Oh, boy, those White House photographers must have an ultra-plus-plus security clearance, huh? Here’s Pete Souza’s pic of the gang watching the Osama Bin Laden ‘kill or capture’ mission LIVE-as-it-happens … just like TV show 24 only the body count is real. Imagine being there.
UPDATE: Spoofed by NZ Herald cartoonist Rod Emmerson
UPDATE 2: Hillary Clinton photoshopped out of Situation Room photo by Ultra Orthodox Hasidic newspaper Der Tzitung (via Jezebel)
From a statement of apology by Der Tzitung … (which is Brooklyn, NY, based!)
Read the full statement at washingtonpost.com:
‘Iconic photograph’ — what? so soon? Yup, probably.
Here’s a key to who was there from a facscinating article at washingtonpost.com linked to from the article in the previous comment.