Archive for the ‘Business/Investment’ Category

‘Friends’ and enemies …

This looks like it could be a good movie. We’ve discussed Mark Zuckerberg‘s [alleged] personality issues before, and the ‘inside story’ on the [alleged] treachery and deceit at the core of the Facebook extravaganza has, as they say, all the elements of a ripping yarn — sort of a Raymond-Chandler-meets-Bill-Gates thriller. (Bill Gates has skeletons […]

Refreshingly good advice from a former jailbird

It must be the season for straight talking (see earlier post today) … Disgraced businessman Hawkins gives jail tips Rob Stock | Sunday Star Times Disgraced businessmen in the courts on criminal charges have been phoning the country’s highest profile former white-collar prisoner for advice on how to survive life behind bars. Allan Hawkins, who […]

Why are the get-rich-quick boys in such a HURRY?

Tim Burrowes, writing this week over at Aussie marketing/media website mUmBRELLA expressed this thought common to journalists everywhere: The substance behind the Photon gossip by Tim Burrowes June 17th, 2010 One of the perks – and frustrations – of being a journalist is that you often get to hear interesting gossip. Perk because it’s nice […]

Misleading and deceptive

In an previous post  OK, so it’s not a hopeless quest … I celebrated action being taken by the Commerce Commission against an outfit that, it seemed to me, was dubious in its operation. This evening I read the news that the Securities Commission has taken the novel step of banning a financial advisor — […]

Another good graphic

From Is it true? Dunno. I guess so. Like this morning’s example, the graphic tells a story all by itself.

What a good graphic!

I like this graphic from the NZ Herald just now — it puts today’s small Official Cash Rate interest rate rise in perspective nicely. Well done. Here’s the story (if you care) at the NZ Herald. My only point was: This is a good use of graphics to communicate. That graph does remind me of […]

Clarke and Dawe ask the million dollar questions

Hilarious and TRUE … John Clarke and Bryan Dawe calculate the cost of the European debt crisis. (In the same ilk as John Bird and John Fortune and apropos our discussion re Europe here following Tony Alexander’s enews.) Link: Thanks to A for the tip.

No hard feelings – present some facts

I know the spruikers I take aim at here now and then feel hard done by. So do some of their fans. I’m sorry for their hurt feelings. I really am. But the way I see it, they make their own bed and lie in it (— or lie from it, one could say). Actions […]

Q: Is this a Shaun Stenning product? A: Er, cough. Well, yes and no …

There’s not a lot of pride evident in this.  A friend recently emailed me a link to this mealy-mouthed interchange on the support FAQ page — about the founder(?) and chief salesman of the new ‘internet marketing’ scheme, Shaun Stenning. It seems to back up my earlier thoughts. Presumably this Frequently Asked Question (!) flows […]

“Analyst” pfah!

John Gruber, talking about something completely different (a rumour Microsoft CEO Steve Balmer was due to speak at an upcoming Apple event) says something I’ve thought myself over the years about the property market: It never ceases to amaze me the sort of crazy speculative bullshit people will take at face value if it’s attributed […]

A good (simple) retrospective look at Europe’s economic woes

I heard from a friend of mine who works in Banking (with a capital B) in Geneva recently that things ain’t good in Europe. ‘European economies are in real trouble. I have had a deep sense of foreboding about the global economy recently’ he wrote to me — which is alarming considering what he and […]

‘Little known internet marketing expert’ ‘Mr X’ is actually spruiker Dean Letfus. (Oh, really?)

Less than 12 months ago Dean Letfus breathlessly told the world via YouTube how excited he was to have “discovered” the power of the internet through attending Shaun Stenning’s Geekversity weekend course — which it appears Dean Letfus and his mate Steve Goodey promptly started to promote far and wide as affiliates … ‘twisting Shaun’s […]

More opprobrium for dishonesty

America’s favourite whipping boy, once media-darling Mark Zuckerberg, ‘founder’ of Facebook, gets even more attention (below). I wonder how he’s coping? Facebook CEO Faces Accusations Of Securities Fraud Huffington Post | Catharine Smith First 05-20-10 05:38 PM It’s been a rough couple of weeks for Facebook CEO and co-founder Mark Zuckerberg. Facebook’s new privacy policies […]

Hello, Jason? Asperger’s doesn’t equal ‘sociopath’

OK, so we all know Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg has a reputation for being treacherous and a bit of an arse, but this reference by Jason Calacanis to Asperger’s syndrome seems like sloppy labelling to me … otherwise, it’s an interesting opinion piece. A little self-indulgent, but that’s part of Jason’s recipe. Last year, when […]

Freeloader culture: taking things that aren’t yours …

Andrew Keen’s opinion column “Copyrights take a back seat to profits on the Web” is worth a read. Even in the digital world, standards are still necessary and some old rules deserve respect. Creators should still be fairly compensated for their work, and we shouldn’t tolerate stealing as the road to profit. And, as much […]