Three reasons. Pick one. (from Seth Godin)
Sometimes a good old fashioned tongue-lashing (or what I recently called a “pro bono hatchet job”) is well-motivated. Sometimes not.
Without second-guessing yourself up your own wazoo, it’s worth occasionally reflecting on these things, huh? Worth asking yourself (myself) ‘So, what am I trying to achieve?’
No-one’s motivations are completely clear, but I believe in being unequivocally critical (truthful) where I see it is merited.
Let the sparks fly where they may. Job 5:7 (groan)
– P
Seth Godin is worth following. His blog is here.
Do no harm.
(but take no shit)
Heh! Yes, I saw that slogan as poster on Facebook recently. It’s a little dissonant, no?
Yeah it is.
Funnily enough – i hear the term “Do No Harm” a lot in my Clinical Practice and Professional Development paper – but they leave out the “take no sh*t” part.
The indian-hindu/buddhist principle of Ahimsa (harmlessness) has a lot going for it
Nice to hear you actually have a Wazoo mate.
I had begun to wonder.
I know … its all arse no class.
Good observations in the post though.
One does tend to begin (or be tempted to) to see you as immaculately conceived with a shining light of glory emanating from behind your plinth – on the base of which is carved … et in arcadia ego