I had lunch with my good friend Graeme today after he picked ‘the best song ever written’ on National Radio … and he hadn’t yet seen this absolutely wonderful recent rant and rave, telling-the-truth criticism of Glenn Beck by The Daily Show’s acerbic commentator, my hero Lewis Black …

Click to watch the video right after the jump (to save the YouTube script slowing down this page load.)
Great stuff! What a clarion call! I wish I were half as good as Lewis Black at what he does. (Perhaps with continued practice I can get better at it?)
Then we might see some squirming … oh, wait … {grin}
(Better quality video here at TheDailyShow.com)
Lewis Niles Black (born August 30, 1948) is an American stand-up comedian, author, playwright and actor. He is known for his comedy style which often includes simulating a mental breakdown or an increasingly angry rant, ridiculing history, politics, religion, trends and cultural phenomena. … Black’s style of comedy is that of a man who, in dealing with the absurdities of life and contemporary politics, is approaching his personal limits of sanity. Sarcasm, hyperbole, profanity, shouting and trademark angry finger-shaking bring emphasis to his topics of discussion. He once described his humor as “being on the Titanic every single day and being the only person who knows what is going to happen.” — Wikipedia
Nicely put.
Black’s own webpage is: http://www.lewisblack.com/
Of course, the whole thing is an example of Godwin’s Law… well, not exactly, but you get my point …
[…] made their feelings known privately and publicly, and their outrage about the outrage (to quote Lewis Black) and intimidatory behaviour and threats has seen some censorship and retraction lately. (Not […]