Archive for the ‘Humour’ Category
Guest ‘guru’ sometime soon?
How long can it be before ‘Tumbleweed’ Dean Letfus invites G Sharp to share the stage as a guest guru? I’m sure his sales pitch would fit right in! I spotted this engaging ad in last weekend’s Sunday Star Times — the very same edition that carried the Property guru does US u-turn story by […]
Now that’s what I call ‘news commentary’!
Steve Jobs defeats Bill Gates/Darth Vader and becomes the new Dark Lord harnessing mystical powers of the Force while laughing maniacly … oh boy, it’s good. Here’s an ‘artists impression'(?) of how Apple dealt with Gizmodo editor/receiver of stolen iPhone prototype Jason Chen: Watch the video at YouTube. Thanks to John (“My linking to these […]
Who am I thinking of?
OK, I don’t mean to denigrate anyone. I find this funny. Best wishes, P
For real?
Geography NOT a strong suit at WGNTV … (via Huffington Post.)
Stephen Fry on the joys of swearing
I agree with this: “The kind of people who say swearing is the sign of a poor vocabulary, usually have a pretty poor vocabulary themselves.” — Stephen Fry. That said, I’ve seen the real ‘shock’ effect an outburst of hot, emphatic ‘foul’ language can have on people, including kids — but it’s the intent and tone, […]
Insurance against DISGRACE? Really? You can get that?
Disgrace insurance? I didn’t even know such a thing existed! Live and learn, I guess. From this article in the Herald on Sunday: The documents revealed a year after [Comedian Mike] King was recruited as the face of pork in New Zealand, officials became nervous when the comedian left an obscene phone message* for the […]
Ranting and raving? Oh yes, but sooo right!
I had lunch with my good friend Graeme today after he picked ‘the best song ever written’ on National Radio … and he hadn’t yet seen this absolutely wonderful recent rant and rave, telling-the-truth criticism of Glenn Beck by The Daily Show’s acerbic commentator, my hero Lewis Black …
Announcing a big, bargain breakthrough MIRACLE …
ANNOUNCING a big, bargain breakthrough MIRACLE that will quickly and easily, immediately (right NOW) directly deliver to YOU complete and absolutely authentic HUGE revolutionary secrets to $ucce$$ and love — with improved powerful PROFIT$. Endorsed by the LARGEST famous professionals with strange discounts and unique magic gifts. NEW and exciting! Lifetime superior QUALITY specially guaranteed for […]
Honesty in advertising — a rare and beautiful thing
Yes, I know, I spend a bit of time hassling spruikers (and others) for their hyperbolic marketing claims — like this from Mr ‘get-rich-quick’ himself Dean Letfus: After this week it’s “too late baby now it’s too late” to catch Shaun Stenning and I showing you how to generate genuine, sustainable cashflow fast. … Did […]
Academy Award Winning Movie Trailer – Hilarious spoof!
Every cliché they could squeeze into 3 minutes … And when you’ve watched it, read some of the comments in homage of the style at YouTube. A lot of fun. Thanks to Don Miller. “Inspiring final line of speech that d**bags (ugh) will quote in their Facebook profiles!”
Even more convergence
OK this is getting spooky. After Dilbert climbed into the G4 iPhone prototype theft, now Jon Stewart has also … “buying” for the sake of his commentary the idea that Apple has the Silicon Valley police SWAT team in its pocket. And coining the term ‘Appholes’. Zing! Watch the full 8 min video clip at […]
Kieran Trass: last week ‘property guru’, this week ‘property genie’
Landing in my in-box this afternoon … A promotion for an upcoming ‘not another property seminar’ with Kieran Trass, fresh from his stint at the NZ Property Guru’s [sic] hard-sell roadshow … Starring Kieran Trass as ‘The Property Investment Genie’. Well! Knowing Kieran as I do, I might have plumped for a different imaginary magical […]