“3 bullets dodged but there’s still a round in the breech!”

Mark Withers - author of Property Tax - a New Zealand Investor's Guide
I had a chat with specialist property accountant Mark Withers this morning — ‘the morning after’ NZ Prime Minister John Key’s speech at the opening of Parliament.
Here’s a free 13 minute audio interview (mp3) hosted by Empower Education.
And here’s a link to the Withers-Tsang website for their client update…
(Mark is the author of Property Tax – A New Zealand Investor’s Guide.)
UPDATE: You can listen to it here via a new plugin:
Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (version 9 or above) is required to play this audio clip. Download the latest version here. You also need to have JavaScript enabled in your browser.
My view is that big hairy audacious policy changes (like those ruled OUT yesterday) need to be offered to the electorate … and not foisted upon us/snuck in under what Margaret Thatcher called the TINA ploy (“There IS No Alternative”).
For all the rage, disappointment and diarrhoea John Key sparked yesterday he showed an understanding of that democratic principle.
Muldoon said he would scrap Kirk’s National Super during the 75 election … and then won the vote and did it. … Damn him to hell. What a different country we’d have if that had still been in place, even dumbed down/watered down through the 1970s & 80s. (sigh) Alas poor Cullen fund? – P
To my surprise, this interview came in as #2 on Bernard Hickey’s “Top 10 at 10” the next day…
Cheers Bernard!