What if he was RIGHT? (Just consider it.)
What a great man.
What an inspiration.
“The quest for reconciliation was the spur that gave life to our difficult negotiations process and the agreements that emerged from it.”
— Nelson Mandela to Parliament, Cape Town, 25 February 1999
– P
Its a great pity that in spite of all the sacrifice that the country appears to be worse off than before … and is a place that many who can get out of it… choose to do so … and often choose to live in NZ.
So Utopia was not created … and is unlikely to become a living reality – ever … the latest ANC backed massacre attests to that fact.
No one would disagree that SA has many problems and some terrible things have happened, but ‘worse off than before’? Ivan, are you actually suggesting that the black people living there were better off under apartheid and without the vote? As for the South Africans who have chosen to move to NZ, they are mostly white, are they not?