Archive for the ‘Humour’ Category

The place of ‘character’ and ‘voice’ in business

While I generally get on well with most people I meet, I can sometimes be socially clumsy, or gauche, and fail miserably in my communications from time to time (as some people are wont to point out here now and then, bless them), but I try to (a) be consistent — the same person in all […]


via Antony Johnston who says he would subscribe. Here’s the source Quantum Pirate. – P

Still one of my favourite photos of John Banks

So, facing trial for offences against the Electoral Act (no pun intended) John Banks is bowing out. See: Banks shuffles towards retirement No retrospective view of his career would be complete without mention of the now infamous ‘cup of tea’ with John Key at Newmarket’s Urban café. I was lucky enough to get a […]

“Only one blogger has the courage to tell the truth…” (Psst: It ain’t @whaleoil)

“Sometimes the blogosphere can become a Terror Dome…” (Man, I can almost hear Juana’s voice.*) DEADLINE: The Nikki Finke Story with Jean Smart and Christina Applegate from Jean Smart Enjoy it! – P * You know, “…the whole internet was ablaze with the news of him becoming the Editor of Truth.”

One day in lobbyist land …

for Matthew Hooton and Carrick Graham. – P You may also be interested in: It’s only ‘propaganda’ if you’re talking about the other side, right, Carrick? and Smoke gets in your eyes, Carrick? Movie credit: My son.

“You just feel kind of satisfied with your products, and then you die.”

Nice to hear Louis CK saying these things out loud. – P

Won’t somebody, please … think of the editors?

I’m in the early stages of editing a book. So this made me chuckle … (I’m not saying I’m better than anybody.) – P Via: Jess SilverGreenberg

Now, if Cunliffe had joked that Judith Collins was a ‘troll’ …

Actually, I read this introduction to a David Cunliffe blog post (apparently. I haven’t read it) as jovial, a play on words. “The original brief was to respond to a post by Judith Collins. My post was going to be about snapper, not trout. But considering that issue, along with Judith’s leadership aspirations, has floundered, […]


Kinda like: Heads we win, Tails they lose …? – P Via James Clark

Spotted in the thinking room of a friend’s house …

Gulp.* – P * particularly the bit about piles of paper/stuff on the floor.

The cat sat on the Mac

Nice pic from TUAW reader Richard … Very mice. (not a typo) – P Update: And then there’s this …

“Sleazy gutter politics is not my style” by @imperatorfish

Oh, you must* read this wonderful spoof by Scott Yorke: A statement from John Palino Nice. A highlight (for me): “Your decision to talk to Cameron Slater disappoints me, and no good will come of it. If I were you I would just forget about the whole thing. Move on with your life, and try […]

Emmerson – Palino’s diner

This, from Rod Emmerson in the NZ Herald, is one of those cartoons with plenty of subtlety* … it rewards scrutiny. – P *Like, for instance, the ‘speciality’, the puddle under Banks, and, is Slater junior wearing pants?      

This mortgage graphic bears looking at closer

I spotted this entertaining graphic on the NZ Home Loans website. If you understand mortgages, you’ll know the bank doesn’t own ANY of your home (as owner, you merely offer the property as security to the lender for your loan) but it can be good to have a sense of consciousness of your outstanding debt. […]


Microsoft’s Steve Ballmer and Bill Gates. What a team. – P via