Posts Tagged ‘Cathy Odgers’

More evidence that Carrick Graham is a paid character assassin

Spotted in yesterday’s news: two references to dirty PR (or as he likes to put it: ‘below the line communications‘) work carried out by Carrick Graham and his most-likely-only-doing-it-for-the-money glove puppet Cameron Slater. In a case that seems to have been judged (by, like, an actual Judge) as attempted character assassination, Carrick Graham appears to […]

[Source documents] Judith Collins Lester Chisholm Inquiry evidence

As mentioned in The Judith Collins Chisholm inquiry: Who was actually on trial?, the following documents (except ‘Lester Chisholm Inquiry Report’) were released under an Official Information Act request. They are the redacted witness transcripts and evidence presented to the inquiry, as well as Lester Chisholm’s final report. Note: There is a total of 60 […]