I would be so proud if I had any even vicarious association with this brave young woman who has overcome her struggle. Alas, I’m just another unconnected viewer who appreciates her courage and the way she delivered this message.
– P
I would be so proud if I had any even vicarious association with this brave young woman who has overcome her struggle. Alas, I’m just another unconnected viewer who appreciates her courage and the way she delivered this message.
– P
Nicely put … https://twitter.com/RealHughJackman/status/435083446344753153
This video could be entitled “Why poormastery will NEVER be a sickly liberal.”
It was pure torture to listen to this drivel until the end. I feel that I have been cheated out of 10 minutes of my life, which I will never get back. It is such an ugly performance that ii might just be disturbing enough to join the pantheon of sickly liberal crimes against humanity (of which Bono is enemy number one). Perhaps I should become a fundamentalist Christian, and advocate burning them all? I am tempted, although as the sickly liberal nightmare fades in my mind, I will probably eventually find my equilibrium again.
In essence, this speech beautifully encapsulates everything that is sick, depraved and wrong about sickly liberalism.
We live in a Universe that is potentially infinite. The 7 odd billion people living on this planet – and all the generations that have existed since man evolved from the monkey – have only have been here for a relative blink of an eye. We – all of humanity – are as insignificant as a grain of sand on the beach. We pass through life on this planet like tourists at the airport.
The chick speaks softly, but really, she is screaming an ideology, in a quite fanatical and disturbing fashion.
The philosophy in question is her right to worship the God of Solopsilism (with a capital S). She entreats all to join her at the Alter of self absorption.
She babbles about one thing or another, but in essence, her emphasis is “My life! My experiences! My sexuality! My pussy! ME! ME! ME!”. This earnest assault on the senses is pointless. If people don’t like gay people, or black people, or don’t like any “type” of people – this is up to them. Yet I sense it is not about converting anyone to her cause actually I think there is no cause as such). She is speaking to fellow solopsism worshippers. It is all about her.
I do not care that this chick presumably likes licking pussy. This is her business. Get on with it. All I ask is to be left alone from sickly liberal moralising.
What is disturbing is that she believes that her sexuality is somehow a deeply important issue for humanity.
Perhaps I should abadon my libertarian views and become passionately against all gay rights? I am not anti gay in principle, but it might be worth the price, to stop the pain of listening to sickly liberals whine in self absorbed fashion?
My 2 cents worth in an infinite Universe…
Well, poormastery, we see that differently. Thanks for watching it.
I would have expected a libertarian to take more of a ‘live & let live’ approach to this topic, rather than lose ‘equilibrium’ as you did.
Frankly, your use of the term ‘sick, depraved and wrong’, (if such use is not intended to be ironic) as well as ‘crime’, bewilders me.
What have you become to apply such perverse labels to human empathy and desire to help? Ayn Rand?
Ms Page, it seems to me, has every right to express things from her point of view, and if that expression provokes agreement, so be it … and if it provokes hostility such as yours … so be it.
My own feelings of empathy for people who experience oppression lead me to see what Ms Page did that day as courageous, and inspiring.
You may not agree, as you are entitled not to do.
– P
This article by Alec Baldwin is worth a read: Alec Baldwin: Good-bye, Public Life
While excoriating ‘the media’ (including left wing liberals in his contempt as well as Fox News types) Bladwin makes some good points about hate speech … and hate choking discourse.
Hi Peter,
“What have you become to apply such perverse labels to human empathy and desire to help?”
I suppose I prefer to apply my (admittedly limited) stock of human empathy to more worthy candidates. For example, I feel sorry for the civilians in sectarian wrecked Syria or civil war strewn Ukraine.
Do I have a huge stock of empathy for this girl’s problems? She lives in the wealthiest country in the world – the land of the free, and presumably she enjoys all the wealth and privileges that naturally accrue to this country’s elite. The allegation that someone may have been mean to her because she prefers girls strikes me as not so worthy of my small stock of empathy. Sorry, give me a break.
Of course, I do not seriously deny Ms Pages’ right to whine in self-absorbed fashion about people being mean about her sexuality, but I personally did not find her speech to be either courageous or inspiring.
People have arguments and make ugly comments every day. It is not usually worthy of grand speeches.
For example, I had a dispute today with the canteen staff. I had and fish (cold and stringy) and rice (dry). There may have been a couple of ugly comments exchanged. Perhaps I “oppressed” the cook?
The debate was shorter than Ms Page’s solipsistic monologue, but in summary, I am not sure either party in my canteen conversation were particularly courageous or inspiring.
Oppression is defined as “the exercise of authority or power in a burdensome, cruel, or unjust manner”.
I am unconvinced any of this qualifies.