This seems like unwelcome involvement by SkyCity …
Casino company Sky City helped negotiate a deal struck by the Government which fast tracks wealthy Chinese visitors’ visa applications when they fly China Southern Airlines to New Zealand, NZ First Leader Winston Peters has revealed.
Mr Peters yesterday forced Immigration Minister Nathan Guy to hastily announce the deal yesterday after he tabled internal Immmigration NZ emails showing the department’s head of Intelligence, Risk and Integrity had serious concerns about the arrangement.
But Mr Peters again had Mr Guy on the defensive in Parliament this afternoon when he asked whether Sky City Casino had been pushing for the scheme for years.
Mr Peters said Sky City’s wealthy Chinese “high rollers” already operated under the rules which Mr Guy yesterday said would take effect later this month, “which means that a casino and a communist government airline have under his deal with them, now aquired privileges for their customers not available to any other group of people anywhere else in the world”.
Mr Guy said he did not agree with Mr Peters’ “stupid assertions”.
However Mr Peters tabled an article which appeared in online version of New Zealand TravelTrade magazine in which Sky City’s president of international business Ejaaz Dean was reported as saying the casino was “working closely with China Southern Airlines to bring VIP gamblers into Auckland seamlessly” and in which he “confirmed the casino was in talks to make the visa process easier“.
Read on at NZ Herald – Sky City helped negotiate visa deal for Chinese visitors – Peters
Boy, that’s some influence. I wonder who SkyCity’s lobbyists are? Oh, that’s right … from Adam Dudding’s 2011 article Inside political lobbying
When the government revealed last month that it would soften gambling laws in exchange for SkyCity building a $350 million conference centre in Auckland, lobbyists were presumed to have brokered deals behind closed doors – it turns out dialogue between SkyCity and John Key on the issue was under way as early as November, 2009.
and David Fisher & Isaac Davison’s SkyCity boss reveals Cabinet access
SkyCity’s shareholders were told of close ties to “high ranking” Cabinet ministers five days before Prime Minister John Key invited the company to bid to build the new national convention centre.
SkyCity chairman Rod McGeoch said the access was enabling the company to change the way it was seen by “key influencers”. …
Mr McGeoch told shareholders at the annual meeting on October 30, 2009, the company’s “relationships” with the Government were “as good as they have ever been”.
He said his roles in business leadership groups had created opportunities to meet “high ranking officials and Cabinet ministers”.
Right. Of course. Makes sense.
– P
Our sovereignty is busily being attacked from all quarters. We have a Government with a “for sale” sign on everything not nailed down … and corporate NZ and Corporate World inc … doing whatever they want with the full blessing of said Government.
And us Dumbass kiwis just sit back and let it happen.
Casinos are the arsehole of the earth. They are the stinky butthole of satan … the cesspit of mordor – the lint trapped for decades in Peter Jacksons belly button …. they are the pits.
So – misery and social breakdown are heavy supporters of Key and his motley crew. Not much better than the Chow brothers frankly … at least they dont hide the fact they are a mechanised nookie factory.
Makes me sick.
You right Casinos are an awful place. I like the odd flutter from time to time but can never gamble at Casinos they are just creepy.
I have studied closely the ways Casinos operate and I have family close to the Gaming machine industry.
However some people get themselves deep in the shit with Gambling, buts it every persons right to choose to do so, its entertainment for most, suicide for others.
There are so many things in this world you could put in this category. And Casinos get a far more negative spot light than they deserve. Because people like Ivan don’t fully understand so they label them as ‘cesspit of Mordor’.
People seldom highlight the tonnes of money that are distributed through society from Casino’s and gambling.
Generally we would like to stop Gaming Machines in Pubs and clubs. But a lot of Sports clubs, Local funded projects, Charity’s receive a poop tonne of cash from this.
But lets ignore that because it does not suit their story.
Au contraire craig … im all for calling time on these ‘charities’ and their cross funding from misery.
Isnt it time society had a good old shakedown and dismantled these misery-merry-go-rounds like pub charities and gaming etc??
Waddaya think mate .. should we all stand back and take a good long look at the backup-of-sewer that is supposedly funding communities.
Dont ever presume …
Well I did presume and I am still justified. You failed to point this out none the-less and hindsight is a wonderful thing. It’s easy to throw around these very negative feelings about this industry. Stating its time for a shakedown it utter grandstanding. So whats the solution?
All I know is that if you had your way and wiped it all out. for a kick off many organisations would be shut down, kids across the country would be looking for other forms of things to other than playing Soccer etc. and for that matter may turn to more sinister things. Unemployment would rise. For all I know you could lose your job.
But that would be good for the Cult followers here and probably blame Key for that too.
I agree its not a shiny industry by any means but getting rid of it would have dire consequences.
We never used to have casinos … and we survived. The solution to many of our ills in my opinion … is a complete shakedown. That is the only solution … as we have this complex web now of interconnected rubbish with everyone in power saying what you are saying … and therefore asserting by default that there is no answer.
It cant be legislated into being … thats a fact. Prohibition proved that point. What can start happening though is Government not allowing lobbying by these parasitic organisations beyond commonsense limits.
Other than that – total economic collapse is the only remaining longterm solution. That will clean things out rapidly. Those who’ve been milking the system will stand out like sore thumbs … they’ll be the only ones left with means and everyone will start looking at them closely if they’ve got any sense.
Sad to say – but thats probably the only viable remaining solution for getting off the merry go round or revolving treadmill we’re now stuck on.
Either that … or we’re all just going to be a vast dormitory of resource units for serving the moneyed elites.
Its sort of like taking shit …and then repackaging that substance as “charity” and then injecting that to healthy organisms to create the semblance of ‘benefit’ and ‘benefice’.
At the end of the day its still just shit – try tasting it …
And it just perpetuates the “circle of life” as some would have it seen … its not just a Key or national thing .. but they seem to have a predilection for economic saviours no matter who they are connected to … Key is the new son of satan … one of many.
See for yourselves …
Fuck the lower classes … lets clear the decks for the elite … in anticipation …
Other satanic influences include fuel tax – tax on cigarettes – tax on booze … Government makes money … then campaigns against these evils … tells you how awful they are … pours millions into (these days) mostly punitive campaigns against the poor buggers affected (including unsuspecting families) – and legislates to make life difficult for the recipients of these terrible things like Fuel, Ciggies or booze …. but still depends on the tax take.
What a revolution would ensue … if the Government downsized … took the taxes off and really (as you neo liberals seem (seem) to want) let the market make up its own mind.
To quote the healed ex-leper from “life of Brian” …. bloody do-gooders!!