Dan Lyons
So good, I had to plonk it here: One of my heroes, Fake Steve Jobs (Dan Lyons)…
China to Google: Drop dead
Minister of Information Technology says Google must obey the laws or leave, and China doesn’t give a crap because they’ll be just fine without Google. (Especially since they apparently can waltz into Google’s servers whenever they want, steal Google’s algorithms, and create Google clones.)
Now, I’m no fan of censorship, except when I’m the one doing it, in which case I’m all for it, but I must say I am loving this — seeing someone, finally, who isn’t afraid of Google and will just tell them, straight up, that they are totally full of sh*t and should just go f** themselves. Smell the glove, Eric Schmidt. Smell it.
Where do I start? It’s just brilliant satire at all levels.
And this: “Now, I’m no fan of censorship, except when I’m the one doing it, in which case I’m all for it …” … well, um, yup.
(And no, don’t worry, the big fat irony apropos my discussion about censorship earlier this week, is not lost on me.)
As I have disclosed previously,* I tend towards the totalitarian fascist, too [cough] but am a democrat (small D) by breeding and conviction.
Anyway, kudos Dan Lyons, kudos. – P
*Note to a mate: Yes, like you, I too am a fascist by inclination (but a democrat by philosophy and ethics, as I hope you realize.)