NZ Herald photographer Sarah Ivey was part of the scrum. Great ‘news’ pic, but, gee … harassment? (click to read Herald article)
Lorde’s ‘welcome home’ at Auckland airport this morning prompted these (perfectly reasonable) reactions and thoughts …
… which reminded me of Britney Spears’ song Piece of Me.
Is that what we want for our latest ‘teen singing sensation’?
Nope. Give her some space, huh?
– P
Update: I see the NZ Herald has updated their article to reflect a new angle: ‘Lorde slams NZ media welcome as ‘sad’.
‘Slams’??? Good grief.
Yeah, that’s typical. ‘Sad’ is the right word for that.
Another thought: If you think the line “Extra, extra, this just in …” in Britney’s song is an exaggeration, look at how another ‘teen sensation’ is being virtually consumed by idiots people in the media who should know better …
Who is this woman/girl … i have no idea what all the fuss is about. Her “royal” song is an over-engineered voice altered piece of modern mummery.
Yawn …
Ivan, refer to comment at 0’36” in this ….
“Maybe don’t be such of a bitch.”
I choose to find and focus on the CREDIT with this singer/songwriter.
I won’t entertain shallow music ‘criticism’ of your sort for fear of falling into a fate worse than the parody of this fabulous satire above.
– P
I absolutely adore Lorde’s music. It’s catchy, yet clever and no matter how many times I listen to it, I still feel like there’s something more I haven’t quite grasped yet.
I just hope all this media attention doesn’t change her, or upset her so much that she quits the industry… it would be a huge loss if she stopped making music.
More than that though, she’s really just a kid. An extraordinaryly talented one, but still, a kid. I really hope she is getting lots of support in dealing with all this media attention; it wouldn’t be easy for anyone.
Thanks for your comments (and dropping by) Debbie.
You might be interested in reading this lengthy but worth it interview with Lorde/Ella by another young gun Tavi Gevinson.