Trust Cameron Slater to go too far with his brainless hate speech.
![Chickens coming home to roost? Naturally the spiteful and nasty right wing hate merchant objects to his treatment at the hands [allegedly] of some of his victims.](
Chickens coming home to roost? Naturally the spiteful hate merchant objects to his treatment at the hands [allegedly] of some of his victims and critics. Apparently it’s a Denial of Service attack. Quite a protracted one.
It seems, despite Cameron Slater’s connections to high places (pfft!) and his access to no doubt top-flight technical expertise, his ‘partisan cyberspace sphincter‘ has been jammed closed for three days and counting. A moment’s silence.
I’m sure normal service (retch) will resume eventually.
The question, so nicely asked but unanswered by the NBR (or anyone so far) is: ‘Who’s behind the whale fail?’
Assuming it’s not a publicity stunt perpetrated by Slater and his attention-seeking cabal of haters and sock-puppets, it seems the ‘Denial of Service’ attack on his website has been quite competently carried out — and has (if we are to believe Cameron Slater’s account) been adapted to frustrate technical efforts to defeat the sabotage.
Is this a bad thing?
On one hand, I’ve had websites hacked before so I feel his pain. It’s a violation. I’ve also copped it when I’ve displeased and angered ‘internet marketing experts’ whose spruikery, scam-like claims and behaviour I have exposed and criticised here at The Paepae and elsewhere. In response (or perhaps just by coincidence? :)) at that time a number of fake blogs were set up impugning my reputation, using my name linked to words like ‘scam’ and ‘fraud’. As I commented then, one should expect a few bitemarks when dealing with such types. Actions have consequences.
But on the other hand, I also see it as That notorious bully-boy Cameron Slater is coping some negative reaction. (To WHAT, exactly? We don’t know.)
Could it be the appalling, ignorant, hateful comments he published recently describing a West Coast road crash fatality as a ‘Feral dies in Greymouth, did world a favour’? (see Blogger puts the boot in – Greymouth Star)
Maybe. Maybe not. The apparently effective DOS attack on the hate blog seems to have been very quickly arranged if that dispute were the trigger. It’s possible, I guess.
As I see it, in their desperate search for more and more ‘clicks’ Cameron Slater and his little band of sycophants have spewed their vitriol, bigotry and hate-speech (thinned out with ‘trivia of the day’ and viral videos) so far and wide, the universe of potentially offended parties is large.
Cameron Slater’s (typically) simplistic, pugnacious and, some have said, sociopathic, empathy-free reaction to being called to task for adding to a grieving family’s grief in such a manner has been binary:
Because as a result of his comments he’s been on the receiving end of hate speech, including, he says, ‘death threats’ and ghastly Facebook comment(s) made regarding his daughter, ANYONE who condemns Cameron’s obscene comments — about a so-called ‘feral’ who dies in a road crash as ‘[doing] the world a favour’ and his unrepentant follow-up vitriol — is (according to Cameron) condoning threats of gang rape.
Or have I misread him? What do you think?
Sorry Cameron, if you’re reading this, that seems like a stupid argument. And a smokescreen.
Cameron Slater appears to be indulging in his usual vacuous MO: attempting to smear his targets — in this case, all of ‘them’ as ‘ferals’. Typically, it seems to me he’s thus trying to dodge his own responsibility for the negative reaction his actions have created. (Obviously I don’t ‘condone’ rape threats. Or hacking websites.)
Just an observation: When it comes to hate speech, it seems to me Cameron Slater and his goons love dishing it out, especially to ‘lefties’ and ‘pinkos’ and ‘greenies’. They lurve the attention. (Ooh, we are sooo #badass.) But as Cameron Slater has demonstrated before: He can dish it out, but he can’t take it.
I have nothing but sympathy for the Slater family in these circumstances and certainly harbour no ill-will towards them. Receiving threats of any sort is an unsettling experience, I know, because one can’t easily assess the mental stability or otherwise of the person making the threats.
It seems to me the bile and shit being flung at Cameron Slater — in the fantasy/social media world that he and his keyboard warriors/acolytes inhabit — are consequences of his actions. I doubt it will ever reach over into ‘real life’, and genuinely hope it doesn’t.
– P
Yep. The only thing that surprises me is that it has not happened sooner.
I see he now feels it is his right to be as offensive as he pleases… Geez I feel sorry for his kids.
Typical overreach. Cameron and his ‘army’ of thugs and louts are quick to try to intimidate or threaten into silence anyone who criticises them … ‘STFU’ and ‘NFWAB’ etc … but watch how quickly they clutch for ‘We will not be silenced!’ and ‘it’s freedom of speech!’ issues.
Reminds me of the saying about Patriotism being the last refuge of a scoundrel.
UPDATE: Oh gawd. One of the oily faithful has reproduced this, as if it were remotely relevant to abusing a dead car passenger as a ‘feral’ whose death ‘did the world a favour’.
As if Orwell’s comment applies to Cameron Slater’s hate blog.
No. No it doesn’t.
– P
Hmmm… I don’t know who the guy is, but it seems he has little to say and so I’m surprised anyone would care.
The exnzpat worldview on politics is this: LOVE–INDIFFERENCE–HATE
LOVE sells and so does HATE. And INDIFFERENCE, well I think we’re all guilty of it, but the worst of us will always find solace either to the Left or Right of it.
Yes, you’re right.
I think Cameron Slater fits into the mindset that regards attention (ANY attention) as a good thing.
Perhaps to him being spat on by people you despise (or don’t know) is preferable to feeling nothing.
Or perhaps it’s just boredom?:
I shot a man in Reno,
Just to watch him die,
For sure, Cameron and his goons seem to operate on a binary model of the world, much like:
Personally, I think Cameron Slater’s actions and behaviour are a disgrace to the National Party and his stigma damages its reputation.
– P
The danger people like this Slater pose, in the eyes of the uneducated or the unstable, is very real. Slater and his ilk incite extreme opinion because it sells. However, uneducated or unstable people see their pandering as real and they may act in a manner they see appropriate based on the diatribe coming from out of Haters pen.
The best recent example of this:
While it seems a new type of journalism for New Zealand and no actual crime has been perpetrated yet because of it, but (unfortunately), it’s only a matter of time.
Gosh, that’s striking…
Of course, I recall Sarah Palin dismissing any link between the Arizona shooting and her own GOP campaign team’s posters and publicity putting bulls-eyes on political opponents…
Palin is one of the worst of them, and no amount of backpedaling will ever wash her hands clean of the blood on her hands. This Slater would do well to pay attention here. When it happens in New Zealand because of him–and it will if he keeps it up, then the ultimate judge of his crime will not be here at The Paepae or that of public opinion, but that of the universe itself.
It really is more than a bit nutty how he completely ignores his own behaviour then carries on to repeat over and over and OVER a threat made to his daughter.
Yeah we heard it the first time Slater. No one thought it was decent.
He doesn’t seem to realise that threats being made to him and his family do not magically cancel out his behaviour.
He is very manipulative. It stuns me that people buy into it.
I have gotten to the point where I actually feel sorry for him. He places his blog as the top priority in his life. It comes before his family, before having a productive career, and before his health.
His number one priority is that blog. He spends his life fighting defamation, having to worry about the safety of his family, and trying to find joy in his life by putting others down on the internet instead of considering what other positive things he could be doing to lift others up.
Constant conflict. What kind of life is that?
He sees himself as some kind of vigilante for the good of all people when in reality he is the predator that people need protecting from.
I just feel sorry for him and every time i see something about him online my only thought is ‘What went wrong for Cameron Slater?’…
Apparently it was his psychologist who was treating him for depression that first suggested he blog.
I doubt that therapeutic approach has been used again since.
Yes, Cameron Slater strikes me as a someone overcome by his compulsions.
It’s a shame (I mean it) his energy isn’t more productively or positively invested. Still, that’s his choice entirely — despite the price his family pays. (We’re none of us perfect, though, eh?)
I also agree that it appears Cameron Slater has raised a SINGLE threat* of nasty sexual violence towards his daughter as a distraction, and he is attempting to use it as a ‘Get out of jail free’ card or a fig leaf to cover his own disgusting actions towards a grieving mother and family. Those reactions to his bile don’t absolve him.
And Cameron Slater’s one-eyed hypocrisy is evident. e.g.
I can say whatever I like, and if it causes people any offence, that’s just too bad because ‘I won’t be silenced!’ … but HOW DARE YOU mention my own struggles with mental illness! Waaah!
Look at those disgusting adulterous public officials! I condemn them … but HOW DARE YOU mention my own ethics, morality and extra-marital affairs! Waaah!
– P
* 3News reports: “Mr Slater says he’s had 500 replies worse than that, including one threatening sexual violence towards his daughter.”
Oh gosh those are two great examples of his hypocrisy. Sadly there are many more. I notice too that he likes to bring Mike King into the equation when he is waaahing too.
How many times have i read “Oh you are putting depression down? I wonder what @MikeKing would have to say about that?” Like he expects Mike King to come to his rescue every time he is criticised, or that he thinks affiliating himself with someone who does a lot of work in mental health makes his behaviour ok.
It is very strange.
Cameron Slater doesn’t appear to realise that there is a difference between being depressed and being cruel.
It is a really distressed and unhappy person who thinks that the happiest feeling he can attain is the feeling he gets when he puts others down and abuses them.
Very sad.