Archive for the ‘Business/Investment’ Category
“No more lies”
Thank goodness there are still people like this in the world … Bridgecorp staff told to lie to investors, court told By Edward Gay NZ Herald Monday Feb 15, 2010 A former staff member of failed finance company Bridgecorp has told the court she and her colleagues were told to lie to angry investors who […]
Tax? ‘Quite a good idea’…
In New Zealand, there’s been a lot of, umm, ‘debate’ (heat but not much light) about finding a way to tax residential property investors. Much ado about nothing, we hope. Here’s a brilliant ad in support of a proposed UK tax on banks… I have one or two people I would like to question in […]
Mark Withers on John Key’s ‘Tax Direction’ speech
“3 bullets dodged but there’s still a round in the breech!” I had a chat with specialist property accountant Mark Withers this morning — ‘the morning after’ NZ Prime Minister John Key’s speech at the opening of Parliament. Here’s a free 13 minute audio interview (mp3) hosted by Empower Education. And here’s a link to […]
Apple’s iPad: “a replacement for computing”
“The iPad isn’t the future of computing; it’s a replacement for computing.” — Mike Monteiro, A vision of the future…. As many others have noted, the release of the iPad might be the cannonball into the consumer device pool the iPhone dipped its toes in. It’s also been referred to as a thing that sits between […]
More unintended consequences?
How’s this for taking things a leetle bit too far… (It makes a good point though.) Did the US Supreme Court consider that by ruling the government may not ban political spending by corporations in candidate elections (on the basis that it’s a ‘free speech’ right!) that it was, in effect, giving corporations ‘human rights’? […]
iPad? Yeah. OK, probably. Why not?
Yes, I’ll probably get one of these. It looks useful, and some of the applications seem like an improvement. Apple does lead the world in industrial design (the ‘cool’ factor), and this shows it again. An e-book reader should have a high quality colour screen, in my opinion. Is it a ‘game-changer’, as pundits are […]
Unintended consequences
A fair minded person seeks to put themselves in the other person’s shoes … I find myself doing that more and more. (… and I’m not saying, ‘Aren’t I wonderful?’ by that comment, I assure you.) I would hate for some of the things I’ve said about the activities and behaviour of others to be […]
Slave to ‘consistency’
One of my favourite ‘let me off the hook’ quotes expressing wisdom is this: Do I contradict myself? Very well then I contradict myself, (I am large, I contain multitudes.) ‘Song of Myself’ — Walt Whitman, US poet (1819 – 1892) I have at various times, to my cost, roasted myself on a bed of […]
This week’s panic
Reading an article in the latest Audi magazine in a chocolate factory cafe yesterday, I came across a quote from Audi chairman Rupert Stadler talking about his time working for the firm as head of Finance & HR in Spain: “And that was during the crisis of the 90s.” Reading it, I wasn’t sure exactly […]
Good move: recognize inevitability
On a hiding to nothing Sometimes a party to a lawsuit has to recognize they’re holding a losing hand, and put an end to the dispute. Certainly, in my experience, it can take a while for reality to sink in to your opponent’s cranium. A long dispute means both parties are wrong, said Voltaire, which […]
Free Trial Scam!
A friend of mine got caught in this ‘free trial’ scam. Never thought I would EVER get scammed online….but DID! RealFreeSamples – a link on Facebook got me good..have cancelled my credit card but am out by $ annoyed at myself…. That means the fine print says they’ll keep sending you shipments until you jump […]
Pun competition: Dubai’s financial woes
The puns are coming thick and fast in news reports and discussion about Dubai’s financial woes: “Dubai’s economic miracle built on foundations of sand.” “It was all a mirage.” “When the sh*t hits the sand” Any more?
Oh, this is funny…
Poor Simon Edhouse. If this isn’t viral yet, it will be. IMO. “If deal goes ahead there will be some good money in it for you.” — How many times have publishing and design professionals heard this line? “The project I am working on will be more successful than twitter within a year. When I […]