Silencing critical voices with personal attacks

Watch this video. It’s short, less than 5 min, but it’s very good.

The ‘flack’ filter — attempts to attack, invalidate and delegitimize “inconvenient” media narratives (starting about 3′ 30″ in the video) — was clearly on display in the NZ Government and NZ Defence Force spin response to Nicky Hager & Jon Stephenson’s book Hit & Run. That was obvious.

Of course, as we’ve discussed here, Teflon John Key frequently used that ‘attack/discredit’ technique to dismiss criticism, and dodge inconvenient facts (remember “Screaming left wing conspiracy theorist”?).

John Key: Not lying, he said. Just forgetful. (click)

John Key also sometimes used others of Chomsky’s ‘filters’ and methods exposed in Manufacturing Consent to defend his own changing narratives as they came apart under scrutiny. Or sometimes Mr Key’s bald statements were clearly shown to be false.

Remember how he denied knowing, let alone hand picking and approaching in person that old school mate as head of the GCSB? You know, the guy whose phone number he had? Who he’d had breakfast with? That guy. See: John Key addresses Parliament on his earlier misleading statement about Ian Fletcher’s appointment and following.
Bobbing and weaving cost Key some credibility. But not enough, some would say.

Sure, some in the media tried to hold Barbecue John to account. Like PM’s “fabricated” smear on Snowden documents, but over his time as Prime Minister, from what I saw, Key had a habit of making statements of dubious veracity and slithering away from them when confronted. Remember this example?: Hansard can be a real bitch, eh Mr Key?
The most popular political leader of my lifetime and, at the same time, a Hollow Man. Continue reading →

Most Defamed Man Ever Jordan Williams to appeal ruling

Litigation risk – lawsuits can be a very expensive version of ‘Snakes and Ladders’

Record defamation damages winner (oops, then loser) Jordan Williams has announced he’s going to appeal the ruling striking out the damages bonanza a jury awarded him last year.

As we saw previously (See: ‘About that Jordan Williams damages award…‘), the judge presiding over the defamation action Williams took against Colin Craig struck out the jury’s verdict and the ‘record’ $1.27m damages award made to Williams. That had to hurt.

Judge Sarah Katz issued a carefully reasoned 39-page judgement – available in the footnotes here. (Given the high stakes, no doubt it was written anticipating an appeal.) In her ruling, Judge Katz faulted the jury’s reasoning, its application of guidance from the court, and its understanding/ability to calculate damages.

She described the jury decision to award Jordan Williams 50% more in damages than the Commonwealth’s worst defamation case as a ‘miscarriage of justice’ – warranting a retrial. She also dismantled brick by brick the arguments Williams’s lawyers put up in submissions to try to justify the ‘excessive’ damages award as somehow ‘within the available range’. (See my last post for Andrew Geddis’s analysis of a ‘tactical error’ he thinks Peter McKnight made.)


The decision by Team Williams to appeal her ruling wasn’t really a surprise.

Another option offered – that the two parties (Colin Craig and Williams) should accept the jury finding of defamation(!) and agree to let Judge Katz set a more realistic damages figure – was a non-starter. Why would Craig agree to that?

For his part, Colin Craig told Radio NZ he was relieved at the miscarriage of justice finding, describing the judge’s ruling as “bang on”. (Well he would, wouldn’t he?) “The only correct course coming out of that trial last year was to in fact rule it as a mistrial. The law has been properly exercised in this particular case.”

Craig also said he would not be agreeing to any new damages. “The fact of that matter is Mr Williams simply hasn’t made his case against me yet. He is entitled to take this matter back to court. If he does I will defend myself.”

So, given the choice, Craig opted for retrial … which left Williams with few palatable options. Thus:

Patient Zero Jordan Williams (right) with character witness (pic: @jordnz)

Press Release: Jordan Williams
Friday, 28 April 2017, 4:40 pm

Lawyers for Jordan Williams are appealing the judgment setting aside last year’s jury verdict in the Williams v Craig defamation proceedings.

Mr Williams says, “Colin Craig argued that the jury’s damages award was too high. The judge agreed but the High Court is only able to reset the damages if both parties agree.”
“Last week Colin Craig’s lawyers told Justice Katz that Colin Craig was not willing to have her determine the damages; they want a full retrial.”

“I don’t want Rachel MacGregor or my mother or any other of my witnesses to have to go through it all again. The jury made clear findings. At every stage Mr Craig has wanted to stretch things out. We have no assurance he would not appeal after a new trial. So an appeal now could get to the key issues directly. It is the best way forward.”

You might say it’s sweet and humanising that in his Friday afternoon press release Jordan Williams cited his concern for Ms MacGregor (whom the evidence at court showed he repeatedly deceived, betrayed and lied to, as Judge Katz’s judgement related) and also concern for Williams’s mum – not wanting them “or any other of my witnesses to have to go through it all again”. (Note: ‘my witnesses’.)

I’m sure that trial was gruelling on everybody involved. Continue reading →

About that Jordan Williams damages award…

How many lawyers does it take to create a miscarriage of justice? Depends on the lawyers.

I had an ‘incomplete’ feeling about that jury award in the Colin Craig/Jordan Williams defamation case – the ‘record’ amount of damages totalling $1.27M awarded in September 2016. It seemed to me there was a step outstanding: It hadn’t been confirmed by the judge in the case.

So every now and then I asked a few people, including the court reporters who covered the trial. Nope. Every week that went past after verdict was announced seemed bad for Jordan Williams, even allowing time for submissions, arguments and counter arguments. (Remember my comment about ‘litigation risk‘?)

It wasn’t until 12 April 2017 that Judge Sarah Katz released her judgment SETTING ASIDE the jury’s record damages award to Jordan Willliams as a miscarriage of justice.

By extension, it was also bad news for Cameron Slater, Jordan Williams’s Life Coach and co-conspirator in the ugly, brutal destabilisation campaign at the heart of this defamation action.

Slater Jnr is approaching his own day in court – as defendant in a defamation suit brought by Colin Craig. He’s also facing another, similar lawsuit brought by scientists he [allegedly] smeared on behalf of Carrick Graham’s client Katherine Rich and the food manufacturer lobby group she headed up. More on that another time.

But Slater had crowed about the ‘record’ damages award against Craig to Williams, apparently interpreting it as a good omen. Indeed, he predicted massive success in his own case (in between publishing begging letters to his cult, asking them to help pay his ‘legal fees’).

We all knew the jury found for Williams – found him to have been defamed, and awarded record-setting, ‘breathtaking’ damages. As it turned out, this week, Judge Sarah Katz released her decision: rather than confirming the damages the jury awarded, she ruled  that they were excessive, way out of bounds. So excessive, that she ruled the outcome was a miscarriage of justice which qualified for a retrial. Golly.

I remember at the end of last year’s trial (in Jordan Williams judged to have a reputation that could be harmed) saying that Williams had “written himself into the history books, whatever the final outcome.” So it seems. Now he’s an entry under ‘miscarriages of justice’ too. #winning Continue reading →

But I always thought I’d see you again

I lost an old friend today. Farewell Andrew. – P

A couple of happy pirates (and a not so happy one)

Pirates (and cabinet ministers) Paula Bennett (left) and Judith Collins (right).

Pirates – and cabinet ministers – Paula Bennett (left) and Judith Collins (right). click to enlarge

Possibly they were celebrating the fact that it wasn’t either of them who was involved in an excruciating 16 minute interview on Morning Report trying to sell a bill of goods to Kim Hill like Anne Tolley was this morning. Oh dear me.

Click to listen at Radio NZ

Click to listen at Radio NZ

Plumbing ridiculous depths, Mrs Tolley – the Minister for Social Development – dismissing Judge Henwood’s recommendation for an independent inquiry said (towards the end): “In some cases they [State care abuse victims] have had an apology from me, and I was only a child at the time...”


– P

Update: Here’s a 2′ 10″ clip with that bit I referred to:

MP3 file

But I recommend you listen to the whole excruciating thing at Radio NZ using the link above.

Authenticity is not always a journey in a straight line

Where did this brave young woman have to get to? How low did she need to go, to come back with such courage?

I’m so impressed with how she comes clean and asks for support as she admits and challenges the grip of a powerful addiction and affliction.

I don’t know her or anything about her apart from what she says in this video blog, which I stumbled across tonight. But boy, I wish her well. Good on her.

Authenticity is not always a journey in a straight line.

– P

Farewell Leonard Cohen. RIP

I had enormous admiration for this giant, and also gratitude for the influence of his music – his soul music – his meditations and his anthems in my life.

Words, many more words, will be written and spoken about Leonard Cohen, and so they should. But not by me here today.

I have so much of his music, in so many forms and media, and some volumes of his poetry. I’ll go and dip into them now.


PS. For a year that started with David Bowie’s death to get to here. Wow. Really counting our losses.

Oh, Megyn Kelly now an even bigger target of Trumpkins

Well, this is a development …

Look at Newt Gingrich’s worldview. Trying to paint Fox News as ‘part of the establishment’ seems ludicrous, and even Kelly laughed that off. She did very well as he spun out.
But that was a terrible putdown of him at the end re working on his ‘anger issues’.

Judging from the outpouring of anti-Kelly sentiment following this interview, she’s not flavour of the month in the Trump camp any more. To say the least.

– Peter

Update: And this, from The Daily Show, demonstrates very nicely the ‘What-you-see-depends-on-where-you-stand’ aspect of media criticism (to which none of us immune)…


Lol. You have to laugh when realities collide.

New single from Kimbra

I like virtually everything this young artist delivers, as we have discussed. I could even see the (cough) good side of her ‘More than a bum’ soft sell video mockumentary ad for Wrangler jeans.

Here’s her latest …

Alicia Machado’s courage. Bravo

Alicia Macado is standing up in the face of personal abuse by Donald Trunp. Good on her. (Click to enlarge.)

The Republican candidate and his campaign are, once again launching attacks, insults and are attempting to revive slanders and false accusations about my life, in order to humiliate, intimidate, and unbalance me. These attacks are cheap lies with bad intentions. This, of course, is not the first time the candidate insists on discrediting someone or insists on demoralizing women, minorities, and people of certain religions through his hateful campaign. This is definitely one of his most frightful characteristics. Through his attacks, he’s attempting to distract from his campaign’s real problems and his inability to be the leader of this great country.
When I was young, the now candidate, humiliated me, insulted me, disrespected me both publicly and privately in the cruelest way. The same way this happened to me, it’s clear that throughout the years, he’s continued his actions and behavior with other women. Therefore, I will continue to stand on my feet, sharing my story and my absolute support for Secretary Clinton, on behalf of all women — my sisters, aunts, grandmothers, cousins, women within the community. I want to thank all of my Latinas and those who have supported me and given me love and respect for my career, and as a human being. I became a United States citizen because my daughter was born here and because I wanted to exercise my rights, among them, I wanted to vote.
I will continue standing firm in my lived experience as Miss Universe and even stronger with your support. I’ve been so pleased and honored by so many kind and heartfelt words. I’m focusing on my career and my work as a mother, and I will continue taking positive steps for the Latino community. I will continue being an activist for women’s rights and fighting for the respect we deserve. I appreciate all your love and thank you again for your support.” Many blessings,


Speaking of courage, her experience – day after day of harassment, by name — put me in mind of this…

Click to read about the report of the HRC on threats to journalists

Click to read about the report of the HRC on threats to journalists

It’s unacceptable for this misogynistic garbage to go on and on.

The dirty politics campaigns to “intimidate, harass and silence” demean us all.

– P

Jordan Williams judged to have a reputation that could be harmed

Jordan Williams after the jury's verdict was delivered at the Auckland High Court.

Deeply wounded political operative Jordan Williams after the jury’s verdict was delivered at the Auckland High Court.

The end of the beginning of the legal pissing contest between dark arts ‘Taxpayers Union’ propagandist and lobbyist Jordan Williams and idiot neophyte politician Colin Craig was reached on Friday.

The jury in the messy defamation case Williams took against Craig (in part, he said, to pre-empt threatened action by Craig) delivered a ‘record win’ for Williams. In their wisdom, after 10 hours deliberation, the 11 jurors found Craig had defamed Williams, and awarded not just damages, but punitive damages. The total awarded by the jury was $1.27 million – for defamatory statements made at a media conference and in a booklet published by Craig. Legal costs, and who pays them, will be another issue.

Not that I’m a huge legal brain, but the news at the beginning of the trial that it was the first Auckland civil trial for 14 years to be considered by a jury (instead of a judge) immediately signalled to me that an appeal – by one side or the other – was likely. With yesterday’s ‘breathtaking‘, ‘record’ sums awarded, that became a virtual certainty, even before Craig announced his disappointed surprise.

A final judgment (or award) seems some time off.  Continue reading →

If you’re entitled to – Register and vote

A celebrity ‘Get Out The Vote’ ad with a difference.

This 2016 US presidential election is “a tipping point.”

Hard to argue with that. Nor with the description of Donald Trump as “a racist abusive coward”. See what you think.

The harms of government hacking, and some suggested controls (Access Now)

This is another very good, clear explanation of some of the issues around government-sanctioned, usually secret interference with the internet. Well worth watching.

In justifications for these ‘interferences‘ (that’s the legal term) with our privacy and other human rights – like freedom of opinion and expression – much is made of the ‘threats’ that we supposedly face. But the perpetual secrecy and lack of notice these government agencies impose is, in my view, damaging to our democracies and damaging to the internet.

I’ve got a lot of time this speaker Amie Stepanovich. I think she’s very good and this presentation is worth your time, if you care about these issues as I do.

Also, here’s a relevant post on the website:
We can’t let governments hack away our human rights

– P

From the summary of Amie Stepanovich's report 'A Human Rights Response to Government Hacking'

From the summary of Amie Stepanovich’s report ‘A Human Rights Response to Government Hacking’

3 page Summary as PDF on Access Now site

Recommended: Stephanie Rodgers on Rawshark’s latest intervention

“Who was that masked man?” Rawshark breezes in and out.

This afternoon the whistleblower who fed Nicky Hager much of the material which formed the basis of Hager’s book Dirty Politics broke his/her self-imposed silence to shed some more light on the activities of Jordan Williams.

Currently Jordan Williams is defending his reputation by suing Colin Craig for [allegedly] defamatory remarks Craig made about Williams.

The twitter account @Whaledump2 whirred into life briefly with a series of  images which revealed somewhat relevant interchanges between Jordan Williams and Cameron Slater.

Stephanie Rodgers did a great job of summarising what was released and also makes some excellent points and commentary on her blog

Check it out: Beware, creepy men of the right: Rawshark returns (briefly)

It’s a bit hard to avoid the conclusion that rightwing men are so lacking a moral compass that they happily exploit sexual intimacy to manipulate women to gain political ammunition.

If women were doing the same thing to men they’d be denounced as cuckolding honeytrap Jezebels from every direction. That’s the patriarchal double standard for you.

(Good on you Stephanie.)

– P

Erk! My emails! Wot?

Tl;dr version

There’s a been a problem with the email account for The Paepae  since April. Sigh. It’s fixed now. Please re-send anything you need to.  Thanks. -P

Longer version:

So, I went looking for my invitation to be a character witness at the Jordan Williams trial thinking maybe it had gone straight to spam, but discovered a setting was set incorrectly so ALL mail was being deleted on receipt. Unintentionally. 

Yep, ALL emails sent to this blog’s dedicated email account (Gmail, I know. Shame) since April have been deleted before they’ve reached me. Rats. 

It’s fixed now. 

So, if you’ve sent The Paepae an email since 29 April (or Carrick? replied to a reply I sent you) and you haven’t heard back, sorry. 

Try again. I haven’t been rudely  ignoring you. I just haven’t got them. 

– P

PS I’m drafting a note to my pals at @GSCBIntercepts to see if they can help, like that time they remotely reset the clock on my DVR, but they get really stretched around Kim Dotcom hearings, so I’m not too hopeful.