Good to see Steve Jobs doing his thing for the assembled oohs and ahhs at the iPad2 launch.
A little bit of gloating 15 million iPads later (and 100 million iPhones!!) … well, you can’t take away from that success.
I laughed at his joke about the ‘unbelievable price’ of the original iPad — “just ask our competitors” … yes, it’s a game of catch-up, that’s for sure.
ANDY IHNATKO’s Review of the iPad2 launch and hands-on with some thoughts about Apple’s ‘display of dominance…’—and-the-tablet-contenders-need-to-hit-the-drawing.html
Hands on huh he states he never touched one.
I was really excited about the 2nd revision, and was considering purchase, but I am extremely disappointed.
I agree it’s great to see Steve’s health is good.
But this release did not deserve the attention it received but its Apple. I know I know.
Lighter Faster Thinner. That’s it. If it was not Lighter Faster Thinner it would not be an upgrade, so that’s a given. ohh 2 Cameras so I can run Facetime over WIFI, consumers consider yourself suckered over that one.
And when Apple can’t really defend the new device because, well they can’t, the media have to focus on how the old one has sold more than the competition.
Craig: what do mean “never touched one” ???
You give me the chance to quote Andy’s engaging line about the design of the Xoom … “angry Soviet prison labor” …
As for your other points…
re Facetime, so? … use Skype, perhaps?
“Apple can’t really defend the new device” ??? Er what? Are you kidding? They will sell millions of these (at an ‘unbelievable price’) before the competition is even on the shelf. March 11, or March 25 in NZ.
– Peter the fanboy.
You state in your first line
“ANDY IHNATKO’s Review of the iPad2 launch and hands-on”
Then in the article he states
“… A real review will have to wait until I have one in-hand. Until then,”
See this is my whole point just because they will sell units does not mean they can defend a disappointing product. Shareholders are happy sure, but I don’t think this will increase IPAD sales it will just maintain it.
Also as I stated earlier I think Android sales will surpass IPAD in 18-24 months. So then what will be better product?
“Apple” I hear you say, because they were first, they designed this platform others just copied it. So they are market leaders
Well what about the Microsoft Surface? Apple used the Surface concept and built on it just like the other Tablet manufacturers are doing.
This is just the start.
I don’t think the Xoom is a clear winner but they are on the right track.
Apple are on their typical, very beautiful, very smooth, narrow minded, non proprietary track. Note the Xoom actually ends up being the same price if not cheaper, in the States that is.
Fist let me say Preston Gralla’s ‘Xoom is a clear winner’ is just link bait. Or satire. Notoriously so. (C’mon: His blog is titled: “Seeing Through Windows” … you should tune into his ComputerWorld mate JR Raphael’s equally fair-and-reasonable blog “Android Power”.)
‘in-hand’ for a proper review … but Andy I. got ‘hands-on’ enough to evaluate the design and performance … and classed the Xoom: “… as though it was designed and built by angry Soviet prison labor instead of by Motorola.”
You say … “Note the Xoom actually ends up being the same price if not cheaper, in the States that is.”
Er Craig, did you see this slide from the iPad2 launch show ?:
You get that, right? Only one iPad option costs more than a Xoom — that’s an ‘unbelievable’ price.
“Well what about the Microsoft Surface? Apple used the Surface concept and built on it just like the other Tablet manufacturers are doing.”
I actually saw/used a MS ‘Surface’ table in a mobile phone shop in Washington DC — it was HUGE, and, if I recall correctly, wasn’t being used in a multi-touch way — it was, effectively, just a big bright, power hungry kiosk for displaying phones and plans. It was a real let down.
Have you ever been hands-on with a MS ‘Surface’ product? I’d be surprised it you had. Where are they now?
Yes, it was a touch screen, no it wasn’t ever properly released to the public … it was one step up from vaporware … and it was not a game changer.
From a thoughtful piece by Erica Sadun …
Deciding on a tablet by comparing specs? You’ve missed the point
Slip into the pool, Craig. You may find the water just as soothing as your iPhone experience …
Link bait, OMG what do think all the Apple articles are for. And if you are going to play the Satire Card every time an article disagrees with Apples glow that’s pretty lame.
Microsoft Surface is still available now.
And no I have not used a Surface.
It was always released to the market but never was going to sell highly because it was like $10000 a unit. and was never a consumer personal device, it was aimed at different market.
They were soon Multi touch after the first early releases.
And if you cannot see the jump from the Surface technology to Apples devices well you really have got the blinkers on.
And by the way is true multitasking, unlike some other devices.
Once you buy a IPAD and all their costs. ie Data plans, monthly costs etc, then compare it too the costs to the Xoom over the span of the Terms of the contracts. Its rather close. Oh its actually cheaper.
I guess the market will decide. 15million is a pretty good head start, but even that’s not the picture. It depends how you look at market share — OS or manufacturer….
Look at smartphones, for example:
What do you see?
I just called ‘satire’ on what I guess you see as Preston Gralla’s even-handed commentary because it was honestly too ludicrous to POSSIBLY expect to be taken seriously. Sooo OTT.
re MS Surface … your link…
I don’t know why you bring it (Surface) up, really. It was a mis-step. Techonology too expensive for its uses dies.
I think they put it out to be cool … just like Steve Balmer’s desperation to ‘announce’ Windows ‘slates’ days before the iPad launch… which HP quite rationally spiked later, responding to Apple’s leadership with iOS by buying Palm for WebOS … Windows for ‘slates’? Doomed to be an also ran if it gets out of the gate…
Still, no harm in trying. – P
We can’t go on arguing like this.
I don’t understand the Samsung links because I have seen the Surface in action and its awesome!! company’s are using it, they are under this link.
Anyway this is beside the point, all I was saying was Apple did not create the touch experience, multitouch, pinch and zoom etc etc as most Apple Fanboys would think.
So when these other ‘companys’ make a better device, in my opinion (Xoom) Applefiles knock it for being a copy. Well hang on, Apple simply improved on a technology which they copied themselves. Just as the other company’s are improving on Apple.
As far as the question of what do I see with that chart. I see Android probably getting 40% of the market and Apple going backwards. Remember I have an Iphone they are the best on the market. I just call it without prejudice.
Your right this can go on forever And I’m done.
Your comments about that Article sealed it for me anyway.
I am holding out for a IO5 for Iphone 5 and Ipad 3 due maybe end of this year. But, Why do I feel I will be buying a Android Tablet and a Iphone 5.
Over and out.
Cheers Craig.
Of course Apple didn’t invent •everything• in their products (although they have a truckload of patents for their inventions … even an Oscar {Academy Award} for the Firewire interface which enabled fast file transfer and a generation of digital video) … they’re bloody good at what they do.
Isaac Newton: “If I have seen further, it is only by standing on the shoulders of giants.”
You appear to detect unrealistic adoration of the iPad etc … With respect, I detect irrational support for Android and Xoom — support apparently based on ideology, in my opinion.
Your severely bias , you constantly miss the point.
And choose to cherry pick.
After all you are a Apple fanboy.
That’s just yesterday’s NZ Herald report of Mr Samsung saying they WOULD respond to Apple’s new product release … showing he understands that lifting the game is part of what competition is all about.
The downside for us consumers is that our shiny new toy isn’t ‘the latest’ for very long … But look how that constant ‘obsolescing’ of last year’s model has worked for Apple with the iPod — never giving the competition a chance to catch up.
I reckon they’ll apply the same strategy to the iPad … but by golly their competitors won’t make it easy, as you have pointed out.
Cheers. -P
[PS ‘cherry pick’?? Of course. ]
Pretty comprehensive review of the Motorola Xoom at Ars Technica, includes this in the intro:
and this on the impressive hardware specs — a barometer (awesome!)
Read the full review here:
That stuff about the specs kinda reinforces what Erica Sadun said : “The Xoom isn’t a netbook or a netbook wanna be. It’s a computer. A big old honking computer. With a touch screen. It’s what you get when you let engineers build something without designers and artists cracking the whip and instilling fear into them.”
Gotta say, it looks good in the pix — the review says “The Xoom’s build quality is very good” — (note that glossy reflective screen!)
Attention Craig:
Wow, here’s the follow up ‘proper’ review of the iPad 2 from Andy Ihnatko…
It includes this statement:
which echoes others I quoted earlier (cherry-picked?) about the iPad being ‘a replacement for computing’ …—but-it-is-great.html
[…] 92%? Calling all fanboys. […]
Hi Peter,
Saw this article and it completely seals the deal for me.
This for me confirms anyone who has nothing bad say about Apple.
Are too basically be ignored. And also to open the can a weeny bit should the same people be able to judge anything with fairness and equal stand point’s I think probably not.
Nice. Thanks for sharing, Craig. Good to hear from you.
from the article you linked to:
As Thomas Kuhn pointed out in ‘The Structure of Scientific Revolutions’, human beings commonly form a ‘paradigm’ — a framework for looking at the world, or an aspect of the world — and once formed one tends to filter out information and data that do not support that ‘theory’ … and emphasise those that do.
Kuhn’s book points to scientists who cling to conventional wisdom, and are ‘blind’ (literally don’t perceive) bits of the puzzle that support a new theory — often, he says, revolutionary breakthroughs and progress is made by people on the periphery or outside the field all together.
James Glieck, in Chaos Theory, pointed to the breakthroughs in higher mathematics leading to fractal theory etc (if I recall — it’s been a while since I read his book) as being first ‘discovered’ not by higher mathematicians but by someone working in meteorology. The maths guys couldn’t see it.
A good example of what one might call ‘conclusion bias’ is police investigators who can sometimes fix on a theory or a suspect and (unconsciously) exclude evidence that doesn’t fit the picture they have formed. So easy.
So, it doesn’t surprise me that you say “saw this article and it completely seals the deal for me.”
Nor should it surprise you that I acknowledge experienced-based zealotry, but not ‘religion’.
Sounds minor, but I was critical of lack of cut-and-paste, tethering, sms alarm tone choices in the iPhone … so? Still good. We agree on that.
And of course, sure, Android is ‘open’ and Apple runs ‘a walled garden’… despite any evidence to the contrary.
– P
On another matter, Steve Jobs, personally, gee I wish him well. He is the Thomas Edison of his age, surely.
See this photo from Monday:

pic: Lea Suzuki for the SF Chronicle.
Hey Craig, enjoy:
– P
Apple deserve all the credit !!
Apple deserve all the credit !!