You may recall my posts ‘Low-ball share buyer Bernard Whimp in action‘ and ‘Bernard Whimp – another suck of the saveloy. No shame?‘ which catalog this unimpressive Christchurch businessman’s questionable, um, ‘endeavours‘.
The Financial Markets Authority announced today it has ordered Bernard Whimp and his associates to “include a warning from the FMA at the beginning of any unsolicited offer they may make”.
What would you call that? A vote of no-confidence?
The warning reads in part:
Warning: Offers from Mr Bernard Whimp May Not Be in Your Best Interests
May 2011
This is a warning from the Financial Markets Authority.
The Financial Markets Authority urges you to treat this offer with great caution.
Before you accept it, carefully read the details of what you will be paid and when, and any fine print anywhere on the offer or forms.
The Financial Markets Authority considers it is not in your interests to accept an offer that is for less than the market price, or where you will have to wait longer than three days to be paid.
Make an informed decision – seek advice from a registered financial adviser, your lawyer, your accountant, a Community Law Centre or Citizen’s Advice Bureau….
Well, that’s making it Bernard Whimp. (No, not really.)
Judging from similar dubious ‘personalities’ I have encountered, I bet Bernard Whimp feels unjustly singled out, for unfair reasons … and let me guess: I bet he is blaming his ‘competitors’ for this turn of events, and ‘biased, ‘corrupt’ authorities for their envy-driven efforts to denigrate him — a ‘leader in the industry’. Oh, yeah. (Excuse me while I barf.) He’ll have a picture of himself as NZ’s #1 share trader, getting great ‘results’ — yada yada yada.
I feel a memoir coming on…. ‘Compulsive liars Con-men Misunderstood geniuses I have met’
– P
Apropos this comment from my post: “I bet he is blaming his ‘competitors’ for this turn of events, and ‘biased, ‘corrupt’ authorities for their envy-driven efforts to denigrate him — a ‘leader in the industry’. Oh, yeah.”
Look at this in the paper this morning…
And here’s a picture:

From the same story at