Facebook, as we have discussed, is to privacy what water is to oil — i.e. no relation. You need to know this.

The New York Times took the, um, time to examine and graphically portray the ‘options’ and ‘settings’ — their tagline:

Facebook Privacy: A Bewildering Tangle of Options

To manage your privacy on Facebook, you will need to navigate through 50 settings with more than 170 options. Facebook says it wants to offer precise controls for sharing on the Internet.

… which surprised even me.

Click on the graphic below to visit the full size version at the NY Times.

Their article Price of Facebook Privacy? Start Clicking is worth reading and discusses the gargantuan ‘privacy policy’ Facebook has developed over the years… 5830 words long — longer than the US Constitution! — and waay (3x) longer than Twitter and other ‘social media’ sites.