Posts Tagged ‘online life’
Yeah, why not have a sense of humour?
I just signed in (and out) of my vodafone account. Here’s the ‘thanks for calling’ screen… It’s all marketing. (How you feel.)
The Spruikers’ Lament
Q: Why is that guy Peter picking on us? A: There can be only one reason: He must be in ‘direct competition’ with us! Yeah! Oh yes. Actually, maybe there’s another reason: He’s a hypocrite. That’s it. A nasty hypocrite. Because (how does it go again? Oh yes, I remember…) He’s in the exactly the […]
Facebook’s tentacles now part of divorce settlements!
Don’t let anybody tell you Facebook doesn’t matter. It seems for a certain type of person, what’s said about them on Facebook really matters. So much so that clauses relating to Facebook are, by the look of things, finding their way into matrimonial settlement agreements, along with who gets the house, the car, the credit […]
Facebook for Business? Erm, not like this!
Apropos my ongoing gripe about Facebook privacy… A friend of mine, Marc, mentioned here now and then, has written a book called ‘Facebook for Business‘ … this story (below) might inspire another chapter in the next edition. What NOT to do…. as Click Orlando Radio reports: ORLANDO, Fla. — A Central Florida woman claims a […]
Mow-tee-vay-shuns – ‘It gets a ratings spike’
In, once again (remember the full page ad?), dismissing talk of her jumping the fence and running for office, journalist, Rhodes Scholar and doctorate in politics from Oxford, my hero Rachel Maddow gave an insight into what she called ‘opinion-driven news’, and the motivation of, let’s call it ‘erratic’ behaviour. (Think talkback radio hosts, and […]
When the rules change, everyone goes back to the start
Quite a nice followup to my earlier post about e-books changing the publishing/bookselling industry, and notes from Mark Coker. Booksellers: Why Publishers Will Go Direct by Martin Taylor. Quite simply, no one believes that Random House has any more influence over the digital supply chain than a brand new start-up with minimal staff or track […]
Is anything on the web ‘public domain’ — as this editor asserts?
Tell that to Rupert Murdoch! Here’s the story, and it’s brazen, baby, really brazen…
An utterly useless waste of a person’s time
This popped up in a random Google search this morning … He does “gaming” of the computer game kind. I told him I had a blog and that while blogging was an utterly useless waste of a person’s time, “gaming” over the age of 10 seemed to be a hundred times more futile. – from […]
A gift
To quote Robbie Burns: Oh wad some power the giftie gie us To see oursel’s as others see us! It wad frae monie a blunder free us, And foolish notion. With appreciation to Steve Goodey for offering me a gift this week. I mean it. Thanks for the feedback. Steve still hasn’t published my 31 […]
Celebrating quirkiness
I’ve just set up an album on The Paepae’s Facebook page to collect and display those quirky error messages etc. Feel free to contribute any more!