Losing respect

Junior regatta at Howick Beach March 2011  (pic: Peter Aranyi)

Junior regatta at Howick Beach March 2011 — learning life lessons through sport (Pic: Peter Aranyi)

Both my kids have learnt sailing at our local sailing club. Last weekend, in pretty rough conditions, I helped out in a minor way when the club hosted a big Auckland regatta … a huge effort by the club, parents and volunteers, and really worthwhile, especially for the junior sailors.

I noticed this quote about respect on the club noticeboard. Like so many of the lessons we learn through sport, it applies to much wider areas of our lives.

'You haven't won the race if, in winning the race you have lost the respect of your competitors.' — Paul Elvstrom, 4 time Olympic gold medallist.

As a rule, I don’t throw the words ‘ethical‘ and ‘unethical‘ around much. I’ve learned they can be like a two-edged sword, implying unintended claims of sainthood on my own part (I’m NOT!) Also, people are complicated animals as we discussed in my post ‘If you prick us do we not bleed?‘ I can’t see inside them any more than they can see inside me.

Even so, when one observes the dodgy and deceptive twisting and turning some operators indulge in to try to evade their commercial responsibilities (and their moral obligations to put things right where possible) one has to ask the question: What ARE their ethical values, really? Despite what they might SAY they are.

A loud, repeated, public over-emphasis on his own personal integrity was one of the first warning signs* that a plausible-appearing, um, personality who burst on the ‘property education’ (ahem) scene a few years back may actually be considerably less trustworthy than he so ardently, copiously claimed to be.
And so it has proved, repeatedly, as far as I can see.

Respect. It’s worth something.

It’s worth avoiding engaging in certain actions, or entering certain business alliances, or making certain untrue or misleading claims to nurture and retain respect. These and other things can destroy respect. (These are my personal beliefs.)

Like chickens coming home to roost, as the saying goes, people’s actions and reputations eventually catch up.

We’ll discuss self-respect another time — a quite different matter.

* Alarm bells? Well, to me anyway.
– P

A new spin on ad-blockers and FAKE messages

Oh boy! Now that's celebrity! (NZ Herald - click)

Read the full article (assuming you haven’t installed the plug-in) at NZHerald.co.nz

The other story about paid ‘endorsements’ by celebrities on Twitter contains these nauseating-but-probably-true passages:

Sheen took little more than a day to reach 1 million followers, a record. He had more than 2 million followers by yesterday.
All the attention has brought a huge amount of exposure to the business of social media advertising. Though companies have been working advertisements into Twitter and Facebook for more than two years, it’s a sometimes unnoticed practice.
“A lot of people know about the business now,” says ad.ly chief executive Arnie Gullov-Singh. “It’s a validation of the business that we’re building and the overall industry changes that we’re a part of.” [Comment: Bleurgh!]

[ad.ly’s] staff of 22 [ghostwriters] includes several who specialise in writing such tweets in the voice of the respective celebrity.
Gullov-Singh sees celebrities as “the driving force of social media“. “Brands want to get their arms around social media, and celebrities are social media,” he says. “So that’s where we set off to connect the dots and create value.” [Comment: Double Bleurgh!]

Phony ghostwritten messages from ‘celebrities’ with embedded commercials = ‘Value’?
Uh, no. FAKE.

Black Hats as the ‘good guys’

For the most part, the people who attend Black Hat [Security Conference July 2011] are good guys who are there to learn how to keep our systems safe. As noted on ZDNet, Mac OS X security remains much better than that of Windows. Mac OS X 10.6.6 only included one security fix, while Microsoft’s February Patch (released last Tuesday) plugged 22 vulnerabilities.

Click to enlarge. (Observe Shaun Stenning's prominent Twalk 2.0 logo. A clue?)

Good guys, whew! … and what about these Black Hat guys?:

Remember my review of Geekversity spruiker Shaun Stenning‘s YouTube Traffic Thieves report… An odious little volume?

If you ask me, the tagline from the conference ‘DIGITAL SELF DEFENCE’ applies to any dealings with ANY such internet marketing spruikers.

Refunds are like kryptonite (Salty Droid)

This is from anti-scam campaigner The Salty Droid. It’s in relation to internet marketers by the name of Jimmy Davis & Dennis Karganilla … whose product he rather, um, colourfully describes in these terms:

The Salty Droid — the scourge of hyperbolic internet marketers? (click)

The 90 Day Challenge sapped victims for between $500 – $2000. It consisted of three main elements ::

  • Recycled information available EVERYWHERE on the web
  • Videos featuring DK stammering and stuttering into a webcam
  • Conference calls featuring DK stammering and stuttering into a phone {and occasionally Jimmy stroking his own incredibly insecure pole into a phone}

Additionally, several “perks” were thrown in for FREE ::

  • DK and Jimmy were, at all times, stupid and unqualified. Not even the remotest of qualifications to be found
  • Unprofessional Unavailability
  • Open hostility towards paying customers

Everything that makes for a successful business … in the Bizzaro World.

This narrative about dissatisfied clients calling for a refund is worth reading. Some observers might say there are similarities to the ‘refund movement‘ affecting the various schemes past and present sold by Shaun Stenning and his mates Dean Letfus and Ian Naylor which are discussed now and then here at thePaepae.com …

Battle Plan –> Successful! :: Multiple refunds have been demanded and obtained.

Refunds are like scammer kryptonite - saltydroid.info (click)

Refunds are like scammer Kryptonite. Symptoms start with diarrhea and frequent sneezing … and end with the scammer on the floor in the fetal position mumbling incoherently about “opportunities and automated incomes” :: They all promise refunds in spite of this danger because people rarely, if ever, request them. People don’t like to admit that they’ve made a mistake … and the scammer spends a good portion of his time bellowing about how only the worst kind of loser bastard gives up and demands a refund. That is usually enough to keep the evil cat in the bag … but now some crazy goddamn Droid is rolling around the parking lot giving away dime bags of Refund Kryptonite to anyone who asks.

Once a BullShit dam starts to leak refunds :: Serious trouble ensues. Continue reading →

Double standard?

Wow. Talk about a double standard.

source: readwriteweb.com (click)

Some tech bloggers and others talk about Apple having ‘too much control’ over people’s iPhones and iPads and the ‘walled garden’ approach of the App Store.

Look at these actions from Google (leave aside for the moment that Android’s marketplace offered more than FIFTY applications with privacy-busting malware embedded) :

Last Tuesday, news broke that over 50 applications in the Android Market were found to contain malware that could be exploited to gain root control over a phone and steal sensitive data. Google removed the applications from the market but offered no public comment about the issue, and so questions remained about what would happen to the 50,000 some-odd apps that had already been downloaded.

On Saturday evening, Google announced that it had initiated the “remote application removal feature,” that allowed it to wipe the malicious apps from infected Android devices without any additional action on the part of users.

Google also said that it would be pushing an Android Market security update out to those devices that would prevent attackers from accessing any more information via the exploit. Google said those users would get an email update as well as a notification on their phones that “Android Market Security Tool March 2011” had been installed. — ReadWriteWeb

If Apple was doing this (remotely wiping stuff off your phone without your consent, and ‘pushing’ a security update onto your phone without your consent … but emailing you afterwards) all hell would break lose about Apple’s prying, we-know-better-than-you and ‘nanny’ approach.

Am I right?

(And remind me: what’s the Bad Thing about the ‘walled garden’ approach? Maintaining the ‘hygiene’ of the App Store with an approval process rather than this Ooops! reactive ‘remote application removal feature’?)

Perfect Symmetry, Episode 8

The ring of Supercentenarians closed-in about us.  Simon and Margret took up defensive positions.  I signaled for them to stand down.  As threatening as their behavior was I felt sure they would not harm us.  For what could be their purpose in doing so?  All the same I did not want to show any aggression, for we were, after all, on their turf and these people were our warrior-class militia.

The ring of Supercentenarian’s tightened:  they were shifting to their left, in a clockwise direction — the ring becoming smaller, necessitating that some fall back.  This created an ever thickening wall of ancient bodies, swaying in silent harmony.  If they intended to intimidate us they were succeeding.  I moved closer Eleanor, and she to me.  Alarmed by the sight I signaled that a defensive position was probably not a bad idea after all.  Simon, Margret, and Weston formed a defensive barrier with Eleanor and me in its middle.  The only sound was the rustling of the fabric as the white coats of the Supercentenarian’s rubbed against each other as they moved.  Sharp, bright yellow static discharges could be seen emanating from the swaying crowd creating an eerie staccato of light that flashed vertically up and down their bodies, and in and about the enormous white oval shaped room.  Suddenly, about six feet from our position they stopped and one of them stepped forward.  It was Peter Giles.

*  *  *

It was not that he stepped from out the crowd — it was more that the crowd stepped back away from him.  A collective sigh went up from the crowd, and then Peter Giles spoke.  Hunched and bent forward his thin wispy white hairs floated about his head in an ethereal dance that was mesmerizing.  His face, nut-brown and wizened looked up at me.

“Why are a renegade group of Fleet officers interested in this peaceful troupe of Supercentenarians?  Why have you come here?  What do you want from us?”

I was taken back, to say the least.  His tone was reproachful, the manner and delivery, threatening.

“We are come to warn you — if not to activate you.” Continue reading →

Why am I doing this? Muckraking?

image: flickr/oledoe (click)

Remember Cactus Kate’s description of blogging as

“an utterly useless waste of a person’s time”

(Soooo well put, Kate!)

But her comment, of course, fits into Jonathan Swift’s self-aware description of satire

Satire is a sort of glass, wherein beholders do generally discover everybody’s face but their own, which is the chief reason for that kind of reception it meets in the world, and that so very few are offended with it.

… in other words, we don’t think that put-down applies to us, to our blog or website, or writing etc

Maybe we should?

Here’s a related thought about writing from Margaret Atwood in part of her introduction to The Paris Review Interviews vol III …

Why am I doing such an eccentric thing as writing? Is it just undigested neurosis? Why spend all day in a room, in the company of a bunch of people who don’t really exist? What good does it do the world? Isn’t it unhealthy? Why waste the paper?
Every writer has such thoughts from time to time, and to know that others have had them too is reassuring: I am not the only one who had viewed the page with loathing.

What do we achieve with our writing? Anything? Nothing? Mere entertainment?
Comforting the afflicted? Afflicting the comfortable? Hellfire and damnation?

It’s good to ask ourselves such questions now and then, I think.

At times thePaepae.com seems (even to me) to be a platform for exposing, cataloguing, criticising, mocking, even vilifying certain types of people and operations. That’s not all thePaepae.com is, but it’s part of it. That’s undeniable.

Muckraker? I wish!

I was discussing with my friend Graeme recently that I don’t see the term ‘Muckraker’, when it’s occasionally tossed at me, as A Bad Thing …

Muckraker — Origin of the term, Theodore Roosevelt

Continue reading →

Not THAT kind of PC

Another difference. Does else anyone remember the little scandal-ette (BBC report) that erupted when Microsoft was shown to have erased a black man from a photo (except for his HAND) before using the image in Poland?

image: psdisasters.com (click)

Well, here’s Apple (putting their best foot forward) channelling Michael Jackson’s Don’t Matter If You’re Black Or White … the iPads, I mean…

They’re very deliberate, aren’t they?

What would you grab?

What would you grab? Client database, contacts and accounts? Pic: The Press (click)

One of the unspeakably tragic deaths in the Christchurch earthquake was that of one victim who reportedly escaped from a shop with the owner, then ‘dashed back’ inside to grab her cellphone (perhaps to ring family and check on them/let them know she was OK?) and died when the building collapsed on her.

We’re all told in a fire to never go back into the building for possessions … this same precaution would probably have saved Ms Murphy’s life. Ghastly.

Now look at this photo from The Press (right) showing a man who appears to have ‘grabbed’ his business computers … to secure the information and records on them, most likely. I’m glad he’s alive, but gee, it looks like he took a risk, didn’t he? We’ll never know.

What do you save? Is it worth the risk? Tough one.

My sincere condolences to Ms Murphy’s family, and to all those who’ve lost loved ones or suffered in this disaster.

Good to see Steve Jobs

Good to see Steve Jobs doing his thing for the assembled oohs and ahhs at the iPad2 launch.

A little bit of gloating 15 million iPads later  (and 100 million iPhones!!) … well, you can’t take away from that success.

I laughed at his joke about the ‘unbelievable price’ of the original iPad — “just ask our competitors” … yes, it’s a game of catch-up, that’s for sure.

The Stenning Tweebs try to roll with the punches

'Cash cow' snipr for sale?

Ripples of disappointment continue to emanate from the Stenning performing troupe’s roadshow/sales tour through Asia, during which the smooth-talkers (!) apparently sold platforms/products offering quick-and-easy (‘just three clicks?’) internet riches.

As the ‘refund movement‘ heats up against another Shaun Stenning-fronted ‘enterprise’ (spotted the pattern, anyone?) it looks like the gang, through Ian Naylor, is trying to sell/shed/liquidate/dispose of Snipr (— along with any contingent liabilities? It’s not clear).

What will they do? Head off in another but similar snake oil direction? Maybe, by the look of things …

The Stenning gang's latest offering. (Gee, only a 257% increase in traffic? Why so little?)

Do we care?
Bigger question: Will we ever be rid of people showing us how to be a fake for money (… money for them, I mean).

I wonder if the real geeks who founded StumbleUpon envisaged types like this mob (^) pitching the gullible on ‘StumbleUpon Marketing’ and ‘Social Traffic Generation Strategies’? Really? I wonder. Bleurgh!

How long before StumpleUpon, like Google and Amazon before them, decide to make a move to put these kind of low-quality, low-value er, ‘operations’ out of business? Long enough for the loquacious lads to pump and dump their get-rich-quick wares?

It looks to me like the Stenning Tweebs are dodging from pothole to pothole in the ‘get-rich-through-internet-marketing’ jungle as the ponzi schemes, pyramids ‘goldmines’ collapse behind them in a cloud of broken promises and unfulfilled hyperbole. (You should read some of the email we get here at thePaepae.com about these guys. Unbelievable!)

Refunds are being called for on what looks like a wide scale. What’s with that? Don’t those aggravated, dissatisfied twalk customers know who they’re dealing with? Despite being told the Tweebs are ‘the best of the best’? [cough, splutter]

Kim Possible's tweebs — (Disney)

Shaun Stenning – Shaun has been Internet Marketing for 9 years now, over the last 3 year’s he educated over 5,000 people around the world and is a leading international speaker, if you’re looking for someone to speak at an event see the speaking services he provides here

Matt Stenning – Matt has been Internet Marketing for just over 3 years now and is widely recognized as a leading SEO and SMO consultant. With over 200 number 1 rankings under his belt Matt lives and breaths SEO. Starting his speaking career in 2010 he became the youngest speak to speak on a Global Internet Seminar by 5 years. See the consulting services he provides here

I guess this rosy picture (above) is how they want to present themselves online — and maybe that’s what is behind the urgency with which Shaun Stenning is seeking to sanitise the internet (… including but not limited to internet blogs…) of ‘disparaging’ comment about his previous enterprises …He’s actually seeking to suppress ANY communication about it, if you read the required-for-a-promise-of-a-refundRelease Agreement‘ closely. Continue reading →

More SEO fakery … highly automated

The net catches all sorts

No big outrage:

Received today through the Empower Education feedback form … which asks for feedback in these terms:

Send Us Your News, Views and Rave Reviews
Your Comments and Questions

We value your feedback.
Please let us have your advice on features, content (and any bugs!). Use the following form to contact us with any questions, comments or requests. And use it if you’d like to contribute a Review on one of our resources or events.

But what did we get today? Another attempted example of the shallow SEO manipulation that Google’s search algorithms have to cope with/see through and discount

Title: Mr
First Name: Dorian
Last Name: l
E-Mail Address: dorian.lyndsey@ [domain-1]
Review/Comments: Link Manager:

My name is Dorian and I am the link database manager for [snip]. I am writing to let you know I have added a link to www.empowereducation.com on my site.

In order to make this link a permanent addition to my website, I would like to request that you add a reciprocal link back to my site on a page cached by Google. My linking information is as follows:

URL: [domain-2]
Anchor: Debt Consolidation Financing
Description: Isn’t it time you refinanced to consolidate debt?

Your link is listed as:
Title: Empower Education — Empowering You For Success
URL: www.empowereducation.com
Description: Empower Education: First for Financial Education. Look here for tools and resources to help you and your family achieve your goals

This is a Triangular exchange, so your link will continue to reside at the following location:


If you feel that any of the verbiage needs adjustment just let me know and I will make the changes right away. [Comment: verbiage??? … defined as: ‘Speech or writing that uses too many words or excessively technical expressions’? Charming.]

Please get in touch with me as soon as you have posted my site details on a links page that is cached by Google. The process I have developed for adding/maintaining links is highly automated and the database will remove your link in two weeks unless I specify the location where my reciprocal link can be found. Once I have verified that a reciprocal link is in place, I will designate your site as a permanent addition to my link library where it will remain until you tell me to remove it.

Thank you very much for your time. I look forward to hearing from you!

SEO Manager

Thanks for the offer Dorian, but I don’t know you or your client. Why would I vouch for you?

OK. So some impersonation is acceptable, even useful

I know I sometimes rail against online impersonation and sock-puppets being used for foul and dishonest purposes (case in point: Anonymous comment vs IMPERSONATION and yesterday’s post about Aaron Barr of HBGary Federal‘s dastardly scheme.) But there are exceptions (besides Fake Steve Jobs).

From The Atlantic‘s Alexis Madrigal:

Revealing the Man Behind @MayorEmanuel

Feb 28 2011,
It was the best fake Twitter account ever, deftly satirizing Rahm Emanuel, and elevating the Tweet and the f-word to the level of literature. But the mystery writer was never revealed – until now. …

Look at the guy’s qualifications

After Punk Planet’s sad demise — mostly due to distribution problems, Sinker says — Sinker received a Knight Fellowship in Journalism at Stanford. He used the time to study how to deliver journalism in a world of mobile device ubiquity. In 2009, he launched CellStories.net, which puts out one story per day exclusively for mobile devices. And he landed a gig teaching journalism at Columbia College in downtown Chicago.

…More recently, Sinker created the Chicago Mayoral Scorecard to track the race for mayor via links, news, and social media. That put him smack in the middle of all the news about the race, big and small.

Opportunity meets preparation (and inclination). Awesome job.

A guide …


pic: frontsidebus.net (click)

The top 25 “Teenglish” buzzwords for 2009, as nominated by 2000 users of the teen social networking site Habbo Hotel:

1 diss – Disrespect.

2 fail – Expression of disapproval for something or when someone does fail at something. Sometimes spelt with a ph and epic fail (or epic phail) is the highest form of failing.

3 ftw – For the win, used to show enthusiasm for something, eg “kittens FTW”.

4 hai – Hi.

5 idc – I dont care.

6 idk – I dont know.

7 ily – I love you.

8 irl – In real life.

9 jks – Jokes.

10 k or kk – Okay.
Continue reading →

Sock puppet army? Thanks HBGary Federal and Aaron Barr

Remember Aaron Barr, the HBGary Federal social media ‘expert’ who tackled Anonymous and ended up getting comprehensively hacked and 50,000 of his company emails published?

Aaron Barr - not an idiot, don't be fooled - Daily Kos

Well, in those emails, apparently, (according to Daily Kos) were some that disclosed HBGary Federal advocating a sockpuppet army … using ‘personas’ … to, among other things, ‘smear enemies‘ (a little like the cowboys schoolboys who’ve gone after my name online.

According to an embedded MS Word document found in one of the HBGary emails, it involves creating an army of sockpuppets, with sophisticated “persona management” software that allows a small team of only a few people to appear to be many, while keeping the personas from accidentally cross-contaminating each other. Then, to top it off, the team can actually automate some functions so one persona can appear to be an entire Brooks Brothers riot online.

Persona management entails not just the deconfliction of persona artifacts such as names, email addresses, landing pages, and associated content. It also requires providing the human actors technology that takes the decision process out of the loop when using a specific persona. For this purpose we custom developed either virtual machines or thumb drives for each persona. This allowed the human actor to open a virtual machine or thumb drive with an associated persona and have all the appropriate email accounts, associations, web pages, social media accounts, etc. pre-established and configured with visual cues to remind the actor which persona he/she is using so as not to accidentally cross-contaminate personas during use.

And all of this is for the purposes of infiltration, data mining, and (here’s the one that really worries me) ganging up on bloggers, commenters and otherwise “real” people to smear enemies and distort the truth.
This is an excerpt from one of the Word Documents, which was sent as an attachment by Aaron Barr, CEO of HBGary’s Federal subsidiary, to several of his colleagues to present to clients:

To build this capability we will create a set of personas on twitter, blogs, forums, buzz, and myspace under created names that fit the profile ( satellitejockey, hack3rman, etc ) . These accounts are maintained and updated automatically through RSS feeds, retweets, and linking together social media commenting between platforms. With a pool of these accounts to choose from, once you have a real name persona you create a Facebook and LinkedIn account using the given name, lock those accounts down and link these accounts to a selected # of previously created social media accounts, automatically pre-aging the real accounts.

Yes!!! That’s how democracy and the first amendment are supposed to work.
Continue reading →