Posts Tagged ‘online life’
The rise (and fall) of the value of online advertising
Following a report on Apple boss Steve Jobs pitiching the iPad distribution channel to NY newspaper chiefs… The highlighted bit (see below) about online advertising space being (a) infinite in supply and therefore (b) valueless accords with my thinking (although I am not a genius, nor all that experienced). I’ve done some online advertising and […]
Apple’s iPad: “a replacement for computing”
“The iPad isn’t the future of computing; it’s a replacement for computing.” — Mike Monteiro, A vision of the future…. As many others have noted, the release of the iPad might be the cannonball into the consumer device pool the iPhone dipped its toes in. It’s also been referred to as a thing that sits between […]
“Bringing a large dose of common sense into the equation…”
Somebody thinking clearly about the internet copyright ‘three strikes, you’re disconnected’ proposals: An Australian judge has ruled that ISP iiNet is not responsible for its customers breaking copyright laws. (Of course it will be appealed!) Aussie ISP strikes landmark blow in copyright war By Pat Pilcher NZ Herald Thursday Feb 4, 2010 Aussie ISP iiNet […]
Social media as high school reunion
What they didn’t know, and never could’ve predicted, was that the Web would also transform itself into an enormous, never-ending high school reunion (See also: hell). … Let’s see, so the digital revolution led us all to this: a gigantic, commercial, high school reunion/mall filthy with insipid tabloid trivia, populated by perpetually distracted, texting, tweeting […]
iPad? Yeah. OK, probably. Why not?
Yes, I’ll probably get one of these. It looks useful, and some of the applications seem like an improvement. Apple does lead the world in industrial design (the ‘cool’ factor), and this shows it again. An e-book reader should have a high quality colour screen, in my opinion. Is it a ‘game-changer’, as pundits are […]
Unintended consequences
A fair minded person seeks to put themselves in the other person’s shoes … I find myself doing that more and more. (… and I’m not saying, ‘Aren’t I wonderful?’ by that comment, I assure you.) I would hate for some of the things I’ve said about the activities and behaviour of others to be […]
Slave to ‘consistency’
One of my favourite ‘let me off the hook’ quotes expressing wisdom is this: Do I contradict myself? Very well then I contradict myself, (I am large, I contain multitudes.) ‘Song of Myself’ — Walt Whitman, US poet (1819 – 1892) I have at various times, to my cost, roasted myself on a bed of […]
Google grows some
“We have decided we are no longer willing to continue censoring our results on” A new approach to China 1/12/2010 03:00:00 PM Like many other well-known organizations, we face cyber attacks of varying degrees on a regular basis. In mid-December, we detected a highly sophisticated and targeted attack on our corporate infrastructure originating from […]
‘Bounced around like dragonflies’ – Internet addiction & Writing
One of my heroes, Garrison Keillor had some more good and insightful things to say about writing, including the benefits of solitude and the malison of the ‘always-connected’ data-overloaded life: The Internet and Google have their usefulness, God knows. I mean, how would we live without them? But you know, for young people with tremendously […]
Quite a good interview with Andrew The-internet-is-making-us-dumber-and-less-informed Keen: Andrew Keen talking to Bryan Crump Radio NZ National (mp3 20 mins) Some of the best lines: “It’s turning the knowledge business into a church” and “I don’t think a knowledge worker should be altruistic … shouldn’t give away their labour for free”…. as well as his […]
Free Trial Scam!
A friend of mine got caught in this ‘free trial’ scam. Never thought I would EVER get scammed online….but DID! RealFreeSamples – a link on Facebook got me good..have cancelled my credit card but am out by $ annoyed at myself…. That means the fine print says they’ll keep sending you shipments until you jump […]
The French Resistance and Google
I must say I like the absence of inevitability the French demonstrate towards the mega-Google. Their ‘keep your hands off our culture’ approach, (despite Euro Disney and the laughable but well-patronised McDonalds and Disney store on the Champs Elysees) is refreshing and worthwhile. The hopeless shrug of the shoulders so many meet Google’s apparent dominance […]
A rose by any other name
Well, that was quick. Rupert Murdoch’s campaign (what’s the opposite of ‘charm offensive’?) calling news aggregators ‘parasites’ and ‘thieves’ for their activities harvesting News websites’ internal organs material has had rather quick pay-off. We discussed the widely-reported/hyped ‘discussions’ News Corp was supposedly having with Microsoft Bing about ‘de-listing’ News Corp sites from Google (yeah right) […]