Author Archive
Gee, this is a bit harsh (Rick Santorum)
Former presidential candidate Rick Santorum attacked the media and “smart people” for not being on the side of conservatives in a speech to the Values Voter Summit on Saturday. “We will never have the media on our side, ever, in this country,” Santorum, a former Pennsylvania senator, told the audience at the Omni Shoreham hotel. […]
Oh, for a straight answer to a straight question
John Key delivered a good performance on TVNZ’s Q&A current affairs programme this morning — UNTIL he was asked about John Banks.* You can watch the interview here at TVNZ on demand (17 mins) And here is the audio of the 3 minute section where interviewer Shane Taurima asked about Mr Key’s standards for his […]
Parasitic bloggers – yes, John Armstrong is right. Exactly
It was good to see some ‘pushback’ from the NZ Herald‘s veteran political columnist John Armstrong against second-guessing armchair critics (who happen to be bloggers). In an article originally titled:Blogging parasites don’t let the facts get in the way with the subtitle: Cheap shots at press corps based largely on ignorance and show no regard […]
Is John Key ‘hugging a corpse’? Does he have a choice?
It’s an ugly phrase, ‘hugging a corpse‘. I remember reading it a while back in relation to political management. A quick web search popped it up (in this part of the world) as one of National Party blogger Cameron Slater’s 13 ‘Rules of politics and guidelines for politicians’, thoughtfully transcribed by reporter Pete Bailey from […]
The politicians we deserve
No charges were laid against Mr Banks. Police found that although he had filed a false election return, he hadn’t done so deliberately, because he had signed it without reading it. — ‘Police file: How Banks’ team targeted rich-list‘ NZ Herald 13 Sept 2012 What can one say about this that doesn’t read as gratuitously […]
@Gruber is worth reading about Amazon and Apple’s different approaches
John Gruber reflecting on Amazon’s Kindle tablet announcements … Amazon’s play … This was a good presentation, but it was a nearly perfect presentation for its intended audience of invited tech press, largely because of the way it positioned Amazon against Apple and the Kindle Fire against the iPad. … … Make no bones about […]
Stumbling across a meme
I’ve been cleaning up files and stumbled across this photo someone sent me to enjoy in February 2011. Wow! I think it’s a flea. Or a bedbug? (Is it?) And I thought, I must put that on the Paepae. As is my habit, I wanted to credit the source, if possible. So I put the […]
Learning from Mat Honan’s disaster (Apple & me)
I mentioned that I’d taken a lesson from fellow geek Mat Honan’s experience getting hacked and, temporarily albeit expensively, having his personal data remotely wiped (shudder) from his MacBook Air when hackers compromised his Apple ID (read all about it at Mat’s blog). So, I did not enable ‘Find my Mac’ on my new MacBook […]
A photo of himself every day for 12.5 years
via Jason Kottke …
Well done Cameron
By chance, I caught a few minutes of The Nutter’s Club on Radio LIVE last night. Normally hosted by comedian Mike King, blogger Cameron Slater took the chair. The interaction I heard — a discussion with a talkback caller worried about the side effects of her prescription drugs, and concerned that her doctors weren’t listening […]
Yes we can! (Had to happen, I guess.)
Spotted this at the top of Howick today. Bwahahaha… Pfft! -P
Happy in Apple’s ecosystem, thanks.
I’ve had two experiences in the last week which have confirmed my satisfaction with life in Apple’s ecosystem. The first was the morning after I got back from my visit to Wellington last week. I woke up and went to switch my iPhone on and found the power/sleep button on top VERY stiff. This phone’s […]
Bill Clinton’s still got the shine. Unlike some.
I’m too young to have observed at first hand the way the US media was [supposedly] swept up in a love affair with John F Kennedy. Sure, I’ve read contemporary accounts like LIFE magazine fawning over the Kennedys etc, and looked at the phenomenon historically, but that ain’t the same. As an observer I was […]