Posts Tagged ‘Facebook’

Facebook is a scourge. Convince me otherwise.

Totally worth watching: Robbie Nicol (of White Man Behind A Desk) explains …”After the protests [at Parliament Buildings, Wellington] in February, I tried to write a monologue about Facebook and radicalisation — and it ended up being 17 minutes long lol.” Surely Facebook’s twisted, evil, money-at-all-costs approach – radicalising users by placing a higher value […]

Facebook is not the devil

Hey, don’t get me wrong, I have been terribly troubled by Facebook’s ‘surveillance economy’ model: the way it tracks and analyses its users’ social graph and extrapolates a map of their ‘interests’ and demographic information before delivering them (the users) and their privacy up like lambs to the slaughter on the altar of commerce and, […]

Facebook is holding ‘your’ readers captive

A little while ago I helped a mate extinguish his Facebook profile. He’d had enough of it. In my own case, I run a very limited profile there and often wince when people (‘friends’) post material which refers to me. I see that as adding data points to the humungous conglomerated information that the rapacious […]

They laughed when I stuck tape over my web cam…

I’m not kidding. One of the first things I did at a new workplace was stick a small rectangle of Post-it note over the web cam. It provoked a few comments re “paranoia”, but did I care? Nope. Then, months later, I read that FBI director James Comey did the same thing, citing people who […]

The evolution of news media pinching pics off social media

I noted this photo credit: “Photo / Supplied by Facebook” in the NZ Herald‘s front page story today. Whatever. I’m not that critical, and, in this case, it’s probably fine with the ‘subject’ … but what do you think?: Is it OK for news media to take and re-publish items from someone’s Facebook profile? (And […]

Not just a fake Facebook account, but a demeaning, pornographic one.

Not a new story, but I came across it again … disgusting. As noted here previously, about the time I was tackling some internet marketing ‘gurus’ (and, I guess, hurting their feelings) several fake blogs were set up using my name and linking to derogatory statements about me. That was water off a duck’s back, […]

Another brick crumbles

Remember Facebook announced they were going to remove the ability to not be ‘found’ on their network by ‘non friends’? (Facebook. le sigh.) Well, it’s rolling out … I just got this email … Note the use of language: ‘old setting’ you’ve ‘used in the past’. (Actually, no, I use it NOW Facebook. You’re taking […]

Facebook. le sigh.

Facebook is getting rid of a privacy feature that let users limit who can find them on the social network. Facebook Inc said on Thursday (local time) that it was removing a setting that controlled whether users could be found when people type their name into the website’s search bar. Facebook said only a single-digit […]

Why would you NOT use AdBlock?

Here’s Facebook … Why would anyone not use AdBlock? – P

Facebook as ‘digiphrenia’ or technology that misrepresents us

From a good article ‘Why I’m quitting Facebook’ by Douglas Rushkoff at CNN: … Facebook is just such a technology. It does things on our behalf when we’re not even there. It actively misrepresents us to our friends, and worse misrepresents those who have befriended us to still others. To enable this dysfunctional situation — […]

There goes the whole appeal of Facebook for some personality types … well, not really

In the same way that locks are only really designed to keep out honest people, this ‘dramatic’ change to how Facebook operates will, in reality, be of minimal effect. We’ve discussed the (lack of) privacy of material posted on the world’s largest social network before. Birds gotta fly, fish gotta swim, some people gotta SNOOP. […]

Facebook price droops. Hands up if you’re surprised

See Facebook Stock Collapse Contributes To Mistrust Of Wall Street (Huffington Post) if you care. … the Facebook IPO had examples of pretty much everything that is wrong with the stock market today. Media and analyst cheerleading? Check. The destructive influence of high-speed trading? Check. A system built for insiders to profit while retail investors […]

Facebook’s scheme to deliver YOU to its clients

If you’re interested, read this article Big Brands Like Facebook, But They Don’t Like to Pay from the Wall St Journal about how Ford Motor Co. used a ‘free’ Facebook page (oh, and $95 million dollars in other advertising, 5% of that on Facebook) to launch a muppet called Doug to sell a new car […]

Confronted with information indicating we are wrong, we get ‘cranky’

I listened to a brilliant lecture with Q&A on iTunes U last night by Eli Pariser, the author of The Filter Bubble. He was talking about the ideas in his book as part of a London School of Econmics Summer 2011 Public Lectures and Events. (Here’s the iTunes U URL [1 hr 20 min]. He’s […]

Another good graphic

Another in my series of ‘graphics that communicate‘ … this poster design for an upcoming event in Leigh next month really appeals to me: Now the funny things is, I found the poster because this morning Facebook recommended I ‘friend’ Tame Iti (since we have four friends in common) and I wandered over to his […]