinner for my reply to Lucia Maria’s comment on […]

Public versus private forgiveness. And unforgiveness.

It’s been a while since we’ve discussed forgiveness here, although this post, “Do I believe in the forgiveness of sin?” and this one, Remembering Karla are never far from me … especially when I consider what I’ve learned and observed about the toxic effects of ‘harbouring’ unforgiveness. Last night I read of journalist/blogger/writer Andrew Sullivan’s […]

Seriously folks, try using the DuckDuckGo search engine instead of Google

At the risk of sounding like a gushing fanboy, I want to encourage you to at least give a trial to the DuckDuckGo search engine. It’s here: I blogged about it last year here: (Default search engines, privacy … and trying alternatives to Google) and all that’s happened is that it’s gotten better and […]

Why would you NOT use AdBlock?

Here’s Facebook … Why would anyone not use AdBlock? – P

A different kind of internet gagging. And the subtle wit of Judge David Harvey @djhdcj

It’s sometimes possible to ‘get a sense’ of an author by what they write. (Not always.) I’ve talked about the work of Judge David Harvey, New Zealand’s ‘internet judge’ quite a bit here on The Paepae. (See these posts.) I admire him. Because my interests in media/internet/publishing intersect with the sort of cases he handles, […]

Better than a power cut, I guess

If my responses to your comments and emails are a little slower than usual, here’s why: That slender cable is my (and my neighbours down the street from that point) connection to the outside world (phone/internet). It’s been like that since the 8th of June: 8/6/13 10:57 am From Telecom Support: Your Land Line issue […]