Posts Tagged ‘Barack Obama’
Fear of ‘the other’ exemplified
via Andrew Sullivan, read this huge read at The Atlantic. Wow. Fear of a Black President by Ta-Nehisi Coates As a candidate, Barack Obama said we needed to reckon with race and with America’s original sin, slavery. But as our first black president, he has avoided mention of race almost entirely. In having to be […]
Obama: love him or hate him, his election changed something forever
This image, of a black man as the President of the United States, was barely imaginable by most of us ten years ago. Colin Powell,* maybe. Jesse Jackson, not really. But Powell (fairly) considered the cost to his family, and the very real risk to his life. This guy Obama made history, and his electoral […]
Line in the sand, flip-flop, litmus test, lightning rod? Same sex marriage.
I don’t know if President Obama’s announcement today that he personally supports the right of same sex couples to marry will help or hurt him electorally, but from my point of view, it is absolutely the right call. And I’m not gay. Glenn Greenwald, who is, credits Obama’s actions, regardless of their motivation. I agree. […]
Pres. Barack Obama at the 2012 White House Correspondents’ Dinner
Watch for the wink when he says he was born in Hawaii. Hilarious stuff.
Obama skates
Ha! I know I pointed, affectionately, to our PM skiting about his recent ‘pull aside’ with President Obama (see: ‘Regular bloke’ John Key … skites). Look what some clever dick has put together. It must be true, I saw it on the interwebs… Obama skating: – P (via Tim Carmody)
Obama’s birth certificate ‘lemonade’
Funny! From the Barack Obama campaign store Made in the USA. (I wonder if the mug is?) – P
‘Regular bloke’ John Key … skites
Every now and then John Key does something to remind us that he’s a regular(ish) kiwi bloke. I remember TV3’s Patrick Gower tweeted a pic of the National Party leader on the campaign trail — offering pizza to members of the media stuck on his campaign bus the day before last year’s general election. Waiting […]
Reality check?
Worth a look. The war of the US election campaign videos is going to get intense. The Road We’ve Traveled Published on Mar 15, 2012 by BarackObamadotcom Remember how far we’ve come. From Academy Award®-winning director Davis Guggenheim: “The Road We’ve Traveled”. This film gives an inside look at some of the tough calls President […]
Caption competition: Obama in Ireland
“Is this how you do a terrorist fist-bump?” Put your suggestions in comments or at ThePaepae’s Facebook page.
I can see Pakistan from my house. Security clearance? You betcha!
Oh, boy, those White House photographers must have an ultra-plus-plus security clearance, huh? Here’s Pete Souza’s pic of the gang watching the Osama Bin Laden ‘kill or capture’ mission LIVE-as-it-happens … just like TV show 24 only the body count is real. Imagine being there. UPDATE: Spoofed by NZ Herald cartoonist Rod Emmerson UPDATE 2: Hillary Clinton […]
This is a serious disappointment, I have to say.
The buck stops at Barack Obama’s desk on this, and it’s not a good look. To my way of thinking, the irrational cruelty being imposed on Private Bradley Manning — as yet not convicted of ANYTHING — confirms his title, as mentioned recently by Julian Assange, as America’s foremost political prisoner. Burma’s heroic Aung San […]
AP and plagiarist Shepard Fairey settled. Now going after a common enemy?
I hadn’t seen that The Associated Press and Shepard Fairey had sort of settled their dispute over Fairey’s unauthorised and lied-about use of AP photographer Mannie Garcia’s pic of Obama in the famous and ubiquitous HOPE poster … which we discussed here and here. (Read AP media release here.) The lawsuit (which was enriching no-one […]
You don’t have to make stuff up.
In a nice bit of straight journalism (yes, there is such a thing!) CNN’s Anderson Cooper in his ‘Keeping Them Honest’ slot this week debunked a nasty piece of work by Congresswoman Michele Bachmann, who, as he put it “used up our air time last night, rather than answering questions about Medicare…and she chose to […]
Politics is a full contact sport — but there are limits
“This is a contact sport, politics. You can’t complain about being attacked.” — Bill Clinton. He was probably quoting former US Senator Alan Simpson, who famously used the phrase ‘Politics is a contact sport’ in his 2002 Peltason lecture, and ever since, invoking it to describe his good mate Teddy Kennedy… Politics is a contact […]
What a great comment!
I just had to share this neat little story. How cool. As text below the fold