Authorities have released an image from security camera footage of one of the [alleged] perpetrators of an electoral ‘dirty-deal’ sealed in Auckland yesterday.

Natiional Party leader (and ACT's greatest electoral asset) John Key leaving the scene of the 'crime'. (Pic: Peter Aranyi) UPDATED with explanatory note for Cameron Slater.
Anyone with knowledge of the incident, carried out in front of about 40 journalists* and cameramen, should um … well, they should, er … gee … well, what can they do?
* I was one of them:
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Or link to MP3 file.
You see, John Key’s “clear signal” to Epsom National Party supporters to ‘vote tactically’ and cast their electorate vote for ACT’s (cough) candidate John Banks is NOT ACTUALLY ILLEGAL (nor even immoral in my view) … despite shrieks of outrage from some of National and ACT’s opponents about ‘rorting the system’.
But personally, it doesn’t strike me as particularly authentic either.

A nod is as good as a wink. ACT Epsom candidate John Banks receives National Party leader John Key's imprimatur. (Pic: Peter Aranyi)
Not their finest hour.
– P
Suck it up Peter, this is one of the consequences of the MMP system you are so in love with.
Funny how the biggest supporters of MMP, who use lines like it fairly represents all voters, and no one party can have power all cry like babies when two parties use the system to their advantage.
‘Cry like babies’? Cameron?
Maybe others do that about these deals, but not me.
Arrangements like this (and Peter Dunne in Ohariu) are a small price to pay for the ‘every vote counts’ representation aspect of MMP.
… and it seems to me that’s all true-blue Epsom voters and your beloved National Party are taking advantage of.
It’s hard to write rules that are fair to fringe political parties IMO, but voters are – by definition – consenting adults, after all.
– P
Then why are you writing about a “burglary” and a “dirty-deal” plus the faked up security footage?
Very emotive terms to describe legitimate arrangements under MMP rules and regulations, doncha think?
If it was meant to be satire then well…it missed…me at least.
Read it again, Cam.
While the arrangements are not illegal, I don’t think they’re completely above board either.
You really had to be there to hear the *extended* performance of ducking and diving and weasel words the two politicians deployed to pretend to deny the intent of their cup of tea stunt ‘signal’.
John Key seemed (to me) to display considerable implausibility saying, ‘If Epsom voters want to do what they did in 2005 & 2008 I would not be unhappy ‘ …
… but then admitting he himself will be giving two ticks to National in Epsom.
– P
[…] reported the Thai Sex Tour trial verdict on Friday morning — before going on to cover the ‘cup of tea‘ — a trial at which I naturally respected the court ordered name suppression (the convicted […]
[…] very wellKeeping track of the doublespeak?Posted in November 14, 2011Peter Aranyi1 Comment »On Friday we had ‘We’re not actually telling people how vote … we’re just saying we […]
[…] spotted his article ‘Key’s Cuppa is a mistake‘ on my way to cover the fateful ‘cup of tea’ media stunt … well, haven’t those words proved […]
[…] predicted here and elsewhere that the recording of the now infamous election campaign ‘cup of tea‘ between ACT Epsom candidate John Banks and National Party leader John Key or a transcript […]