Author Archive

Social media bubble deflates. Pop! or Hisssss …?

The Social Media Bubble has popped 2 June 2012 by Allen Gannett | The Next Web It happened. It’s over. The bubble was popped by Facebook’s IPO belly flop. Some saw it coming, but before May 18, plenty of smart people saw only blue skies. Chris Sacca predicted we’d see a $56 price on opening day. […]

Ambition, self-selection and brainless tribalism. Bleurgh!

I’ve been thinking about the subject of deceit in politics and the sad idea that the voting public ‘expects’ a certain amount of spin and marketing (BS) in its political diet. I posted this comment in discussion about my musings about tribalism ‘National’s desperados get perfervid about Peters‘ before last year’s election: I usually enjoy […]

‘Earning’ your enemies

Earlier, I quoted from Margaret Pope’s elegant book At The Turning Point: My political life with David Lange. I heard the author interviewed by Radio NZ National’s erudite Kathyrn Ryan when the book was published 1 where Ms Pope answered (beautifully) a query about the enmity she’d attracted from Michael Bassett: …There are some things […]

Hollow Man Matthew Hooton recites his creed

Featuring extensive quotes from National Party sources, Nicky Hager’s The Hollow Men: A study in the politics of deception exposed and excoriated a cynical, deceptive team of politicians, spin doctors, professional deceivers and behind-the-scenes, shadowy political donors seeking political influence and ‘policy for sale’ — some of whom, judging by results, are still very much […]

Assange extradition decision

‘Look it up’ as a put-down. I approve.

There’s apparently a little controversy about Madonna (the singer-songwriter) feeling that Lady Gaga (the singer-songwriter) has strayed a little too close imitation with respect to Madonna’s ‘Express Yourself’ worldwide hit and Gaga’s ‘Born This Way’. The last one of these I paid attention to was a fairly plausible Joe Satriani allegation that Cold Play had […]

Facebook price droops. Hands up if you’re surprised

See Facebook Stock Collapse Contributes To Mistrust Of Wall Street (Huffington Post) if you care. … the Facebook IPO had examples of pretty much everything that is wrong with the stock market today. Media and analyst cheerleading? Check. The destructive influence of high-speed trading? Check. A system built for insiders to profit while retail investors […]

Social media made-up stats (parody)

Hilarious from start to finish* … via @adders * In a wry, cynical, self-knowing way.

Greed? On the sharemarket? Never!

Obvious Otis headline of the morning goes to the NZ Herald for this AFP story … The sell-off sparked more finger pointing and anger from those who had expected the price to zoom to massive gains like the immediate doubling of career-oriented social network LinkedIn’s IPO price last year. “Investors are searching for someone to […]

Rodney Hide, boy genius.

I knew Rodney Hide back when he was still using a Cassiopeia and I was using Psion Series 3a. (We used to compare features.) While he’s a pleasant man, and I personally like him, he’s never struck me as an intellectual powerhouse… So it was intriguing recently to read in the NBR online his vapid […]

‘A loathsome piece of filth’

That’s actually something I said about somebody. And I meant it, as harsh as it sounds. I didn’t say it to them, I didn’t say it publicly, nor did I post it online here or elsewhere. It was my personal opinion at the time, provoked by their actions. They stand out in my mind as one of […]

Why I use an ad-blocker (You must be kidding me @NZHerald)

I was using my non-ad-blocked Chrome web browser for something tonight and thought I’d just see what news was happening, so popped over the You have got to be kidding me … Ridiculous over-the-top interruption marketing. Doomed to fail, in my opinion. – P Update: It certainly illustrates why I use AdBlock and Glimmerblocker […]

How we got to charter schools

I stumbled across this on the web, looking for something else. Worth reading. From the Autumn edition of Education Aotearoa: The influence of the business lobby, particularly the Business Roundtable and ACT, in pushing New Zealand into the hands of the charter school movement is shown in a timeline of developments put together by NZEI’s […]

Psst! I don’t think ‘Samantha’ is a real person

File this under ‘Trivial, but entertaining’… Hey, let me be clear: People are entitled to their privacy. (And this is No.Big.Deal.) By a quirky coincidence*, I noticed a new Twitter follower of The Paepae, Auckland’s ‘Samantha Seers’ has an image file named ‘woman-spring-cleaning-lg.jpg’ as her profile pic. Apparently Samantha’s photo is actually a trimmed version of […]

David. Clever, but kinda creepy…

Similar in concept to Kara (right) here’s David … Clever marketing. But kinda creepy. via Christina Warren