I only know what’s been reported about this case, but it makes the point, doesn’t it?, that lawyers and their ethical standards fall on a bell-shaped curve, like the rest of us.
For the Law Society (which can often be perceived as taking a ‘circle the wagons’ approach to criticism or complaints against dodgy lawyers) to act so harshly, this must have been an exceptional case. Overcharging a client for incompetent service, or failing to disclose a conflict of interest must be among the cardinal sins of the legal profession.
The ripped-off client’s lament about his former lawyer’s timely bankruptcy (last Friday!) is familiar too.
– P
Wow. Isn’t it just incredible how independently wealthy the lawyer’s wife is (cough, cough).
Surely karma would dictate said wife would run off with the pool boy, leaving the lawyer out in the cold.
the pool boy! {chortle}