Author Archive
Trying to pin a ‘con artist’ tag on Teflon John Key. Yeah, good luck with that.
I heard the NZ Prime Minister John Key (right) waxing lyrical about the (according to him) ‘rort’ that was the Opposition’s Stop Asset Sales petition. If I hadn’t known better I’d have said Mr Key was a glass or two off being refused wine service himself. His response seemed a politically desperate overreaction to news […]
So, what would get you marching in the streets?
Political activism is carried out for all sorts of reasons, by all sorts of people, in a variety of guises. The 1981 Springbok Rugby Tour divided families, households, workplaces … and the nation. Our current Prime Minister John Key “can’t even remember” whether he was for or against the tour, or the anti-Apartheid civil disobedience […]
Top Posts — April 2013
Some of the most-viewed posts, in order, at in April … John Key is getting a reputation as a liar Quantifying stalkers Watchdog issues warning about Sean Wood Property Tutors enterprise John Key toughens up? “Forearmed is forewarned (sic), I’m going to change.” Judith Collins promotes her tame attack blogger Tag: Cactus Kate How […]
Nice – Positive compilation of Russian dash cams
via @CateOwen
Aaron Gilmore ‘Who’s the dickhead?’ awards
National list MP Aaron Gilmore’s arrogance demeans all MPs. People get drunk and obnoxious, some every weekend. But thrusting your freshly-printed Parliamentary business card in the face of a waiter who has judged you to be too intoxicated for continued wine service, then proving it by threatening the have the Prime Minister’s Office (!) terminate […]
So, pilots can use iPads during take-off … when can we?
I remember posting the news way back in February 2011 that an airline had approved the use of iPads for flight plans (Had to happen: iPad approved for flight plans) then in July ’11, that Airbus offers iPad Electronic Flight Bag solution … but it’s been a long time coming. Yesterday I caught up with […]
Herp Derp. SPELLING, Mr Joyce.
Hey, I’ve published some deeply embarrassing typos in my time (some of them howlers) and I’ve been saved from more by eagle-eyed subs and copy editors, believe me. But that doesn’t make it less amusing when you see some other plonker miss what always seems so dead obvious after it’s been pointed out: Doh! The […]
Mourning public figures The Right Way
I stayed out of a spitting contest on Twitter where a couple of imprudently timed tweets by Matthew Hooton anticipating an electoral contest in Parekura Horomia’s seat, now that he’s died, sparked a tide of abuse. (Just shows a spin doctor/PR supremo like Matthew can mis-step, too.) Now, Matthew is perfectly entitled to try to […]
The irresistible urge to rewrite history
I read Glenn Beck’s comments over the weekend that he left Fox News “to save my soul” and thought: Really? Glenn Beck, ex-Fox News host turned media entrepreneur, said Friday that he left the conservative cable channel in order to save his soul: “If you stay in it too long, you become Norma Desmond,” Beck […]
Farewell Parekura Horomia. RIP
I watched a good tribute to Mr Horomia on Native Affairs last night. I guess it’ll be on their website soon. A shout out to Morgan Godfery who honoured him. Sincere condolences to Mr Horomia’s whanau and those many who loved him and grieve his passing now. – P
‘Taniwha’ — Nice use of language, Rudman
The road monster needs feeding again, oh woe, what will we do? For 50 years, Aucklanders have been trying to pacify this particular taniwha. We’ve criss-crossed the isthmus, with strip after strip of tarmac in his honour. But it’s never enough. Give me more, he growls, or I’ll bring your city to a grinding halt. […]
Matthew Hooton on John Key’s GCSB ‘recall problems’ and repeated failures to ‘come clean’
Interesting discussion on Radio NZ’s political panel with Kathryn Ryan this morning. I heard it in the car and thought I heard spin doctor Matthew Hooton suggest John Key’s ‘recall problems’ and his trail of repeated failures to ‘come clean’ has seen him lose the trust of the Press Gallery — trust he’d built up over […]
Ad as mini-movie
Nice tone. – P
Nicky Hager on why John Key’s GCSB scandal just keeps rolling
Journalist and author Nicky Hager (The Hollow Men, Secrets and Lies, Other People’s Wars, Secret Power — last mentioned on The Paepae here) knows a thing or two about the state security/surveillance apparatus … and leaks. He was recently interviewed for a spot on Radio NZ’s Mediawatch (14 Apr 2013) on the subject of the leaked […]