Ha! What looks like a co-ordinated campaign to damage a brand via social media ‘influencers’ has been exposed because one of the shills FORGOT TO ERASE HIS INSTRUCTIONS! (Hahaha!):
Prominent Weibo Users Paid to Bash Apple? Introducing China’s ’820 Party’

Oops. An attempt to create some supposed ‘grass roots’ backlash in co-ordination with some negative media came unstuck. Does this ever happen in (cough) say, the political sphere,do y’think? With, say, right wing bloggers … neh, probably not. Just coincidence, I’m sure. Or my imagination. (click to read the story at TeaLeaf Nation.)
Of course that could never happen here, eh? {snort} Weeeell …
Engagement without declaring a commercial aspect?
Or could it? What’s this (local) web ‘advertising’ service offering, do you think? “Engagement”
Our portfolio of publishers includes a number of sites where conversations are already taking place. We can facilitate engagement with those audiences, enabling your brand to connect in a whole new way.

“We can facilitate engagement with those audiences, enabling your brand to connect in a whole new way.”
Right. So a campaign of commercial/sponsored message ‘engagement’ with ‘audiences’ and their ‘conversations’ … that doesn’t involve banner advertising. (So, the commercial aspect probably undisclosed, I guess.) Hmmm.
Sounds a little like the CCTV/Weibo scheme, huh?
– P
PS: We last discussed this idea of ‘paying bloggers to take certain lines’ in this post: ‘As playful as he is psychotic’ which included some interesting discussion, if I may be so immodest, in the comments stream. Remember this?:
Cameron Slater on Media3 Nov 2012 (MP3 file here)
This is not surprising I have seen evidence of Picket line protests with ‘paid staff to turn up and protest’ in fact if I am not mistaken it happened to the ACT party last election.
People who get involved in these BS driven activities do f*** up sometimes.
I just find it interesting that in this instance its was opposing Apple. suiting your Fanboy dreams. Happy cherry picking.
Got a link to the ACT Party thing? I don’t remember that.
I recall Samsung trolled the Sydney Apple store a while ago …
But attention-grabbing stunts are one thing … deceitful fake grass roots ‘engagement’ or opinion shaping is another… don’t you agree?
– P
Kicked him out and told him to stop filming, wonderful company!
That was weird made no sense no obvious message. Bizarre.
Sorry can’t find a link. I maybe mistaking this for people posing as party supporters but were in fact being paid.
I don’t blame the Apple store staff in that situation. They might well have thought there was a possibility he was part of the stunt.
You haven’t answered my question: isn’t a PR stunt like that significantly different to an undisclosed ‘influence by sock puppet’ campaign of the sort we’re discussing?
Well odds are those ‘Wake Up’ participates are mostly just Dial a protestor. So in a lot of ways its the same.
And if it is a PR stunt in this case what are there MO? PR for what exactly?
PR to denigrate Apple, damage the brand. See the original story:
“News quickly broke, however, that CCTV had paid celebrities to post anti-Apple remarks.”
Now, the question, why CCTV would want to do that? … dunno.
Oh yeah, the CCTV/Weibo Social Media prank had a MO for sure.
I was talking in regards to the ‘Wake up Bus’ stunt, seemingly having no PR. because they went off to other destinations still ranting ? No?