Author Archive
Read Nicky Hager’s search warrant
How we want it to be: How it sometimes is (click to read documents): Documents from New Zealand cops raided home of reporter working on Snowden documents by Glenn Greenwald and Ryan Gallagher (The Intercept). Worth reading to see how our government’s actions are perceived. – P
Why privacy matters: a TED talk by Glenn Greenwald
Comments about Eric Schmidt and Mark Zuckerburg — actions speak louder than their words. – P
Fran O’Sullivan calls for a wider inquiry into Dirty Politics allegations
Worth reading. Fran O’Sullivan says she told Cathy Odgers she was “damn angry about being drawn into a MH [Mark Hotchin] sting.” Well, well, well. I’ll put some comments up later. (It’s just too nice a Saturday morning to be blogging.) – P
Eric Clapton’s ‘Edge of Darkness’
Some Twitter buddies discussed a movie of Dirty Politics … … which reminded me of the spooky music Eric Clapton composed/performed for the tv series ‘Edge of Darkness’.
Let’s remember the real victims here
It looks like Nicky Hager is digging in for a fight with the police about access to the material they took from his house. An effort is being made to raise funds for his legal fighting fund. For details, and to donate, see: For reference, and because it’s interesting, here’s the audio (below) of […]
Dirty Politics author’s house raided. Ten hour search by five detectives. Police say he’s ‘a witness’.
This is a sobering development. Police raiding journalists who publish material which is politically embarrassing to the ruling party. Is this New Zealand? Not Russia or Zimbabwe? The timing of the raid (leave aside ‘after the election’) when Hager was away in Auckland, suggests to me he may have been under surveillance. At one level that […]
Dirty Politics: John Key confesses to secret relationship with campaign worker
In the aftermath of the National Party’s emphatic re-election to lead a coalition government in New Zealand, surprisingly little has been made of Party Leader John Key’s confession to a secret relationship. It was contact John Key admitted he was warned not to engage in. “I was told not to … I know I shouldn’t […]
Yellow Flicker Beat – live
This is impressive. One impressive ‘Australasian’. 🙂 Has Lorde got any imitators yet? Seems to me she is a hard act to ‘follow’. So distinctive. – P
There goes the majority
Proportional representation, New Zealand style.
A good discussion about interviewing politicians
I heard this on BBC Radio 4’s ‘The Media Show’ this morning, and thought, “That’s worth sharing” — and not just because it features my sole remaining favourite right wing vixen Louise Mensch. (Best line: ‘blood on the carpet’.) Sparked by a recent changing of the guard at BBC’s Newsnight programme, the discussion traverses various […]
The law of unintended consequences. Data security edition.
This report from Flashpoint: ‘Measuring the Impact of the Snowden Leaks on the Use of Encryption by Online Jihadists’ (available here as web page or PDF) concludes (SPOILER:) Meh, not so much. The Flashpoint report recounts how the use of encryption techniques by such groups — and the promotion by them of such techniques — […]
NZ General Election results
Congratulations to the winners, commiserations to those who missed out. These are the results as at close of counting 1:10am today. This is where the rubber hits the road in a democracy. Check for latest results. [link updated] {Fill the in the rugby metaphor of your choice here. e.g “game of two halves”, “better […]
Tim Cook denies ‘rumours’ of NSA back-door into Apple servers
This 3 minute excerpt of Apple’s CEO Tim Cook talking to Charlie Rose yesterday interested me for a couple of reasons 1) encrypted iMessages with Apple keyless and 2) his very strong denial of rumours/suggestions of NSA back-door access … ‘the Snowden thing’ (starts 2:10, but watch the whole 3 mins): Which accords with this […]
Eminem Publishers Sue New Zealand National Party
Ha! Those of us who thought, Gee, that sounds pretty close to Eminem … Will the real Slim Shady please stand up? – P h/t: Radio NZ’s Chris Bramwell
Allegations re mass surveillance by NZ’s GCSB
Here are the articles published by Glenn Greenwald and Edward Snowden about mass surveillance of New Zealand citizens by spy agencies that form part of the FIVE EYES intelligence alliance. These were released in the lead up to the anyway-you-look-at-it history-making event at Auckland Town Hall last night, ‘The Moment of Truth’ featuring Edward Snowden, […]