Posts Tagged ‘geek’

On Bain rifle fingerprints

Earlier this week I saw Frank Mackasy described as an ‘another activist’ making submissions on the proposed GCSB bill at the Intelligence & Security committee…. Earlier, another activist Frank Macskasy told the committee the existing oversight of intelligence agencies hadn’t worked. Mr Macskasy said he was concerned that within a few years the GCSB and […]

Learning from Mat Honan’s disaster (Apple & me)

I mentioned that I’d taken a lesson from fellow geek Mat Honan’s experience getting hacked and, temporarily albeit expensively, having his personal data remotely wiped (shudder) from his MacBook Air when hackers compromised his Apple ID (read all about it at Mat’s blog). So, I did not enable ‘Find my Mac’ on my new MacBook […]

Dragon imagery and hanging on to past Mac OS functionality

Apparently this cool design is like a mascot/logo for LLVM compiler software … The LLVM logo is a stylized wyvern (a kind of dragon). Dragons have connotations of power, speed and intelligence, and can also be sleek, elegant, and modular (err, maybe not). In addition, there is a series of influential compiler books going back […]

“HPPrintSettings plug in” crash on OSX

If you’re having trouble printing to an HP printer after installing the latest (Aug 2012) HP drivers update rolled out via Apple Software Update (er, like I was today crash, crash, crash after installing it last night), here’s a fix: [Thanks to Upton666 at Apple Support Communities who pointed this out] Upton666 Re: Problem with […]

Attention to detail and credit where it’s due

Apparently some TV commentators made fools of themselves in the eyes of the geek community by not recognizing Tim Berners-Lee (who invented the hypertext transfer protocol, and with it the basis for hypertext markup language, thus the world wide web) when he appeared in the London Olympics opening ceremony. I grinned in recognition (he’s still […]

Default search engines, privacy … and trying alternatives to Google

As I’ve indicated, I’ve been steadily making my web browsing footprint lighter and checking out alternatives to Google search — which, as well as trailing us all, spectacularly broke trust with users by circumnavigating (read: disobeying) explicit instructions in preferences to ‘block third party cookies’ by ‘unfair and deceptive‘ means (see Another Google privacy FAIL […]

A joke for geeks

  {Chortle} At least the font isn’t Comic sans! – P via Terry Burton

Facebook’s scheme to deliver YOU to its clients

If you’re interested, read this article Big Brands Like Facebook, But They Don’t Like to Pay from the Wall St Journal about how Ford Motor Co. used a ‘free’ Facebook page (oh, and $95 million dollars in other advertising, 5% of that on Facebook) to launch a muppet called Doug to sell a new car […]

iOS 5: Tips, Tricks & Hidden Features

OK, just because I upgraded to Apple’s new iOS5 yesterday (with millions of others) I’m not assuming everyone who reads this blog will be interested … but some of you might: iOS 5: Tips, Tricks & Hidden Features by Chris Herbert at Me? I like it so far. – P And, naturally, John Gruber […]

When the brand is smokin’ hot …

You might remember my post ‘Talk about product placement!’ which featured President Obama demonstrating a new government health website on a MacBook Pro with the Presidential seal over the Apple logo… Here’s today’s NZ Herald displaying no such coyness — in fact the article is about kids wanting Apple products for Christmas. (Enthusiastic consumers of […]

Homemade space program

Nice project by Luke Geissbühler and son Max, as reported by NY Mag … from my ‘reading’ of the video, I think the iPhone was used to track his ‘space capsule’, but the video itself was taken with a different (unspecified) bit of kit — not the iPhone, despite the report. In a burst of science-is-fun […]

And then a bug flew in the window(s)…

ATM: ‘Welcome’. Card in. PIN typed in. Oops, instant BLANK SCREEN. Keypad doing nuttin’. Hmmm. Looking, looking, then up came the NCR logo white on black. For a loooooong time. ‘Have I broken it? I muttered. I went into the bank and explained my plight. A teller went and had a look: ‘Oh it’s just […]

‘The problem with Google is that Eric Schmidt is creepy’

Not just for geeks: Here’s a really thoughtful post about Google, culture, and information privacy. From John Gruber. Well worth your time to read. And I like the way he’s unafraid to mention the FACT that people’s personality, ethics and character can lead their decision-making. Good on him. – P

Talk about product placement!

Funny, I’ve got one of those MacBook Pro laptops like the one President Obama used to demo the new website … but mine doesn’t have the Presidential seal plastered over the Apple logo. Jeez, those of us using Macs used to be ‘oddballs’, ‘outlaws’ and renegades (‘the elite’ I always used to say, which […]

Incredible Science

My hat’s off to the Faculty and Students of the Auckland University Science department who put on a brilliant day for kids (and, ahem, accompanying adults) at yesterday’s Incredible Science Day. Wow we had a good time and the place was buzzing. Special mention to the Wow Physics show which was a heady, indulgent mix […]