In defence of Shaun Stenning — (update: FAKE) Jennifer from Oz

This comment floated in overnight — from ‘Jennifer‘, [who is a sockpuppet. See UPDATE 2 below] in response to last month’s post ‘Is this how Shaun Stenning handles a request for a refund?‘ and, oh, she accuses me of insincerity, to say the least:


Hi Peter,

It seems you like to play devils advocate don’t you, you have never once posted anything positivite [sic] about Shaun Stenning, no mention of the $30,000 SGD he donated to the All One Foundation earlier in the year, no mention of the lives he’s changed with the information and strategies that he has taught from stage.

But you’ll happily publish all the crap that you hear second hand or read on other websites and forums? C’mon, you are in exactly the same industry as Stenning is, and from what I can see you started to publish your posts about him just after his successful launch of the NZPG brand into New Zealand.. Seems to be a bit of a green eyed monster coming out of the dark doesn’t it..

Can you honestly say that you’ve never had an unhappy customer with your Empower (what ever it is) company, events, products and people that you promote? Can you honestly say that.. You are in exactly same industry and you know exactly the success rate of people that go into programs or do you have a different success rate to the rest of the industry where 100% of the people who come to your events and buy your’s or your speakers programs retire and be financially free..

Would love to hear your thoughts openly below


A few thoughts in reply (openly):

Hello Jen,
First, your attempted spin:
Loudly trumpeted charity donations, if they actually occur, are their own reward, in my view. Even if I was aware of them, so?
Personally, I don’t find your gushing ”lives he’s changed…” detail-free claim even slightly plausible. Not from what I hear.
Ask the disappointed Geekversity victims still licking their wounds in Australia and NZ, and now the Asian customers unhappy at what they see as “lies” they’ve been told in the hard-sell sales pitch for and

You declare that I’m in “exactly the same industry as Stenning is” but then refer to “Empower (what ever it is)” as if you don’t really know … whacky. You imply envy or a vague business competition motivate my comments and their timing — par for the course. Good grief.

Check your facts. My first comments here at mentioning Shaun Stenning, No April fool, Dean Letfus claims: “DEFAMATION!” and Shaun Stenning: Monkey or Organ Grinder? in April 2010 followed his semi-literate and (probably unintentionally) funny ‘legal threats’ against a fellow blogger who reviewed one of the NZ property guru, er, ‘events’ to which you refer.

Smooth-talking Shaun Stenning was the pitchman. (You know the drill: ‘If there’s one thing I know about successful people it’s that they Take Action. Come, join us, make your dreams come true. Step into the future you deserve. Retire rich, rilly rilly fast. Just 3 easy clicks and sit back. All major credit cards accepted. Sign here before this opportunity passes you by.’ etc.)

I was told he got 25% off the top for his salesmanship. Nice work if you can get it.

But almost a year before that, around June 2009, Shaun’s Geekversity um ‘enterprise’ and roadshow had already caught my attention via the hyperbolic and dubious sales propaganda of Dean Letfus and Steve Goodey, two notable property spruikers and get-rich-quick ‘operators’ here in NZ. (Birds of a feather?) Continue reading →

History will judge WikiLeaks. And they’ll be seen as right.

This, plus the supportive comments of John Pilger convince me more than ever. History will show they are right.

‘The Pentagon Papers’ author Daniel Ellsberg has added his voice to support for WikiLeaks … I heard John Pilger on the BBC, doing the same… these men are lions of conscience, and heroes of mine. Whistleblowers aren’t popular.

WikiLeaks has teased the genie of transparency out of a very opaque bottle, and powerful forces in America, who thrive on secrecy, are trying desperately to stuff the genie back in. …

How far down the U.S. has slid can be seen, ironically enough, in a recent commentary in Pravda (that’s right, Russia’s Pravda): “What WikiLeaks has done is make people understand why so many Americans are politically apathetic … After all, the evils committed by those in power can be suffocating, and the sense of powerlessness that erupts can be paralyzing, especially when … government evildoers almost always get away with their crimes. …”

Daniel Elsberg website

John Pilger’s new movie:  (trailer below the fold)

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Perfect Symmetry, Episode 7

How was this possible? It was not – but then… Here in his hand was the proof. Its truth was unarguable. James was stunned. 

The dream with the Fleet Council Chairman Tilney: Tilney had been a friendly; gray-haired, middle-aged man in his seventies. He had an easy and genuine smile. So unlike what he thought an officer of such high rank should be. But Catherine Moreland had also been friendly, not completely overt, but friendly all the same. James supposed that these very senior officers were good at the craft of relationship because they spent most of their time caught-up in the art of Fleet politics. James shook his head; perhaps that was why he had an affinity towards the two, and it was through their sincere kindness that invoked the very real, but hidden emotions of loss and guilt. Perhaps, because of his parent’s death at such an early age…
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Joe Lieberman: I’m with Homeland Security and I’m here to help. Right.

So, remind me how the US, land of free speech is different to, say, China where the internet is censored as a matter of course.

Celebrating freedom of speech or guilty without trial? (image; WikiLeaks)

Via Salon’s Glen Greenwald we learn that the New York Times has catalogued another bit of heavyweight censorship — guilty without a trial — connected with WikiLeaks…

… another company has now capitulated to Lieberman’s demands: “a Seattle-based software company, Tableau, which provides a free Web platform for interactive graphics, removed charts uploaded by WikiLeaks in response to Sen. Joe Lieberman’s public statement that companies should stop helping the whistle-blowers.” Tableau issued a statement, which reads in part:

Wednesday afternoon, Tableau Software removed data visualizations published by WikiLeaks to Tableau Public. We understand this is a sensitive issue and want to assure the public and our users that this was not an easy decision, nor one that we took lightly. . . .

Our decision to remove the data from our servers came in response to a public request by Senator Joe Lieberman, who chairs the Senate Homeland Security Committee, when he called for organizations hosting WikiLeaks to terminate their relationship with the website.

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Glenn Beck = fruitcake?

Is it just me? Or is this guy Glenn Beck nuttier than a Christmas cake?

The many 'moods' of Glenn Beck — exhorting, scolding, pleading with you to 'Like' his Facebook page.

Observe the range of emotions he, er, emotes as he  tells the horrific (made-up) story of what happens when people who have a ‘Like problem’ — i.e. who don’t click the ‘Like’ button on his Facebook page — they ‘kill puppies and kittens’. Oh boy … and they suffer horribly, apparently.

Here’s an extract from his outtakes of recent filming … for an ad campaign: Continue reading →

Government lapdogs?

TPMMuckraker How Lieberman Got Amazon To Drop Wikileaks


Look what happens when you mess with the Fed:

Users of the Web site saw this message after the site was seized on Friday. (image;

Whoo, boy.

U.S. Shuts Down Web Sites in Piracy Crackdown

New York Times November 26, 2010

In what appears to be the latest phase of a far-reaching federal crackdown on online piracy of music and movies, the Web addresses of a number of sites that facilitate illegal file-sharing were seized this week by Immigration and Customs Enforcement, a division of the Department of Homeland Security. …

That’s a whole lot tougher than itinerant salesman Shaun Stenning’s approach to his aggrieved clients asking for their money back…. um, through the wrong ‘mechanism’.

How 'internet millionaire' Shaun Stenning deals with a refund request for his SNIPR/TWALK cashflow machine? (click)

But not as tough as Facebook, apparently, according to Scoble and others.

Off with his head

OK, we expect reactionaries like Fox News’s Bill O’Reilly to call for the firing squad for the WikiLeaks source.  And ditto whoever writes Sarah Palin’s Facebook stuff (hunt down Julian Assange, the director of Wikileaks “with the same urgency we pursue al Qaeda and Taliban leaders”, describing Assange as “an anti-American operative with blood on his hands.”)

No surprises there.

But who is THIS GUY and what is he on?:

image: Huffington Post front page

Hey Mike Huckabee, aren’t you hoping to run for President again? You think this will help your chances? Maybe. (But you can’t out-crazy Sarah Palin.)

I heard a former British ambassador saying there’s an old word for what WikiLeaks is doing — TREACHERY.

That’s one way of looking at things I guess. But there are others who ask: What’s really being protected? The assignment to US diplomats to gather passwords and DNA samples and personal credit card information from people in their host country? Hello?

Biographic and biometric data, including health, opinions toward the US, training history, ethnicity (tribal and/or clan), and language skills of key and emerging political, military, intelligence, opposition, ethnic, religious, and business leaders. Data should include email addresses, telephone and fax numbers, fingerprints, facial images, DNA, and iris scans.

Does that seem OK to you?

And, what’s this? Fighting fire with fire?

Gee, is there any possibility that this, or the reported pressure on the Australian government to charge Julian Assange with something — anything!! — could be a little bit of abuse of power? Just a thought. (image - click)

Pretty gutsy guys in WikiLeaks. Pretty lame stuff from the headline-seekers.

Smallest surprise in the world

To be expected, surely?

The day of release of the widely-telegraphed US embassy cables, of course someone will have a crack at WikiLeaks. Thus, the strategy of release to multiple news organisations.

They can hardly complain about dirty tricks, when they’re leaking stolen documents. It’s only going to get worse for them. As I noted earlier Julian Assange and the Merry Folk of WikiLeaks are up against agencies that lie and distort and misinform as their duty.

U2 360 Auckland

U2 Mt Smart Stadium, Auckland, 26 November, I wuz there, thanks to George! (image: Peter Aranyi)

Pretty impressive night, in all ways. Great crowd, too.
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TSA – Help you make it to your flight

It’s amazing what can enter popular culture. And how quickly.

Now, because of a widely-perceived image as voyeurs (at the very least) and molesters, staff of the US Transport Safety Authority TSA are copping quite a bit of flack. Their heavy-handedness (pun) with ‘pat down’ searches of all sorts of citizens — kids, paraplegics, nuns, young white anglo saxon students — actions which sparked first revulsion, anger, and now mockery.

This pretty damn sharp satirical attack from Buck Howdy is a good example of personalising the message…. (‘I’ve got no life except my job’):

Part of Buck Howdy's music video: 'Help You Make It To Your Flight' (click to watch)

Video below the fold

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Pike River mine disaster

My heartfelt condolences to the families slammed by this gut-wrenching event.
Hopes dashed by the second explosion. Awful.
And now grief, a companion for life. – Peter

Attention to details

Gin Wigmore (Publicity shot via NZ Herald)

Following up on some people’s sensitivity to Facebook comments, I understand singer Gin Wigmore is very particular about her image — and fair enough, too. That’s an important thing to keep under control.

Michelle Hewitson, interviewing her for the NZ Herald, said:

[Gin Wigmore] won’t be photographed without hair and make-up, her record company said, and she had a tight schedule. Would we consider using promo shots? No. Couldn’t she just put on a bit of slap? No.

She was wondering what to wear. I asked why it mattered. The make-up person said earnestly: “It’s Gin’s image.”

Gin said, mock earnestly: “Yes. It’s very important. You can’t go round looking like a rag.”

Well I think she looks fabulous in these photos. Well done to her. (More photos on her Facebook page)

Gin Wigmore (image: Steve Madden)

Good on her. I wish her well. She’s doing well in a relentlessly superficial world.

I’ll always remember Hunter S Thompson’s line:

The music business is a cruel and shallow money trench, a long plastic hallway where thieves and pimps run free, and good men die like dogs.
There’s also a negative side.” — Hunter S. Thompson

Facebook’s tentacles now part of divorce settlements!

Don’t let anybody tell you Facebook doesn’t matter.

image: adapted from (click)

It seems for a certain type of person, what’s said about them on Facebook really matters. So much so that clauses relating to Facebook are, by the look of things, finding their way into matrimonial settlement agreements, along with who gets the house, the car, the credit cards … (oh, and the kids).

A recent Court Judgment about a challenge to a document purporting to be a Matrimonial Settlement records the ex-spouses’ mutual concern about their ‘reputation’ … and contains clauses aimed at controlling what’s posted about them on Facebook!

4.  [ex Husband] agrees …

f. To make no negative public or private statements about [ex Wife].

g. To make no Facebook comments or posts about [ex Wife] at all and to remove any and all negative Facebook posts and videos / audio of [ex Wife].

5. [ex Wife] agrees …

g. To make no negative public or private statements about [ex Husband].

h. To make no Facebook comments or posts about [ex Husband] at all and to remove any and all negative Facebook posts and videos / audio of [ex Husband].

i. To operate one Facebook account and to request Facebook remove and delete the xxx B [ex Wife] account. [Comment: Wow!]

j. To write an email to all people she sent the XX email on the xth of December to advising ‘All matters are resolved between the parties and that [ex Wife] has chosen to pursue other opportunities will not be having any further involvement with the [joint business] which is now being satisfactorily guided by [ex Husband]. A copy this email and the list of people it is to be sent to from the xth December distribution list is to be sent to [ex Husband] within 24 hours of signing this Agreement.

Of course, none of this was supposed to be publicly knownContinue reading →

Nicely put — Australian Values Statement (click)

I stumbled across this Australian Values Statement and quite like what it’s saying. It seems fair enough to make this an ‘initial communication’ for people considering emigrating to Australia.

It seems to me in part a fleshed-out version of the cry of the French Revolution (Liberty, equality, fraternity).

I wonder what the background is, how it came to be drafted, and whether it’s being used, sometimes, to send an ‘assimilation’ signal?

The message: Come to our country with the realisation that you may have do things differently to how you did them where you came from (e.g. treatment of women and children etc.) — oh, and the national language is English, right? — is really worth saying, in my view.

Australian Values Statement

You must sign this statement if you are aged 18 years or over.
I confirm that I have read, or had explained to me, information provided by the Australian Government on Australian society and values.

I understand:

  • Australian society values respect for the freedom and dignity of the individual, freedom of religion, commitment to the rule of law, Parliamentary democracy, equality of men and women and a spirit of egalitarianism that embraces mutual respect, tolerance, fair play and compassion for those in need and pursuit of the public good.
  • Australian society values equality of opportunity for individuals, regardless of their race, religion or ethnic background
  • the English language, as the national language, is an important unifying element of Australian society.

I undertake to respect these values of Australian society during my stay in Australia and to obey the laws of Australia. I understand that, if I should seek to become an Australian citizen: Continue reading →