"Look at your man, now back to me. Now back at your man, now back to me. ... Sadly, he isn't me ..."
Discount slightly the gushing, dewy-eyed hype about Facebook and Twitter and this is STILL a real advertising campaign success story. My goodness yes. AND it uses social media in a clever, very deliberate and savvy, self-aware way. Watch this:
Old Spice Social Case Study from Digital Buzz on Vimeo.
The excellent writing (“Look at your man, now back to me. Now back at your man, now back to me. … Sadly, he isn’t me, but if he used Old Spice body wash he could smell like he’s me …”) … wow, clever … and the dreamboat ‘beefcake’ model, the location filming of the commercial and the special effects all work together really well. But cheap, it ain’t. Look at all the extra filming and huge effort that went into the feedback part of the ‘response campaign’.
Just the confident attitude of the television campaign makes it a winner, in my book — and the smart idea of targetting women (who BUY the product, doh!)
Well done, Old Spice. Funky.
(Thanks to reader Matt Stenning for the tip.)