Posts Tagged ‘copyright/plagiarism’

Is anything on the web ‘public domain’ — as this editor asserts?

Tell that to Rupert Murdoch! Here’s the story, and it’s brazen, baby, really brazen…

Nice to be clear – Mark Coker on e-Books

I enjoyed a fascinating and informative day at the NZ Society of Authors seminar, Publishing for Authors — the whole picture yesterday. One of the keynote speakers was Mark Coker of Smashwords who talked about the past and preset of e-books, trends in the market, and the mistakes he sees US publishers making that perhaps […]

Farewell Limewire

As noted in this earlier post, high profile file ‘sharing (or stealing?) service’ Limewire lost a federal case brought against them by outraged record companies. The death blow/shut down order was suspended in May while the victorious owners and licensees of the intellectual property at issue and the thieves who built a business distributing what wasn’t […]

Feeling uncomfortable about Google, yet?

Oh, life was so much simpler for everyone when Google wasn’t sending its spies out into the world, ‘sniffing’ and STORING our private data, photographing our homes and scanning our books in public libraries without apparent regard for copyright. Now, to make it all better, they’ve appointed a ‘director of privacy’ (sigh) and say they […]

Mr Phil Jones: re-heating cold horseshit

Ugh. I’ve just been slimed (again) by a man I personally regard as a dishonest and obnoxious bully-boy. So, in keeping with my general policy of confronting and directly answering criticism, here’s a response: (Only read it if you’re actually interested … OK?) It was a case of ‘speak of the devil’ — A couple […]

Creative genius

I’ve been thinking about the Shepard Fairey vs AP copyright dispute I referred to yesterday. As clever as Mr Fairley is, there’s no doubt his Obama HOPE image rests as if on a foundation on the Mannie Garcia photo (copyright owned by AP, it transpires). As the side-by-side comparison demonstrates, without the Garcia photo, what […]

Plagiarism as a business model

What’s coming up for discussion with the new media/old media/social media/internet marketing debate is: how important is ‘original material’? It’s an issue not just for the Rupert Murdochs of the world: original, quality content for news media — actually any media — is expensive to produce on anything like an ongoing and quality basis. It […]

YouTube Traffic thieves spotted in the wild

Remember my review of Geekversity spruiker Shaun Stenning‘s YouTube Traffic Thieves report… An odious little volume? Apparently news aggregator site (parent of Gizmodo, receivers of stolen iPhone prototypes) recently used one of the dodgy ‘tricks’ promoted by the young guru’s mephitic ‘e-book’ i.e pinching someone else’s video and uploading it to get ‘their’ traffic. […]

YouTube copyright win. For now.

Well, that’s an interesting turn. Looks like the judge has confirmed the rule as: Go ahead, infringe somebody else’s copyright (or provide a platform for doing so), then stop doing it as soon as the aggrieved rights-holder demands you ‘take it down’ and … ‘sweet, bro!’. Hmm, I don’t think I like that. The role […]

These film guys have got a point

Reuters reported yesterday that film studio Summit Entertainment, which produces the “Twilight” film franchise, is suing a retailer that’s selling copies of a jacket worn by actor Kristen Stewart who plays heroine Bella Swan in the movies. The studio filed a lawsuit against women’s fashion designer BB Dakota on Friday for copyright and trademark infringement. […]

Fair use — ‘iconic’ is a rationale

We’ve discussed ‘fair dealing’ and ‘fair use’ of other people’s intellectual property previously. I stumbled across THIS useful explanation on wikipedia following a link from Jason Kottke on reproductions of classic photographs in lego and found it interesting enough — the copyright aspect — to quote in full here. Copyright is owned by Martin Elliott. […]

Interesting discussion about crediting sources

How The Mainstream Media Stole Our News Story Without Credit by DANNY SULLIVAN on JUNE 1, 2010 Thanks to Bernard Hickey who tweeted it this morning.

Off to a good start?

Oh boy. This guy is off to almost as good a start as Brian J Hogan the iPhone prototype finder-keeper/thief/seller … Brian Corman, Columbia Valedictorian, PLAGIARIZED Patton Oswalt In Graduation Speech … leaving the university, home of the famed Columbia School of Journalism, embarrassed… It has come to our attention that a portion of our […]

And in today’s news… Limewire

. LimeWire hammered in copyright case 11:36 AM Thursday May 13, 2010 | NZ Herald [AP story] LOS ANGELES – File-sharing software company LimeWire has lost a court battle to the major recording companies. A judge with the US District Court in New York ruled this week that the company and its Chairman Mark Gorton […]

Freeloader culture: taking things that aren’t yours …

Andrew Keen’s opinion column “Copyrights take a back seat to profits on the Web” is worth a read. Even in the digital world, standards are still necessary and some old rules deserve respect. Creators should still be fairly compensated for their work, and we shouldn’t tolerate stealing as the road to profit. And, as much […]