"...Mitt Romney repurposed a phrase from Hillary Clinton, citing a "vast left wing conspiracy" brewing in the media and liberal advocacy organizations to derail his campaign." What if he's right? (click to visit CNN)
Highlights from Kevin Liptak’s CNN post: Romney cites ‘vast left wing conspiracy’
Romney was making an appearance on Breitbart TV [Comment: surprise!] and was asked by host Larry O’Connor whether he was ready to take on “the media and these nonprofits groups that are working together.”
“There will be an effort by the quote vast left wing conspiracy to work together to put out their message and to attack me,” Romney said in response. “They’re going to do everything they can to divert from the message people care about, which is a growing economy that creates more jobs and rising incomes. That’s what people care about.”
Romney’s choice of words echoes Clinton’s assertion in 1998 that a “vast right wing conspiracy” was behind the sexual harassment charges her husband, former President Bill Clinton, was facing at the time.
… Romney said dealing with journalists, many of whom he said were biased, was a perpetual problem for Republicans.
“Many in the media are inclined to do the president’s bidding and I know that’s an uphill battle we fight with the media generally,” Romney said, before praising O’Connor for offering a conservative voice.
The candidate said he was unfazed by the prospect of doing battle with the left’s vast operation.
Oh boy. This US election is definitely going feed my addiction again.
– P
PS That line about ‘biased’ journalists trying to “divert from the message people care about” reminds me of something … what was it? Oh yes. ‘public interest’ vs ‘the issues that matter’