If you’d suggested to me a year ago that I would be writing an article in praise of ‘WhaleOil’ blogger Cameron Slater I would have laughed at you. Hard. Yet, here I am doing just that. Let me explain.
We’ve discussed these issues before: responding to criticism or negative feedback about one’s actions or statements, engaging with those with whom you disagree. I personally believe there’s a lot to be gained from both these practices, and I try to partake in them.
Hardly a clash of titans. Token right-winger Cameron Slater makes his case on Martyn Bradbury's 'Citizen A' TV show. Entertaining ... but clichéd?
Like a lot of people interested in NZ politics, I occasionally hear of Cameron Slater and read his sometimes elaborately denigrating blog posts. I mentioned him here on ThePaepae.com when he was emoting ‘outrage’ at Rodney Hide’s face plastered on a web graphic of a swastika flag (and that image being reposted on North Shore mayor Andrew Williams’ facebook page). As many thought local government minister Rodney was actually acting in an unbecoming ‘We must be obeyed’ manner to do with the Auckland super city amalgamation, the swastika was fair comment in my opinion.
‘Disgusting, foul beyond belief! ‘ Cam thundered, gleefully (it looked to me) clutching another club with which to strike Williams, whom he clearly despised. I (gently) accused Cam of mock outrage at the time, and I know others who read Cam’s ‘wounded feelings’ on behalf of Rodney and saw them as shallow and contrived — especially when considered alongside the sort of unrestrained invective and polemic Cam dishes out to those unlucky enough to incur his disfavour.
Anyway, I’m not a regular reader of Cam’s blog but a couple of years ago I did notice that it frequently refers (in supportive tones) to another free-speaking blog by the acerbic Cactus Kate — asianinvasion2006.blogspot.com/ — a thin pseudonym for Hong Kong-based Kiwi lawyer Cathy Odgers (Tagline: Saving the world from sanctimonious bearded men. One whisker removed at a time.) She’s fun reading at times too, with her claims to be part of the VRWC (vast right wing conspiracy) and at times giving the appearance of positively delighting in being politically incorrect. She’s a laff.
Some of her material appears to be aimed at baiting left-wingers (the people Cam with his true blue National Party heritage calls ‘pinkos‘ — his dad is ex National Party president John Slater and involved with the National-Party-in-drag Citizens & Ratepayers Assn.) That’s low-hanging fruit in NZ, as a small c conservative country, and there’ll always be a market for it.
Incidentally Cathy/Catctus Kate’s blog is pretty-well respected in the blogosphere for being contrarian e.g. going to bat for Mark Hotchin (as a purely altrustic measure, it seems), pointing out repeatedly that he was being demonised (a ‘hate campaign’ I called it here) and that popular whipping boy Hanover Finance hadn’t cost the taxpayer a dollar in bailouts … unlike the South Canterbury Finance fiasco. She also clearly puts the effort in to analyse financial statements and isn’t afraid to put out a minority viewpoint. Indeed, judging by correspondence, I think she relishes it. She also constructs a pretty good argument and never wastes time calling a spade a gardening implement.
All good fun, whether you or I agree with her on everything or not. A little while ago Cathy kinda sorta ‘came out‘ as a one-eyed ultra-loyal ACT supporter (‘unequivocally’, ‘staunchest female’ ‘even voted for Donna Awatere-Huata’) — it fitted. I may have missed an earlier declaration, but wasn’t exactly surprised. Never mind.
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